General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
Oh Shit Waddup

    Good: Tinker and AM. do you play am in stack or have you someone figured out the formula of playing am in solo que?

    Bad: winrate


      Good: Gyrocopter, Leshrac lasthit record :O
      Bad: 12 matches lose streak


        @dangdangdangdang what fakes are you talking about retard.

        good: 3/0/17 and 5/0/14 mirana in latest matches
        bad: Can't play wisp


          Good: pggshka enigmer
          Bad: 33% with me


            good: 5000 games o.0

            bad: 47 and 45% w/r with wr and nature =(

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              Good: over all winrate and KDA on some of top heroes.
              Bad: 3 top heroes with winrate <50%

              Oh Shit Waddup

                good: KDA and WR on most played hero
                bad: lost a 90 minute game when you were AM :(


                  Good: Has more friends than me :(
                  Bad: Low KDA with Alchemist

                  I got a story "Jammin", I had this profile at 55% winrate, with 160 wins, and 130 loses.
                  My friend wanted a steam account (cus his was trade banned) which has a gd winrate and some bulk of games, so I swapped the 2 profiles because I didn't care much about items, then he wanted his old account back, so he gave me this :D
                  He fu**ed up the profile, good thing he can't play, I mean doesn't like playing Antimage and Tinker (cus he can't play any hero :))
                  He loves Furion, Pudge and Alchemist in particular.

                  From abaddons game (pg 8) until windrunners game (pg 17) are all his :D


                    Bad: Top heroes, only carrys + jugg less then 50% and top pick
                    Good: 581 last hits with leshrac :D :D :D


                      Good: His name relates somehow to his comment (being slow), and made a new trend by flipping Good with bad.

                      Bad: Invoker's KDA.

                      Oh Shit Waddup

                        yeah, in like my past 1000 games ive played about 5 jug games... i went through a huge phase when i was new to dota and MOBA when i thought jug was God. like there is legit 3 pages of just straight jug, i look back and facepalm so hard.

                        I already did you today mapzor :O seriously how do you manage 71% wr with am in pubs


                          I just farm farm farm, and then farm a bit more :D
                          I think I go really tryhard only with Antimage and Tinker.

                          OFF TOPIC ALERT !!

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            Good: Io winrate
                            Bad : Overall winrate


                              Woah... you must really like Invoker!


                                ^ Invoker just pick too much Caionagandaia


                                  Haha, yeah, definitely, no doubt there



                                    Good: Obviously a good Invoker;
                                    Bad: Too much Invoker.



                                      Good: Plays support like me :)

                                      Bad: Plays a better rubick than me :(


                                        Good: Sick Phoenix stats.

                                        Bad: Sub-40% Bane winrate.


                                          Good: Your winrate
                                          Bad: You cheat


                                            Good: Some good winrates.

                                            Bad: But most likely smurfing, not enough games.


                                              Good: You're the slark that haunts my nightmares
                                              Bad: Seems like you gave up after a long lose streak.


                                                g nice phoenix stats
                                                b racist


                                                  @Dota Made Me Racist
                                                  Wait wah? Slark? Anyway, if you are talking about me, I didn't give up. This just happened.


                                                  Good: Very nice overall stats
                                                  Bad: I don't undestand your name. Do you kick people so hard they end up as satellites?

                                                  Fakyu Kominfo

                                                    I love people who like to play supports :) , winrates of those heroes are 50% ++ too
                                                    your losing strike only 6? hah so noob , mine is 10 !!


                                                      My name is from an anime, but some people call me satellite :[

                                                      nice spectre you have there
                                                      but the overall winrate is low


                                                        Good: Very nice winrates ,kda ,streak
                                                        Bad: anime


                                                          good: w/r better than mine

                                                          bad: 65 with slark

                                                          Oh Shit Waddup

                                                            Good: highest record 814 cs
                                                            Bad: it was PL in the cancer days

                                                              이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                good: lots of games, 51.40% win rate
                                                                bad: lose streak > win streak


                                                                  good: good invoker with different skillbuilds
                                                                  bad: show some love for support heroes :<


                                                                    good: it seems a nice support player

                                                                    bad: a dark carry past

                                                                    TikTok Uncle

                                                                      GOod: Plays a variety of heroes

                                                                      Bad: w/r needs a bit o help


                                                                        Good: Love that meepo of yours, wish my stats would be the same!!
                                                                        Bad: Np , your most played, isnt even 50%.


                                                                          Good: winrate

                                                                          Bad: ES player

                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                                            Good: Does know howto play am
                                                                            Bad: worst rubick EU


                                                                              Good: Positive Win Rate on the weakest hero in Dota.
                                                                              Bad: Won't 1v1 Bogi))

                                                                              Donald Duck

                                                                                G: plays interesting heroes, staff of this forum.

                                                                                B: the winrate with his most played, like me.


                                                                                  Good: Bounty Hunter :3
                                                                                  Bad: Void winrate :(

                                                                                  nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                                    Good: nice winrate and rubick most played
                                                                                    Bad: Drow in your most played heroes:D


                                                                                      Good: Higher deny record than mine

                                                                                      Bad: Only Carry (almost)

                                                                                      @Blunt, my KDA with rubick is however, still higher than urs :D

                                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                        Good : Records
                                                                                        Bad : <50% Winrate

                                                                                        MeRD   ҉    like

                                                                                          Good: fun hero like barath as most played instead tryhard heroes
                                                                                          Bad: dat pudge win rate


                                                                                            good: winrate
                                                                                            bad: rat

                                                                                            [ I    I ]

                                                                                              good : highest number of kills

                                                                                              bad : loss > win : \

                                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                good: winrate
                                                                                                bad : broken slark on most played :D

                                                                                                COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                                                                                  Good: Holy shit you like Mr Egomaniac

                                                                                                  Bad: That poor Kunkka


                                                                                                    sick omni
                                                                                                    bad winrate ;C


                                                                                                      good ursa
                                                                                                      bad doge