General Discussion

General DiscussionBots are OP.

Bots are OP. in General Discussion

    I've been getting really frustrated with bot matches lately. I generally go in to test heroes, item builds etc. and with certain bots this isn't a problem. Unfortunately, if you ever have Viper, Razor, Sniper or Necrolyte they will ALWAYS get fat as all hell and destroy the other team's bots; occasionally Windrunner as well.

    Viper is easily the worst, he generally has a dominating streak about 5-8 minutes in and continues this trend throughout the match. I don't mind so much when he's on the other team as I can curb this by killing him myself, but when he is on my team, he just destroys everything and I generally don't get a chance to test whatever I want to test because the enemy bots just run into him while he poisons them to death over and over again.

    As much as this isn't a major problem, it makes it pretty useless trying to test new heroes in bot matches, as no matter what level you put the bots on (easy, medium, hard etc.) the aforementioned bots always end up destroying the opposing team and pushing the pace of the game too quickly for you to feel like you can actually practice for matchmaking.

    Hopefully this can be fixed in the next update, because it makes it boring and frustrating to play bot games.

    Bot Tyrone

      Bots are easy as hell to beat, you just need a grain of skill. Although I do agree that the style in which bots play is incredibly retarded, 5 man doto after like 10 minutes is extremely difficult if you are new to the game, and of course when they run into your base past your t1 + t2 its pretty funny.

      What server do you play on, I'd be happy to help out.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        You obviously didn't read the post, I wasn't saying I have trouble against bots, I was saying that bots have trouble against the Viper, Razor, Sniper and Necrolyte bots and just feed them constantly.

        Bot Tyrone

          Ok then, I don't really see that happen because I always play mid (so against Viper/Necro/etc) and the opposing mid hero spends half the game at the t2 or dead.

          Arujin {ある人}

            Did you read his post?? Lol! He's complaining that the heroes he mentioned, get over powered when they're on his team.

            Bot Tyrone

              ^you didn't read my post either. If I am mid, then none of the heroes that he mentioned get to go mid, and generally have no impact on the game at all.


                Why dont you play 1vBots?

                TikTok Uncle

                  because you dont have to deal with fucktards in your team


                    Because of ping issues, and I train with my low skilled friends on combos, such as CK+Wisp, or some other combo


                      1vBots is a bit much, because at a certain point, they just 5 man around the map and it makes it impossible to kill them all. The point is that the bots I've mentioned snowball out of control super quickly when they are laning; I always go mid when I play bot matches and it has no effect on how quickly Viper etc. wipe out the other bots in lane.

                      It's likely because bots like Sniper and Viper are easy for bots to use, because they are auto-attack based and don't require successive nukes, chain stuns etc. which means the AI has no problem just following and auto attacking and the other bots are too stupid to just walk away or use their abilities. Overall, the AI just needs to be improved, or you should be given the option to choose the bots that the AI play, so you can exclude bots that snowball.


                        Just play bots on wc3 dota. If you want a real challenge play -xm mode 1v5, I don't think it's possible to win without a hero that can either siege/push well or cut creeps


                          Wouldn't mid only solve your issue then?


                            Play pudge/invoker against Bots, and see wut happens, THESE LIL HACKERS !!
                            THEY DODGE THE FREAKING SUNSTRIKES, WTF?!?! (90%dodge)

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                            Ming (Zufälliger König)

                              play with bots
                              pick slark


                                For me the funniest bot is trax... when in my team he dies like a retard for about 20 minutes, then you realize he has shadow blade and butterfly. Then you can guard the fountain, because he will win by himself.

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다