General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone with dotabuff plus

Anyone with dotabuff plus in General Discussion

    Please help me. I want to see top 50 enigma players. I had a bet and now I want to see if there is a certain person in the top50 or not.


      Well, I don't know who is that person, but here are the facts:

      - None of the people in your "Friends - This Month" qualify for top 50 enigma, because they either don't have the 30 required games or have below 50% winrate.
      - You don't qualify for top 50 enigma

      And if the person you want to check hasn't turned their "Share Match History" to On, then you're doing this for nothing.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
      Pandamonium(You Died)

        If you want to see 50 heroes- buy DB+.
        DB+ owners shouldnt support this infinite begging for PLZ 50 TOP HEROES PLZ PLZ PLZ
        Jesus, its not even that much, its 6 bucks. Most of you fatties will eat through more money in a single day than that.


          If you lived in the place where I do you would think very different. And for starters there are so many underaged dota 2 players who do not even have their own credit cards. My personal problem is that the credit card cannot be used online. It's not about that though. Still, I had a bet and I want to make sure if the conditions to win are met.

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