Tell us about yourself, what are u looking for, any special roles?
How many do you got atm?
I was a "old" Dota Player, moved to Dota 2.
I dont care about a percentages of win or any statistics. I dont think you can judge a player with numbers.
So i dont ask any number: i want a Player; a Good Experiance Dota 2 Player.
What i mean for "Good Experiance":
1- This is a 5 vs 5 strongly based game, so i dont want any ProSoloSkilledImJhonRamboMyGoalIs90%WinRate
What i m asking is a strong propensity (and experiance) for teamwork and flexibility in the role.
2- Use your brain before fingers.
3- Guy who gonna try with team and dont flame-blame others, and enjoys playing.
Atm we are in 3.
Thanks all.
See you in game.
Europa, sure, I ll add you.
In any case my profile:
carry/hard carry player here,
and only specific supports.
add me if u dont mind me playing at 330ms ping on europe server
add me im an old hon player (3 years).. i play carrr/semi carry... sometimes i can also play supports
playing to have fun btw :)
You can try me if you want, no problems with semi-carry / carry role when other 4 players are normal.
I'm a really good carry especially when I play as bloodseeker and I have a tendency to learn other roles quickly if need be.
how bout I finally figured out how to play and have not had a chance to get my percentage up yet
This sounds some something for me, so i might aswell type something.
i mostly play support and have decen awereness, is crappy at spelling but i can talk so that i can understand me :) whould gladly play a few games to if we synergize :) bless!
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1) A guy who gonna try with team and dont flame-blame others.
2) A good Experience in dota 2
Add me, See you.