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    Can someone with dotabuff plus help me check my dbr rating? I have a feeling that my rating is super low. I am just a casual player go prefer semi carry cum ganker role. Prefer unpopular hero. Any recommended hero to specialize?


      DBR was removed
      I would give u 1100-1250 DBR


        A tip: sniper, spectre, zeus (sorta) & SB are all pretty bad heroes. I won't bother explaining why.
        Try any of these heroes instead. You may not get kills or win just by hoping that you are allowed to freefarm for 40 mins, but they're good heroes to learn core concepts with:

        Bounty Hunter
        Witch Doctor

        I knot not all these heroes are "cool" in the eyes of your average pub, but learning to play all of them well will make you a much better player. Watch YouTube videos by channels like PurgeGamers, LuminousInverse, ProfessorFierce, & Flipsid3Tactics to learn as many tricks & exploits as you can, since DOTA is a game of small advantages & mind games. If you want to "specialize in certain heroes, these are the best IMO:

        Shadow Fiend
        Queen of Pain
        Storm Spirit
        Lone Druid
        Bounty Hunter
        Nature's Prophet

        note that most of these heroes are either snowball mids or generally versatile. playing mid & ACTUALLLY KNOWING HOW TO PLAY A GOOD MID is a big part of winning pub games.

        SF, Storm & QOP are all great mids who require good mana management & can dominate the game with a good start. It's good to know what it feels like to control the entire game from 10 minutes on, since you will be able to play aggressively & learn what spells are deadly, who is easy to kill, how to balance farming & ganking etc etc.

        Lone Druid is a great hero in any lane (don't jungle) because of the fact that his bear is super tanky until late game, & you have to be able to control 2 units. This is probably the best way to get comfortable with control groups & microing. Once you feel confident with Lone Druid & you start too feel like playing him is an easy win, you can try playing Chen. Chen is not a good hero to learn support, but the fact that he's both micro intensive & a support hero will force you to combine the 2 hardest elements of dota in one game. Learning to play Chen requires a high level of game knowledge, micro, supporting skill & especially a team-oriented mindset. BH & furion are great heroes if you play them correctly, which means ganking over farming, helping with fights/pushes, & NOT ABUSING INVISIBILITY. Rubick is just a good support in any scenario (avoid playing him mid) & learning to steal spells will teach you how to predict when enemies will cast certain spells & how to position yourself for your own spells without dying.

        There's alot to learn, but It all seems quite obvious once you know it. That's probably why people rage at each other for not understanding specific things about dota.

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          i used to play sniper. but sniper is pretty strong if you get alot of farm from the start. otherwise he is really weak. so i stopped playing sniper.


            oh really so is any other carry


              yeah but some carries are more easily gankable than others

              Cykapath 传说中的猫龙

                Is there a carry full inventory/lvl that isn't easy to take down?






                      random all games and win


                        why is noone whinging about phantom lancer anymore


                          cuz he is shit always was and always will be ?

                          Cykapath 传说中的猫龙

                            There is allways a hype around heros that is increasing and decreasing, in TI2, no body even looked at naix, and siren was considered "OP".

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              so dotabuff plus does not show dbr anymore? does the plus version provide information on how good you are at certain hero in relation to the masses?

                              I think snowball mid heroes are too op for my liking.

                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!