General Discussion

General Discussionthe truth

the truth in General Discussion

    i dont know if this has already been mentioned, but i tested this out today.
    im sure i read somewhere that valve clearly stated that kills death and assist dont matter in terms of mmr, but when i made two smurf accounts, both winning a game (one with a high kda 28 - 3 or something, and then 3 - 4) the game i played afterwards was placed into very high but for the one with the low kda (3 - 4) the bracket remained normal.


      I was under the impression originally that no in-game states were used to determine MMR...but clearly now they do use in game stats, at least for the first game.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        They must be using different stats for new accounts. Citing "Fletcher":

        > ...We have some good data that by 75 wins (approx 150 games), Elo is pretty accurate, and so we rely on it almost exclusively at around that point...

        King of Low Prio

          prob anti smurf picked you up to check


            pretty interesting suggstions in that thread

            King of Low Prio

              it wasnt really a suggestion thread it was kids bitching after being told whats up