they try to make each side to compose of players having different skill levels. like each side to have 1 pro, 2 average and 2 noobs. if thats the case, the flaw is that the system does not know what hero will each player pick. so if the pro player picks a support the game will be pretty much decided in the long run.
So if someone with 2000 games decides to create a new account, after 100 games, he should be matched with those who have 100 games, or with those who have 2100 games?
Such smurfs should just die in hell. I always hated smurfing in every possible game. In MMO some uberfarmed highs created smutf acc and gave them all low lvl +202419049201940124 items and PKed the whole cities.
Here its fine after some games but on the beginning when u are meeting a guy on lvl 2 with actual 100 lvl and 5k games its pain in ass.
Solo queue uses a new rating. So your first couple of matches are probably going to have people with varying skill levels.
I'm not going based on wins online I'm just saying that the ones with little or no wins have no clue of what they are doing at all. I had a natures prophet come to my mind and feed and asking about what he should build and stuff I would rather have him stuck in base than even moving his character we won but that is cause undying got really fed.
I just had a few games where people were playing their first games(1-5 games played). I even checked their profiles which had multiple games and friends so not a smurf account. Whatever their system is i think is just to much effort to produce worse results than just any old come and play lobby. Valve stop hiring community college drop outs as developers.
Yeah I know even if it is separate rating. the way it balances the players is really off these players with low wins are not smurfs their actually new players they were even asking for advice.
"Here its fine after some games but on the beginning when u are meeting a guy on lvl 2 with actual 100 lvl and 5k games its pain in ass. "
What about those who played dota 1 for more then 5 years?
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I keep noticing that my latest solo queue games are composed of some one that has like 400 wins, another player with like 100 and the rest of the team hovers around 50-200 wins but then there is a filler player that usually has no games or only 1 win it has happened like 7 times in a row now. This is horrible since these new players don't know what they are doing at all these guys have not even played bot matches.
is there anyway having the solo match making looked at ?