General Discussion

General DiscussionVisage OP for pubs

Visage OP for pubs in General Discussion

    The second least played hero in dota. they don't know how to play him, they don't know how to counter him. they don't know he can kill pretty much anyone at level 6. has semi-escape, semi-disable, semi-durability, advanced nuker being source of both physical and magical damage. having highest potential burst magic damage in game at level 1 for easy first-bloods. Pretty much universal hero, semi-countered by illusion heroes, but he even has aoe stun for them. If familiars are in danger, just make them invulnerable.
    what do you think?


      yes they dont kno hao plei him


        Well, Visage isnt too easy too play :)


          well alteast your wr getting better


            ye maybe u will get those 50% eventually


              Yeah, I kinda stopped experimenting and now I'm playing heroes I am good at. (that venomancer game is complete fail)


                visage gets pick a lot whenever i matchmake

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  dat 45% winrate for wisp :D

                  Papa Het

                    sb is the new op in pubplays. But the game isn't balanced for pubs, so pray for ghostscepter.


                      I don't think Visage is a pub stomp hero, I think you're just good with Visage. It's one of those heroes that rarely get played in pubs unless there's someone competent in the game, and so noobs don't know how to counter them. Since you also play Meepo and Puck with good win rates with them, I assume your APM is pretty good. Tinker's another noob-stomping hero, once they reach like 500 HP, Laser and Rockets for an easy kill.


                        He is very well rounded hero. He can do everything, but how well depends on the situation. Definitely not OP.


                          obv he's good since he's top pick in high tier games as well and you can lane him on solo in pubs easily since he scales from items quite well.

                          dunno what level pubs you play though if you think that nobody knows how to play against visage

                          Airi ♥

                            he's not op, but he's good. i apologize i ruined that visage name, i recognize his potential, but sh!tty teammates combined with connection problems plus i just dont play it good enough = losing record, but ill practice more

                            one thing i notice is that when you play visage, you must have at least a decent team around you, i mean, not all carries and force you to buy wards, courier, etc.
                            any half-decent opponent will focus fire on your bats, and if youre still not quick enough to stone form the bats, it's free 200 gold
                            visage needs microing, -ping should be around <200ms, as i play at around 400ms to 500ms 50% of the time, results in bad timing landing the stuns, flee away from physical attacks and such
                            very situational hero, not very good for solo mid (common mindset of pubs is that ranged heroes are mandatory solo mid)
                            might just use necrolyte or viper, better results with smaller microrequirements and can stand the test of lag lol (just stand there and can still kill heroes)

                            but overall, visage is really good, i love shiva on him, i love his potential, he's just not OP material ala spiritbreaker


                              As visage i mostly go on safe lane to support my carry. I often go fulll support, buy both wards and courier at the start, often start a game with consumables only.And it's fine. All I do is double-pull(dragging creep wave from one neutral camp to another), pull without stacking and attacking neutrals to kill them asap and let next camp spawn, I do this because it's more important to gain as much exp as possible then to deny as much as possible. This is my only source of gold and experience until level 3, when I often set up a kill. So I go till level 6 , after which I start roaming from lane to lane( of course If my lane is won and carry doesn't need support at this point) and try to destroy enemies advantage on those lanes, If my team is winning all lanes , just make our advantage bigger, hunt in the jungle if they have a jungler, smoke-ganks , etc.

                              About familiars, you are absolutely right, they are not focused when there is you. which is kinda right, you shouldnt fight fully charged familiar, ( I once had a situation, I died and stoned my familiars, that pudge stood there waiting for them to wake up, and in 2 seconds pudge dead). So, on pubs, your actual foes are ones that can destroy your birds without focusing, omniknight can instakill your birds at level 7 , also dont attack axe , so on.

                              But I still think visage is very universal hero fitting a lot of situations.

                              BTW I play with 300 ping mostly.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                              Airi ♥


                                now i get it, so that's what i am lacking, double pull, ill keep an eye on that
                                may i request for a replay of yours? something that can demonstrate good early-game for visage

                                i get the point that i must not feed the birds to the likes of axe, kunkka, omniknight etc, anything too physical (damage lol) for the birds
                                but what i hate the most about pub games (which i cannot avoid, i'm just a pubber too) are leavers, i mean you throw all your efforts not to get all lasthits on creeps and heroes (unles theyre about to escape) on your carry and lanemate, then suddenly they abandon the game, which really sucks, no gold, no teammates to rely, no nothing
                                so maybe i might study more on creep pulling so i dont depend much on shity teammates

                                that's the difference of a visage to the likes of slark, spiritbreaker, or shadow fiend to an extent
                                visage is not op, youre just too good hahah
                                visage is like courting a very beautiful girl but is so very demanding, you must put all the attention, money and time on her just to get a score on her haha
                                when i can settle for a necrolyte (also my favorite on dota 1), just clean last hitting, shed some blood(stone) and were all set, no more drama, not much demand lol

                                thanks for the advice though, how can i commend you? =D

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                dookie daddy

                                  I rarely play him but won't repick him if randomed. Easy to learn, hard to master.



                                    Yeah, he's not OP , but becomes ultimate pubstomper once mastered.

                                    About double-pulling, it's not hard at all(especially on the radiant(you just have to cut one tree),for a ranged hero). I played my last game a week ago, but if replay isn't available I will explain what's it about.

                                    Average damage output of a creep wave (3 melee + 1 ranged) is 100. Neutrals will follow you for about 7 seconds after you attack them. so , if if HP of neutrals from the primary pull camp falls below 600, it's probably time to drag the second camp neutrals. there are also some other things to measure. like, wolf camp will probably kill at least 1 of your creeps so their dps decreases. also armor, each point of armor increases effective HP against physical damage by 6%. So don't hurry with golems.

                                    best way is to drag medium camp from the north on radiant. you have to cut 1 tree there(you can also drag a large camp, but its harder, and probably not efficient).

                                    On dire , only camp you can drag is large camp from south-west of the primary pull camp. Which is a bit hard because of the distance, but possible though.

                                    About leavers, there's probably nothing you ca do about it, except not giving a shit and maintaining careless mood.