I think it's better to give a good description about yourself and what you are looking for. It's like saying we are hiring at Pixar, must be able to draw. That's rubbish description mate. Anyone can draw so yeah description is important ;) and try reddit dota cause I only found Euro players only
and op is barely active.
added him looong time ago, and whenever i invited him for a game, "im with friends"
deleted long time ago lol
Well....thanks. Saved me the hassle of deleting you. I'm not impressed with your play and dotabuff score. So yeah.
Chill....i'm not going to TI3 or anything. Just matchmaking. Do i need to give a long and detailed job description to a.....i.e. a waiter? No.
Well I'm just trying to help out mate. Besides how would I or everyone know that you're looking for people to play with in pubs if you only and sepsifically said " looking for good players to play with "?
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Add me up if you think you fit the description above. Ty.