General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: Rihana Picture
    Bad: Can only win with pro wisp players.


      Good: 3k+ games

      Bad: You compared Naga Siren to Lady Gaga.

      Moja Moja


        Good: Most played heroes are supports.

        Bad: Lost most of his recent games when playing the carry/hitter


          Good: Pugna in most played heroes.

          Bad: So is Riki, Huskar, and Sniper.


            Good: Nice win streak and insane last hit record.

            Bad: Bad win rate on micro heroes (Meepo, Enchantress, Chen, Visage)


              Good: Some very nice Huskar and timbersaw games (love a good timbersaw player)

              Bad: Hero with the highest games played has pretty low win rate.


                Good :Nice ursa
                Bad : winrate

                bum farto

                  Good: Enjoy watching his games as he is a competent, sound player given any hero.
                  Bad: Tends to be egotistical and eats a lot of snacks.


                    Good: 10/10 support would play with
                    Bad: static item builds

                    Ples Mercy

                      Good: Plays alot of heroes
                      Bad: Furionpickaaaaahhhhhhhh


                        Good: Have won most of your games involving your records.

                        Bad: You have suspiciously stopped playing the space cow and BH after they both reached 69 games.


                          Good : support playeeeeeer
                          bad : roooof! :D


                            good: 1337 wins!!!!
                            bad: how about some support? (exept wisp :S)


                              Good: Support
                              Bad: NP playa.

                              Jooka Peanut Butter and C...

                                Good: Nice win rate

                                Bad: Doesn't solo queue often

                                MID SHADOW FIEND

                                  good: winrate
                                  bad: only play carries
                                  top hero magina


                                    shadow raze
                                    good: tries to smurf
                                    Bad: fails


                                      good: topic starter
                                      bad: lost 2 games after l337 wins


                                        Good: HOLY JESUS YOU HAVE A LOT OF GAMES PLAYED... Also good invoker
                                        Bad: Kind of sad you haven't gotten like more than a couple games over .500 by that point with all those games but ah well, also stop playing heroes for 100s of games when your winrate is only 40% with the hero I mean.

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


                                          Good: Your KDA with Nature's Prophet is off the charts. 5.54 is impressive.
                                          Bad: 8 Aliases? Do you get banned a lot or something?


                                            Good: Shadow Demon most played.

                                            Bad: You always build Vanguard on Viper.


                                              @ Snooze, I play counterstrike source and other games on steam so I always swap my names for that game and then I forget to change it when I play dota.

                                              To guy above me.
                                              Good: Love that you play supports and do well with them, especially your warlock win rate is just <3<3
                                              Bad: I see you haven't had the best week in terms of winrate :( at least its going up! or trying to

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                good: Leshrac pretty good
                                                bad: building desol before manta on potm? really?


                                                  Oh you see, well, our ET built a divine rapier then lost it, then someone else built some and lost them then our weaver had two rapiers and lost them, so we bought rapiers, they bought rapiers to counter, we lost all our rapiers, we lose game. And I think 4 months ago I was a pretty so-so player whereis now im much better.

                                                  And yes Deso before Manta because they had a tanky team (ns/timbersaw/naix), I also farmed terribly that game but I mean medusa ancient stacked all game and left us 4v5. And everyone bitched at each other the whole game lol. I wanted to go mirana offlane.

                                                  Good: Decent mix of heroes which I like seeing, good Lina player (old school dota1 she was so fun in pub game!), good records and win streak total

                                                  Bad: You have really low winrate with some heroes that makes me sad that you've played them more than 15 games :(

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    Bad: Plays a bunch of heroes that are annoying as fuck.
                                                    Good: Has good KDA ratios with those heroes. Also does well with Leshrac who I am fucking awful with.

                                                    Downhill Dave

                                                      Good: Small sample size, but decent winrate with Jakiro
                                                      Bad: Poor KDA's across the board.

                                                      LUL REKt

                                                        Good: BeastMaster player

                                                        Bad:33.33 winrate with pudge

                                                        EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                          Too much pudge.

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            Good: Invoker

                                                            Bad: TREE PICKER ( who picks tree ? )

                                                            LUL REKt

                                                              good: Nice winrate on Od and necro

                                                              Bad: OD PICKER :D


                                                                Good : SF / Kotl / Alchemist (GPM)

                                                                Bad : Invoker / Puck / Lion / Huskar

                                                                bum farto

                                                                  Good: Knows his way around Disruptor
                                                                  Bad: Not a lot of data to check so time will tell but noted the stat whoring dagon build instead of supporting.

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                    good: 59% on axe
                                                                    bad: 20 deaths on axe..

                                                                    bum farto

                                                                      Good: My admiration for old accounts with credibility and decent stats.
                                                                      Bad: Assuming you have moved to smurf account which is sad cause this account is good. #inactive #smurf


                                                                        Good: 3,2k+ games, keeps trying to improve his potm

                                                                        bad: poor win% for that much stacking


                                                                          Good: a solid support player, with a Crystal Methden hard-on.

                                                                          Bad: spells B with a 3.


                                                                            Good: plays a huge variety of heros
                                                                            Bad: Gpm is low for your carry hero games, despite winning the game


                                                                              good : bone wr and dusa in top heroes ! =D
                                                                              bad : winrate ^^


                                                                                Good: thread starter
                                                                                Bad: all pubstomp heroes on most played


                                                                                  good: on a win streak, gyro win rate, ta avatar
                                                                                  bad: rarely plays support


                                                                                    good : always random
                                                                                    bad : always random


                                                                                      Good : Good player
                                                                                      Bad : low KDA ratio

                                                                                      It's alright

                                                                                        Good: can play a lot of hero especially invoker ^^
                                                                                        Bad: your pudge and shadow fiend winrate ??

                                                                                        EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                                                          Invoker master race.

                                                                                          Let em wonder how we got ...

                                                                                            Good: win rate over 2k+ games
                                                                                            Bad: Treant picker

                                                                                            Tight dota player

                                                                                              good: kda
                                                                                              bad: win rate, considering u smurf/stack


                                                                                                good: You're a good support player

                                                                                                bad: LOL VISAGE

                                                                                                NEW ACC ID 218410982

                                                                                                  good: anti-mage kda
                                                                                                  bad: avatar