General Discussion

General DiscussionBest carry in DotA 2?

Best carry in DotA 2? in General Discussion
Kẻ Buôn Hành

    What hero do you guys think is the best carry?
    I think Pudge is.


      Pudge not even a carry.

      'Durable, Disabler'


        pudge is a carry but dps items doesnt make him carry. get your facts straight


          I'm just going by labels in game. Dota 2 doesn't know it's own carries?


          Anti-Mage Carry, Escape
          Storm Spirit Carry, Disabler, Escape, Initiator
          Ursa Carry, Durable, Jungler

          Kẻ Buôn Hành

            Nah i'm just kidding guys :P He is not a carry but he can be strong if he get fed in early game like my game. I sold my forcestaff and started to get DPS items lolz


              What is the definition of "best carry"?

              If the question is: What hero would you fear the most who is level 25 and has 100 000 gold I can name a few (the "best" depends on ally and enemy team composition, and farm/level on them):

              Split Pusher/Backdoor: PL, Furi, AM, Tinker, Lycan, Wisp+anybody
              Pusher: Sylla, Zet, Tiny
              Solo Killer from nowhere: Tinker, Storm, Furi
              1v1 kings: Void, CK, Naix, Tiny, OD, Sniper, Terrorblade
              Team Fighers: Xin, Magnus, Gyro, Medusa, WL (if no Cleave on enemy)
              Good if they killed a lot: LC, Pudge, Silencer

              Troll is good too

              Spaima Tiganilor

                Dumnezo sa-l futa pe Lifestealer,Phantom Lancer si Slark AMIN!


                  i will say jugg is the best carry.


                    ^ dis guy havent seen void or PL yet


                      @Vuk, in that context yes. But I think it is more interesting to look at it as, the hero in the game that can force the whole opponent team back and have them play defensively

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        If we are serious it's kind of AM or PL. If we are trolling then it's KotL.


                          Currently PL is really the hero that can just win the game solo late game while his team is just there for back-up...the best option for a PL team super late game is often to stay in the base and watch. He can make a bunch of images, send them in to take a tower and leave. Maybe the images are killed but they do some dmg, meanwhile he is in another lane doing the same thing, then again...the images can take your entire base down without PL himself ever coming within 2 screens of a tower.

                          Other heroes can take the base by themselves faster than PL...especially Lycan and Lone druid, but they have to at least go into the base to do it. It is possible stop them if you have the right ultimates. Void can chrono, bkb and rax you... that CD is long but if he just did that and then got out it would be pretty much solo winning the game, he is a lot slower to do it though.

                          The tinyiest mistake and Lycan can solo T3 and rax in mere seconds. If Luna has manta, bfly, divine...just that she can kill both T4 towers in less than 2 seconds...dps is about 6,000 with those items but it takes the glaives a little while to actually hit the bounces, otherwise the towers would be gone in less than 1 second. The throne will die in another 2 seconds if people are dumb enough to put heroes near it to catch bounces, otherwise it will take more like 5 seconds.

                          Nothing kills faster than trolls ult...when the whole team is attacking.

                          Any 6 slot late game carry hero can kill the base buildings in less than 10 seconds. The only thing that really matters is, can you get that hero to that position with those items to do it. Sven can kill a whole team with one attack if you get them nicely vacuumed and stunned together for him to do it. It just doesn't make sense to pick out a "best" carry. Which carry is best depends on which heroes are supporting it and which heroes it is supposed to kill.

                          Chaos Knight has the highest possible dps with no items of all heroes. Gyrocopter probably has the highest theoretical physical dps to the team, but his single target DPS is not comparable to most carries with the same items. IF PA gets super lucky on crits she has the highest single target dps, but on average her dps is relatively low for a carry. Highest average single target DPS is Alchemist because his BAT is so low. However, if Lycan gets necro 3, Vlads, Deso, his unit collectively do even more with his aura and howl. Razor has the highest single target DPS if you assume he has a full link charge and has already reduced their armor to -20 with his ult.
                          Kunka has the highest possible burst dmg to an aoe big enough to hit everyone without some kind of help to get them in a tiny space. He has to be the hero that gets the most one-hit rampages.

                          The question is really to situational to answer.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                          Penis Monkey

                            If you want a definitive answer I would say Void.

                            Try get Void against any other carry, both with 6 items (standard builds, not 6x divine), and try it. Chrono will almost guarantee a kill against anyone, and if you don't have it you still have your bashes and evasion that even dodges MKB.

                            Voids downside is that 1) chrono can REALLY backfire if used badly and 2) he doesn't have utility like many other carries have, if you beat him enough in the early he just won't settle into the game.


                              Void is best on 1 vs 1 situations against any hero. He can't always 1 v 5 ( but it is possible ).

                              PL Is the better carry, max out items, and he should be able to pwn a whole team.

                              Luna with max out items could probably do some great damage too vs pl.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                medusa full slot owns PL in new patch

                                TikTok Uncle



                                    Spectre ++


                                      To defeat void[considered best carry] farmed spectre or tiny wud be good bt if he gets a bkb ofc lowers his dps bt can kill easily in chrono.PL is better bec he has lane presence and can push effectively without risking his own life.PA just to squishy early game.AM needs a lot of farm to be effective.Sven with 6slots hits like a truck.


                                        in pubs (not cm) next patch, definitely medusa easily


                                          really hard to kill carries late game lvl 25 are spectre and medusa. Spectre not only tanky but also hurts you when you hit him and Medusa also uses mana as half of damage taken. However, good luck getting Medusa to that stage. If against good team, she will die and die and die.


                                            I really like Ursa, CK and Gyro but apparently the pro favourite if Lifestealer. Never want to give it away in eastern dota and in western it was most picked for qualifiers.

                                            So best carry for a team would be Lifestealer. Best carry for a pub would be spectre.

                                            Safe Base

                                              There was a Chinese video series that do some theory crafting, one of those was a 20minute Void vs Tiny. The video series is quite well known in the Chinese scene I think. They tested many different item setups for both to try to counter each other etc, the outcome was that Tiny won more often than Void. They included refresh orb build on void and every test fight the chrono landed on tiny, Tiny still won more often.

                                              Overall they are about the same. I'm not really sure why there are so many (non-troll) which hero is the best carry topics. It's very situational.

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                Everything depends on picks. There is no universal carry hero.

                                                Lasse Finishen



                                                    I play pubs, generally drow is an easy win/carry. Also Panda


                                                      In 1v1, nothing but spectre, #1 carry, rapes wutever armor/evasion/hp u got, u deal 1000 damage to her?
                                                      she returns much of it


                                                        It's situational depending on what your enemy plays. Overall Phantom Lancer is the best but this assumes your enemies do not have high AoE like gyro, OD etc. PL got insane survivability/escape early game, he farms quicker than most heroes, he is okay in early game ganks unlike some carrys like PA and lategame he can push 3 lanes at once and solo kill a farmed Void or Troll.

                                                        OD is my favourite carry. I play carrys almost all games and the biggest problem carrys face is early game weakness. Try playing a Void or PA versus a strong early game lane, you cant farm or stop them, you just watch when they push your towers and loose game. As OD you can gank really hard at lvl 6, you can stay mid and totally rape like 90% of enemy midlaners just because of your astral imprisonment and you deal massive damage with arcane orb / ulti in lategame. If you like carry please play OD just watch out for two things: silence and enemies with BKB!

                                                        No, Spectre is not the best carry, I play a lot of Spectre myself and versus a good team you will not be able to farm at all and you will be 1-2 levels behind everyone else and you cant really jungle to catch up in low levels. Who is the best carry with optimal full inv items is a vhildish and useless discussion as you never get to that stage anyways...

                                                        Oe more thing: carry is not ONLY about high right-click damage lategame, tahts a very one dimensional / simpleton way of viewing a carry. Its about being able to get to that lategame without gimping your team! Other "stats" that a good carry need are:

                                                        - survivability/escape (BH, PL, Spectre, Slark etc.)
                                                        - early game gank ability (SF, TA, CK, BH etc.)
                                                        - farmability (NP, Luna, PL, Alche, AM etc.)
                                                        - mid game utility (OD, SF, Luna etc.)
                                                        - late game dominion (Void, Troll, PA, Spectre, Medusa, PL etc.)
                                                        - pushability (CK, NP, AM, etc.)
                                                        and many, many more...

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                          spectre ofc


                                                            I love how there were a bunch of serious replies. It's obvious the guy only wanted to show his Pudge carrying in his silver bracket game :P

                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                              DS hardest carry in the game actually. Aghanim + Refresher wall is fucking good and imba.


                                                                6 heart centaur :). Lol at towers and enemy heroes killing themselves

                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                  sure 6x heart cent meets full items naix and out of shame kills himself.


                                                                    naix don't even need full items vs cent

                                                                    threads + basher/abyssal+armlet is more than enuff


                                                                      light are you relentless


                                                                        Phantom Lancer is obv. the best carry in the game. He cant get killed. I love staying in the jungle pushing 3 racks killing 5 heroes with just illusions xD all whilst im getting even more fat in the jungle.

                                                                        --- Sephiroth ---

                                                                          Skeleton King !!!


                                                                            unkillable ?

                                                                            say that to antimage with empower

                                                                            say that to gyrocopter with divine

                                                                            say that to pa/sven crits with decent dmg items

                                                                            prettysure even full build od with refresher could 2 shot him with double ulti

                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                              You know, this isn't a 1v1 game. In 1v1 Troll or Void kicks everyone's ass. But Troll is far from being the best carry in the game.


                                                                                No love for the hardest carry?, Phanton Assassin.


                                                                                  1. Killing Phantom Lancer is easy enough if you have any kind of teamplay & focus.

                                                                                  2. This topic wasn't opened as a serious topic he just wanted to boast about a good pudge game he had.

                                                                                  3. There is no "best" carry as each game may call for a unique hero choice to be able to effectively carry.


                                                                                    Vaikiss: Yeah, have fun with that when im IN THE JUNGLE, and ure popping es ulti, OD ulti, Sven MoM BKB Daedalus or whatever the hell u want! Gl killing me :D


                                                                                      Void hands down the hardest carry. PL's pretty good. My fav is Skeleton King.

                                                                                      Tanjirō Kamado

                                                                                        skill bracket: normal


                                                                                          Loda best carry

                                                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                                                            void, spec, medusa, am, morphling, (sven)


                                                                                              It's been said already, but I think Void is the best, just get battlefury and other 5 good items and you can solo kill all 5 of them!



                                                                                                you can only solo kill all 5 of them if they travel in a tiny little ball together for no reason at all.


                                                                                                  in lategame tiny can beat void 1v1 due to the passive. Void cant kill him even with Chrono


                                                                                                    > in lategame tiny can beat void 1v1 due to the passive. Void cant kill him even with Chrono

                                                                                                    BKB says hi

                                                                                                      이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.
                                                                                                      ❤ Ashley ❤

                                                                                                        skill bracket: normal

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