Because almost half of Vanguard's cost is attributed to health regeneration. The damage block is also almost completely worthless lategame where you would prefer raw armor.
Thats not to say you should never get it. Situationally, it can be good but other than that, nope. The bonus health it gives is pretty much two bracers too.
Yes, I understand how it's bad for late game. However, do all items build really have to scale into late game? What if it's partially for midgame?
Also, isn't that regeneration helpful? I mean, yes, it provides nearly no bulk, but it still allows people to stay away from the fountain for longer.
The dmg block is rly low unless u get it at minute <10
It gives u nothing late game (40 dmg block isn't worth it if enemy carry got a 500 DPS, wow u lived 0.4 sec longer!!)
U can't just sell it, because it is not that cheap (not like a bracer for example)
If it could be disassembled then it might be top item on melee tanks (vitality booster into HoT)
For melee herois?
Vanguard = 2225 gold
Bonus +250 HP
+6 HP regeneration
Disassemble? No
Sange = 2050 gold
+16 Strength (304hp)
Sange can be upgraded to halberd. If regen is badly needed and there's no one supporting you, tranquil is a very cheap solution which can be disambled later so you can build treads and vlad.
Actually late game it synergizes quite well with high armour, for example on DK, against a lineup which is predominantly physical. Heroes with excess of 30 armour take only 30% damage or less, which against Lifestealer for example cuts his dps by more than what another 20 armour can do for you. But yeah, Mek is a superior choice 95% of the time.
i captained for my team and gave specific instructions for my safelane alchemist to go treads instead of phase and go for vg. min 10 i bought gem, pushed safelane all the way and took rax in 16 min. same shit top minutes later and gg
it all depends on how you use it and how fast you get it
so many tards!
vanguard is a great item on some heroes and it is easy to buy with the shield + ring early game.
someone here said that you should take a sange instead of a vanguard, and if you combine it with a tranq boots then you get the same thing, almost.
and upgrading the sange to halberd is a good way of neutralising a hard carry.
I don't remember I ever bought a vanguard, maybe once on axe, once on timber by mistake, I had a vitality booster, a point booster, arcane boots, stout shield, I had 1750+ gold, I was getting a blood stone at minute 14 maybe, I started with a ring of health from the side shop, then went to the secret shop to find out that I bought I vanguard, and I had to farm 1975 more gold.
I sweared to not ever buy a Vanguard again !
If you want to heal go for tranquils and vitality booster. putting 2225 gold on a fully defensive items that is not really worth it. just get
vitality booster and upgrade it to heart maybe later.
Meka > Vanguard . I buy vanguard maybe just on Spectre sometimes,before diffu but that is bad can drums..
Merlini explains here why is vanguard not that good in new meta
All the reasons listed here are good but the biggest reason I hate vanguard is it doesn't help you farm at all because it adds zero dps. Ok I guess if you already have high dps it can help you farm jungles by clocking incoming dmg and hp regen, but on a carry like spectre who has terrible damage early game getting vanguard doesn't address your early game issues.
I like vanguard on Spectre. You will most likely already have a shield (for jungling + preventing lane harass), and the regeneration helps with farming - both when you are being harassed in your lane during laning stage AND when you farm the jungle while you wait for a lane to come close to a tower. Even a lvl 12 spectre, for example, cannot jungle nonstop without some sort of regeneration. (Tranquils is another option, but she has mana problems as it is with ultimate + dagger taking 300+ mana). The idea is that you NEVER go back to base and are perpetually farming. The Vit booster doesn't even need justification - she has as much HP as CM at the start. She needs a casual vit booster at the very least (which will lead into heart) if not one for your vanguard.
If you farm up phase boots + vanguard, you can immediately start killing and helping your team. A 3 man gank pushing past your tower? No problem, ultimate in, and get a nice boost of XP and GP. Turn any 3 v 3 into a guaranteed 4 v 3 win. It sort of topples over the idea that Spectre is a "late game hero." Well, of course she is, but it's not like she does nothing. Think about it in these terms: a NP, which has low movespeed, low attack damage, and no nuke skills in the early game can turn a 2 v 2 loss into a decisive victory simply by being there and doing a little dps. Same thing goes for spectre - simply by being there (on top of 120 dmg pure nuke from ult if you go desolate first or a 300 dmg dagger if you go dagger first) + a little bit of pecking away with auto attacks (which are stronger from phase boots) goes a long way to turn a 2 v 2 loss or a 3 v 3 loss into winning situations. The vanguard enables all of this even more.
hahahaa lol @mapzor. I saw singsing did that once haha! I play timbersaw quite a bit and I always make sure I never make that stupid mistake. LOL.
I reckon if vanguard can be disassembled, it would make a viable item in the midgame. Otherwise, its better to skip it, unless u can get it really early. And even then, its potential as a tanky item last for only a short while.
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Well? Yes, on ranged heroes it's pretty terrible but how is not legitimate on melee heroes who need bulk?