General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 should of been created by Blizzard

Dota 2 should of been created by Blizzard in General Discussion

    Don't get me wrong , I like valve curent product , but still I think Blizzard would have made a better job .
    -Servers get down very often
    -once 5-6 games I disck wich results in death
    -some heroes didn't keep their original name
    -2 years in beta still has problems
    anybody else share the same opinion ?


      -id never pay 20E a month to play dota. no matter how good the quality would be.
      -i wonder how an auction house styled dota would be
      -blizz would propably be too proud to hire icefrog
      -its a volvo habit to turn small community made games into high budget franchises

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        should of?



            @2nd post

            small community made games ? :D dota had one of the biggest (if not biggest) community and player base of all games


              @2nd post
              -only wow has a montly fee , and it's another type of game.
              -prety much like valve
              -where is money they fuck their pride...they did not forseen the potential of this game , and had other projects...d3 or starcraft
              -dota had a big community , valve did not started from 0. Hon comunity and LoL had their initial player base from Dota.


                Blizzard is one of the worst developers right now. The only good people they had were from Blizzard North, and all those people left. BLIZZARD IS SHIT. Name one good game they have made in the past 10 years. Answer: None. SC2 isn't even close to as good as BW, and Diablo 3.... That was god. I shouldn't have to say.


                  SHOULD OF


                    you're also fucking retarded, did you see diablo 3 launch? don't kid yourself that blizzard would have done a better job with dota and probably it would be like LoL is where we have to pay for fucking heroes.


                      nvm i saw your avatar, it all makes sense now.

                      ps holy shit triple post


                        blizztard is a huge fucktard company.


                          -Servers get down very often
                          * I'm not sure what very often means to you, but I've been playing dota 2 since January and only seen the servers down twice, with the longest only being about 10 minutes.

                          -once 5-6 games I disck wich results in death
                          * That's your problem, not valve's. Get a better internet, or stop playing on the US server. You're clearly not from the US.

                          -some heroes didn't keep their original name
                          * And blizzard WOULD OF [lol] changed all their names.

                          -2 years in beta still has problems
                          * That's what beta is for. To fix problems. A lot of games are in beta for a few years, especially mmo's. And they will always have problems. As long as the problems are being fixed, there is nothing to complain about.


                            its no longer beta

                            Are You A Wiiizard?

                              -Valve have servers in Australia, whereas Blizzard haven't after a decade? 270 ping on WoW, there's no way I'd want that on Dota 2...
                              -Pretty sure that's your internet...
                              -Yes, that is quite annoying, but for some I can see why, new players won't be able to distinguish heroes well just by name, having their race helps identify the hero. I'm not sure what Blizzard would have done.
                              -And Blizzard spent 8yrs making StarCraft 2 with only a small amount of time for beta testing. I'm sure getting to play the game 2yrs early with some bugs is better than waiting... If you didn't think the tradeoff was worth it, you wouldn't be playing now...


                                yeah sure they spent 8 years creating starcraft 2 :D

                                they also spent 39 years creating wow

                                and 71 year creating warcraft 3


                                  @Vaikiss`742. @Ciprian[LNI]

                                  are you guys for real? where do you think team fortress 2, counter strike and day of defeat crawl out of? Dota is not the only game made by gamers you blind fools


                                    and ? u think tf2 has anything to compare with dota2 ? theres over 10 million dota players (back in like 2009) and numbers since then increased im prettysure w3 dota is still atleast as half as popular as it was before dota2 and dota2 having 300k online at peak times every single day

                                    look @ steam statistics for tf+cs+dod all of these 3 combined can't even catchup dotas numbers on steam not to mention chineses from perfect world server not counted neither w3 players who still in dota1



                                      WHAT THE HELL does any of that have to do with this damn post?! the original poster asked if any believed blizz should ve made dota 2, i make some valid points and correct you for your wrong assumption. and your comeback is comparing those 3 games in terms of popularity. good going genius.


                                        lets get real

                                        every single game blizzard released was gold

                                        valve well they didin't made anything theirselves they just published the already made games and added more hats into them so yeah

                                        Ples Mercy

                                          *looks at diablo 3*

                                          Nawp. Valve 4tw.





                                            valve hires the people behind small time mods (above mentioned games), gives them considerable budgets and professional game developers to grow their games further, and also provides them with places to work with solid income. by all means, let me know what blizzard did that promotes the gaming industry.


                                              yeah diablo 3 sure was gold


                                              Woof Woof

                                                diablo 3 best 3hours of my life ever

                                                Sugar Show

                                                  Blizzar have already Dota 2 starcraft and nobody plays it.


                                                    And Add that no rating/ranking something that blizzard would have at once like warcraft 3 ladder! Sure Blizzard is way superior company than valve and experienced with games that get million players online at the same time (like wow). Valve is very low and casual. I Would prefer pay 60 euro to buy dota2 and have a perfect game with rating/ranking/all heroes/same names that had in d1 than play this farse. Anyway 2 years in beta from the 1st time i hope from improvement. Lets see if valve can make the king of e-sports the real king or if it fails to it.

                                                    Edit: 60 euro to purchase it 1 time for lifetime no payment each month. Its not an RPG game like warcraft 3 ladder known to dota players as

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                      people judge Blizzard by diablo3 , but they forget the great games that Blizz made : Starcraft , d1/d2 , Warcraft 1/2/3 + add-ons and wow , one fail and now the company is shit ?


                                                        why wow losing players ? because there is many great f2p mmos so u can play them instead of paying monthly fees for wow
                                                        why sc2 losing players ? because casuals who can't get better playing other games but theres still same amount of pros in sc2 scene
                                                        why diablo 3 losing players ? because of buggs like items dupe , AH exploits to make trilions of gold and so on

                                                        implying volvo makes no buggs in their game (dota2) if there was as much buggs in diablo3 as there is in dota2 people would have quitted that shit long time ago


                                                          also if judging blizzard from point of diablo3

                                                          lets judge valve from point of allien swarm or l4d (both sucks)


                                                            im done with this thread


                                                              SC2 was a failure, latest wow expansions have been failures, diablo 3 was a failure. if they had delayed hots any more SC2 would have probably died out.


                                                                Dota 2 had more bugs than all Blizzard's games combined.
                                                                Over 1000 bugs atm + it's increasing every day. The worst thing about it is that 80% of those bugs can easily be fixed in less than a week and fixes applied in the next update. But they don't give a fuck.

                                                                @*MKI* Megaman
                                                                Only 2 times since January? How often do you play? Twice per month?
                                                                They were offline twice today, both times for more than 15 minutes. And that was only when I was playing, about 3-4h. They go offline 10 times per day.

                                                                Game is full of bugs, crashes a lot, servers fail too often, shitty matchamaking, shitty punishment system, no ladder... While the store gets 20 new items per day and a new type of chest appears.

                                                                What else to say? I would gladly pay a monthly subscription for Dota if Blizzard had made it.

                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                  Hotkey breaks too often!!!!! Sometimes I hit the keys "too fast" and the hotkey stops working unless I invoke another spell. This never happens in dota 1

                                                                  Overall, I think steam is doing a decent job.

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                    blizz would never make a montly fee on dota , they would probably ask for 30-60 euros to buy it....and what the hell is with ''wow it loses players''...ofc it does , has shitty graphics from 10 years ago , same gameplay etc.

                                                                    @*MKI* Megaman


                                                                    this are just 2 examples from last week , where the servers dropped, one team get's the losses. it's not my internet conection since all the players droped.

                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                      Error 37



                                                                        latest dota2 patches with more hats and even more buggs , and retarded mute system is complete fail too
                                                                        tf2 updates with hats and other shit was complete fail

                                                                        oldschool cs games losing players too just like wow or sc2 lol

                                                                        sc2 wasn't fail it was awesome rts thats why it was top notch competitive rts game for last couple years noone made better one to compete with it

                                                                        diablo3 was fine done it had monsters to kill like diablo2 it had classes like diablo2 it had items bosses chapters and other shit

                                                                        and it had its own additions that made game unique from diablo2 so it was good but kinda unfinished or atleast not what majority of players expected


                                                                          > Dota 2 had more bugs than all Blizzard's games combined.
                                                                          > Over 1000 bugs atm + it's increasing every day. The worst thing about it is that 80% of those bugs can easily be fixed in less than a week and
                                                                          > fixes applied in the next update. But they don't give a fuck.

                                                                          That's because Dota 2 is the only popular game in which players actually took the time to make a list of bugs. Other games, the kid gamers don't care and think that their god BLIZZARD will fix everything for them so they don't need to get involved. If anything, this list proves the passion Dota players have for their game.

                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                            blizzard are making and about to release dota all stars. I'm sorry none of you have heard of it, making OP's question sort of redundant.


                                                                              blizzard allstars =/= dota

                                                                              it will never prevail it won't even get 1/10 playerbase of dota

                                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!