General Discussion

General DiscussionMagnus needs a serious buff.

Magnus needs a serious buff. in General Discussion
❤ Ashley ❤

    He is too hard to play and everything requires skill on him, can we make shockwave follow the targets, empower buff 5 sec cooldown, skewer with 10 second cooldown, reverse polarity 60 second cooldown at level 3, and he doesnt even fit the tank roll, maybe increase str from 2.75 gain to 3.7?



      Gnome Chompski

        was funny when you posted this this 1st three times.

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
        dookie daddy

          Magnus is already one of the best team composite heroes in the game, giving him a buff would seriously cause some rage from the community.

          While some of these posts provide a moderate chuckle I really hope you aren't seriously having issues with playing these heroes.


            trolling posts provide a moderate chuckle for you ? that sux bro...

            dookie daddy

              It sucks? how so, explain.


                and u can skewer 5 heroes ,u forgot dis :(

                Papa Het

                  it's rape, he's just a hairless little troll. Just ignore him, he might go away if the kid loses the attention.


                    i hope u get banned for creating this topic

                    dookie daddy

                      That is why I said it provided a chuckle.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Lol again.


                          he is balanced.


                            Since i joined this fourm, I only facepalmed 9 times

                            ❤ Ashley ❤

                              he needs a slight buff