All the same guy, god knows how many accounts he already made. If you like raging team mates that will call you a retard be free to add him yo.
^mad crotian nerd guy with ugly face getting butthurt with kotl in every game
ty for bump thirdie
stop wasting your time with / against new players you retard and play on your main
no offence
I just want to know wut is the use of going 90% at 200 games, then they just abandon the account, or play 1 game every week just to let it be there on the top 50 winrate players
I did a smurf account before just to train on meepo/chen/visage, and went alright, except with meepo :P
It's funny how you're calling them nolifers while you're the one quitting school and playing doto 8 hours a day.
If hitler would return you would get a yolocaust so fuck off yoloswag with your racism you fucktard
I got someway for u guys, abandon the games early on, then when someone of the other team leaves, rejoin and finish the game, and it would count a win here, but it mmight be risky
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decent Wisp players add me for pub stomp