General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: darkseer and abaddon

    Bad: anti mage

    Low Expectations

      good; nice rubik stats
      bad: few heros played


        Good: BH Wr%
        Bad: Invoker wr%


          Good : Invoker KDA
          Bad : Really reallly really large hero pool

          Bad Intentions

            good: 60% wr
            bad: 94 games..


              Good: KDA.
              Bad: WR < 50.


                Good : plays with TA
                Bad : Doesn't play with Lina

                Expose The Nose

                  Good : really likes those female heroes <3 sexaayyyy
                  Bad : kdas are meh based on past few games


                    Good : Getting that 50% winrate on all your most played.
                    Bad : Most heroes under that have 30-40% winrates, longest lose streak is longer than longest win streak


                      Good : That Invoker <3
                      Bad : WR T_T

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                      Rubber dinghy rapids bro

                        Good : 73% WR over 50 games on tide with decent KDA
                        Bad: : Not too many heroes played


                          Good: plays a bunch of heroes

                          Bad: Plays PA too much


                            Good: Nyx assassin
                            Bad: Overall winrate and solo mid heroes

                            nebunu la jokuri 77777

                              Good: winrate and kdas
                              Bad: stacks sooo much


                                bad : dk on slump

                                gud : dk have ice3


                                  bad: Terrorblade

                                  good: Overall WR with the heroes, nice

                                  bum farto

                                    Good: An experienced Rubick player.
                                    Bad: Rubick not always viable, work on some other supports as well.


                                      Good : wide hero pool
                                      Bad: loves axe

                                      Bad Intentions

                                        good: neat avatar, invoker
                                        bad: wr


                                          good: many games with different heroes
                                          bad: win rate
                                          misc: omg slardar


                                            good: decent win rate for the amount of games you've played.
                                            bad: win rate could have been higher since you've played less than 300 games..

                                            COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                              Good: Timber and Meepwn

                                              Bad: Furion


                                                good: friends winrate stats
                                                bad: not every friend you play with is registered in dotabuff, what is actually sad

                                                nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                  Good: so much support!
                                                  Bad: Pretty bad kdas, although you're support player so it's fine

                                                  TOC | Amanda Dermichknutscht

                                                    Good: Best KDA 50.00 wtf bro

                                                    Bad: You bought more Midas than Tp scrolls

                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                      good: wr
                                                      bad: avg kdr


                                                        Good: You love melee chars!
                                                        Bad: You've never played OD?!? (but as a real answer: overall WR is kinda low for that many games)


                                                          good: Viper winrate & kda
                                                          bad: Invoker winrate

                                                          nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                            Good: impressive winrates and kdas
                                                            Bad: not even 1 hard carry in the top heroes

                                                            Robbo the Blind

                                                              Good: Builds utility Doom
                                                              Bad: TA winrate, SF winrate, only plays carries


                                                                Good : Gd winrate and kda mirana

                                                                Bad : below ave winrate windranger

                                                                Bone Chilling

                                                                  Good: zombie
                                                                  Bad: bot

                                                                  love for the a7be

                                                                    Good: Overall impressive win rate
                                                                    Bad: Hasn't played Pudge in a while


                                                                      Good : Midlane heroes
                                                                      Bad : Support


                                                                        good:plays supports.
                                                                        bad:plays Barathrum


                                                                          Bad : AKKE DOTO BEST DOTO

                                                                          Gud : no treant pls

                                                                          Low Expectations

                                                                            Good: good KDA on most played
                                                                            Bad: narrow hero pool


                                                                              Good: tyrion lannister

                                                                              Bad : Trial by combat :(



                                                                                BTW im pretty new to the game and play with friends,who give me the carry role although,as you can see,i do play some invoker and storm spirit.


                                                                                  Bad : sir rat doto?

                                                                                  Gud : Wow new player and play invoker, nice


                                                                                    Good: Your record for tower damage per minute is pretty sick
                                                                                    Bad: Your winrate with some of my favorite heroes =P (pudge and OD)

                                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                                      good: new player, good viper start
                                                                                      bad: inexperienced? smurf? both?

                                                                                      i'm not gay but $10 is $10

                                                                                        Good: Bloodseeker, I love his passive ability<3
                                                                                        Bad: One-button heroes, it's too poor if you play with them.

                                                                                        [DFG] Whale King

                                                                                          Good: Dedicated to invoker! That's cool!
                                                                                          Bad: Your last game was as riki...


                                                                                            Good: storm kda ratio
                                                                                            Bad: stop playing with my waifu plz. U suk at doing so

                                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                            [DFG] Whale King

                                                                                              If you mean drow, she was my first games when I started dota a few years back :) When her aura had effect on ranged creeps passively and ult was always active.
                                                                                              Good: Way better at drow
                                                                                              Bad: I still think drow is a bit of a bad hero even when I'm not the one playing, that being said you have some impressive stats

                                                                                              AND WHAT FLUX SAID :)

                                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                Good; Impressive slark games

                                                                                                Bad: That Huskar win rate :(


                                                                                                  Good; storm spirit fetish :))

                                                                                                  Bad: bad total win rate :(


                                                                                                    GOOD PLAYS SUPPORT I GUESS

                                                                                                    BAD ALL GAMES PROB PLAYED IN NON RANKED WOULD OF BEEN 3k OR LESS LEVEL

                                                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                                                      Good: i like ur name, total wins, veteran
                                                                                                      Bad: BUT you're playing in the minor leagues boy! (US Servers) come down here in SEA!