General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    g: dat timbersaw
    b: fokken normal skielz


      g: last match 10months ago

      b; fokken timbersaw

      jess the goat

        good: fokken timbersaw

        bad: fokken timbersaw in top heroes played


          Good: Pretty good mid lane stats, nice Pudge winrate.

          Bad: Dragged a game for 1 hour and a half with Techies. Lost game as well.


            Good - Nice support and kda, your golem so hottttt :)
            Bad - Need to learn the Windranger's shackleshot :(


              Good: Cockwerk makes me orgasm
              Bad: Play more!


                Good: winrate and played every hero
                Bad: Average gpm/xpm


                  G: top win rates and kda.. Plays less support

                  B: windranger


                    g: invoker player(like me), timber with WTF win rate
                    b: low number of games and normal bracket, prob smurf or new player


                      G: More than 3000+ matches played
                      B: Low OD kda


                        Top 3 heroes show tremendous reliability in support, and also amazing player overall @ that position.
                        Spams Skywrath Mage more then I as CM back in the day ;D

                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                          g allrounder
                          b got nothing bad to say


                            G: dem TA skills, u wagamama? :)

                            B: A lot of losses lately, thats about it

                            Low Expectations

                              G: Plays all positions
                              B: How can u have so low winrate at imbasaw?


                                Good: Successful in many positions.

                                Bad: 13 games long loss streak. How do you guys manage to do this? O.o

                                Edit: We are getting closer and closer to 10k posts boys!

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  Good: Warlock and Viper winrates
                                  Bad: Few ranked games in "normal skill"?


                                      ^don't mess up the thread with your russians links shithead
                                      Good: 60-64% winrate in last 1 month. neat. and ofcourse the kunka and all the kda's on top heroes.
                                      Bad: not too many.. bounty and rubick maybe.idk


                                        Good: veteran SEA VHS, seems to play every role, nyx and rat with good wr
                                        Bad: that last game with sven :\, no lesh :\


                                          Good: clinkz wr
                                          Bad: midas on invoker (last match) :P


                                            G: invoker player.. 698 matches must be so experienced

                                            B: bad carry pa :(


                                              g: honest about smurfing, enjoying the benefits of starting all over again

                                              b: the need to make a new account, more ranked games needed to learn from the wrath of number hungry whxres



                                                dont why people calling me a smurf...

                                                g; overall stats

                                                b; wat a scrub mirana


                                                  Still dont know which nerve i hit, are u on meds? And why are u posting 3 times a page?

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    who you ? a admin of the internet.. i will post or spam as much time i want ... little asian shit


                                                      okay u win for the sake of ending my interaction with an high inflated ego, badass. if i had seen your last thread i wouldnt even reply to you in the first place capslock master. you are way over my level of forum coolness, cant compete.

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                        g eu west, vhs, potm veteran
                                                        b too much normal games

                                                        Make love, not flame

                                                          G: eu west -cm ranked, that TA mid must be pain to play against
                                                          B: still didnt meet you(?), have to keep rising I guess:)

                                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                            g: what you said minus the TA part, amazing win rate and all top hero stats
                                                            b: still didn't own you?

                                                            Do you draft?
                                                            Wha mmr are you?
                                                            My DB+ expired and I can't afford a new one, so I can't check if we played.

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                            Make love, not flame

                                                              G: is right I'm amazing, is also amazing and has nice kda zeus
                                                              B: thinks he can own me

                                                              I do maybe 1/3 of drafts, usually win. Btw. does dotabuff+ show winrate as a captain?
                                                              Just got from 2.8k to 3.9k, keep rising same speed +- 450mmr in 100 games. You draft, mmr?

                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                g all rounder
                                                                b thinks I can't own him

                                                                I do most of the drafts, only when someone clicks faster I don't draft. And when I play with my friend we draft together.
                                                                Nope, it doesn't have that feature...
                                                                5057 current, 5085 best, 3000 starting.
                                                                Played cm only, mb 10 games of ap. Acc had 204 wins, 208 loses when I started to use it. Never calibrated on my original account, it's still level 10.


                                                                    Fuck shifteckiy.


                                                                    Good: Great mid laner stats.

                                                                    Bad: Except Invoker, but then again you don't spam him. Also dragged a game as naga for more than an hour.

                                                                    @Coco Those games I was playing with a really shitty stack. Unfortunately my supporting skills aren't good enough yet to carry them with a CM.



                                                                      Good: You're a pretty funny and nice person on Dotabuff - You haven't played Meepo, TA, Ursa, and Tinker - The general color of your most played heroes is comforting (if that makes sense) - US East buddies <3

                                                                      Bad: Highest Tower Damage is low - How can you have 40% winrate with Necrophos? - Bad losing streak recently, atleast you seem to be getting out of it.


                                                                        Good : Kda on top heroes and general winrate. Looks like you like to snowball.
                                                                        Bad: no love for supports. also stuck in high/normal bracket(?).


                                                                          G: nice mirana and a decent nyx

                                                                          B: recently losing a lot of ranked games

                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                            G: Nice KDR and W/R overall
                                                                            B: Surprised you haven't moved to high/very high yet with those stats


                                                                              G: winrate obviously smurf
                                                                              B: Normal bracket game? :((

                                                                              go keep it up make me proud


                                                                                G: strong stats overall
                                                                                B: stacking smurf


                                                                                  G: winrate and those mid heroes. wow
                                                                                  B: Rubick,lifestealer and naga needs more love.


                                                                                    Good: Your hero pool seems to be pretty spread out. Well done.

                                                                                    Bad: You seem to lose late game A LOT (Based on your scenarios: Matches >50 minutes and >60 minutes). Maybe you could improve on decision making then?

                                                                                    Optimus Drip

                                                                                      g: you like supports
                                                                                      b: bad win rates for top heroes


                                                                                        Good: Spread hero pool. Axe at 80% is pretty cool

                                                                                        Bad: Bad win rates for top heroes


                                                                                          Good: 4.45 KDA and 67.86% wr on elder titan, which is impressive
                                                                                          Bad: 45% wr on dire side

                                                                                          NextStep ®

                                                                                            G: Ranked winrate

                                                                                            B: High skill. ( Grind more. You're doing fine. )

                                                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                              g: Best zombie player?, great win rate
                                                                                              b: too much difference between dire and radi win rate, bad TA


                                                                                                g;nice ta and a decent sf

                                                                                                b; dat invoker


                                                                                                  G~global winrate, Invoker
                                                                                                  B~skill bracket

                                                                                                    이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                                                      +: you play Grand Magus a lot, one of those heroes who can really turn the fight!
                                                                                                      -: You spammed a lot of Techies and made a few people suicide out of rage