General Discussion

General Discussionbunch of fucking retards on my team holy fuck

bunch of fucking retards on my team holy fuck in General Discussion

    could have won the game for them by myself instead they ks and wait til im about to die to get kills only to just fucking feed typical Dota bullshit anyone who has anything negative to fucking say to me on this thread likes to shove dildos up their asses! fuck you all


      1- Lose a game
      2- Get mad
      3- Make a thread about how bad your team is
      4- ???
      5- Profit

      OMg omg omg omg look i lost this game because my team is so stupid :(((


        so how many at a time?


          played with some smart people


            1. solo queue
            2. lose
            3. cry


              so sheboz likes 5 and hontrashplayereu likes 3


       this idiot lina complaining to me saying im dumb all game then says I am stupid because I didnt buy bkb against this team lol it saddens me how stupid all of you are


                  Haha how this guy thinks he's good, his most played hero's are slark, drow , riki and bounty. And doesn't even have 50% win rate. Go flame somewhere else son.

                  waku waku

                    If you look at my recent matches you'll see that a lot of them were me queuing solo and losing even though in almost all of them my stats were better than half of my team

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      I didnt see that food for thought

                      waku waku

                        ok :(


                          mm bracket very high and still I'am playing with gj valve

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                          Sōu ka

                            thinking you should be playing with good people just by the merit of being in very high makes you look really bad


                              KrZyMoFo i must agree with that lina, i find u somewhat dumb, no hard feelings. Every post i see by you i just cry laughing, never ever use comma or dot, i don't know how this people understand u even. The midas thread u said that midas is good if you are ganking, the stupidest argument i've ever seen, really. And all of your other posts are an apsolute failed arguments, im not sure if you are trolling or just being ... really.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                ahaah look at the enemy team why the fuck would I need a bkb and I hate to break it to you sunshine but there are so many grammatical errors in your sentence and you are trying to pass off as smart plz buddy give me a fucking break LOL I actually can write perfectly I just choose not... there are a lot of things you dont know in how to write I hope one day someone teaches you then maybe you can pass off as a smart guy I dont care if idiots cant figure out when to take breaks in my sentences


                                  and for NP being great for ganking with midas you see when you farm you get more exp you lvl faster so when you gank during the cd of midas you collect more gold by killing people you obviously dont know how to snow ball heros so plz direct yourself into on coming traffic thanks


                                    heres some more idiots who dont know how to gank

                                    Sōu ka

                                      at least they don't get 2 butterflies but whatever, you probably got a second because the first was broken and didn't give you the promised evasion


                                        I wanted to attack faster

                                        Sōu ka

                                          thats not the item you wanted


                                            yea it is it gives me agility and dmg

                                            Sōu ka

                                              ya it really was the best item you're right


                                                also I think it gives me 46.71% chance of evasion

                                                Sōu ka

                                                  should have gotten 3 then


                                                    I probably would have replaced my mask of madness with another one :P

                                                    Sōu ka

                                                      evasion does not fucking stack by the way


                                                        I didnt say it did

                                                        Sōu ka

                                                          also I think it gives me 46.71% chance of evasion


                                                            thats not stacking

                                                            Sōu ka

                                                              thats what stacking means


                                                                if it stacked then the evasion would have a 70% chance

                                                                Sōu ka

                                                                  it would also be stacking if it was diminishing returns


                                                                    I'd like to actually know what the protocol says

                                                                      이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.
                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        Fucking useless retarded thread.


                                                                          ok I will now respond to you with the ultimate insult ... Your face!

                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                            Lol mad kid.


                                                                              linkiens/SNY slark no wonder u lost rofl trash idiot


                                                                                I play slark better than you



                                                                                  You realize that Linkens's can be purchased for every hero when you're playing against a fight turning spell or a one target Initiate (Doom,Venge,Batrider,Etc...) Soo.. Yeah go back to your Mask of madness/Bash first item build :D
                                                                                  Not saying it's a bad build.


                                                                                    -plays ursa and owns other team
                                                                                    -my team has a bounty hunter, he buys divine and bam loses then makes ANOTHER divine and loses it OMFG.
                                                                                    -we lose

                                                                                    dumb teammates so dumb, he was walking around without aegis onto it...


                                                                                      Dont hef to be mad


                                                                                        @[o] Moochi

                                                                                        This is called YOLO!


                                                                                          I need link [o] Moochi