General Discussion

General DiscussionRate my build and stats for my hero (Dazzle)

Rate my build and stats for my hero (Dazzle) in General Discussion
Señor Mango

    Hey there just wanted advice/critique on the dazzle I love playing as. As I keep playing him I tend to learn how to overcome or outplay many heroes. It's quite overwhelming and my win ratio is higher than 50% and I'd like to see him being played in the professional league. So here's my build feed back would be great and feel free to look over my stats.


      I like playing him too but I'm kinda afraid of him because he is quite hard to play :D , timing with grave is crucial
      also I'm usually skipping ulti at 6, not sure if good idea but I feel like other skills are more important to max.

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      Señor Mango

        Honestly it all depends on the lane u r in and managing ur mana.
        The way I play him not only allows me to deny the farm as much as possible but grants me the ability to solo any lane. Not saying that its the best thing to do. But I have also been at mid and focusing on denying and getting last hits. This does make the opponent annoyed and they often will try to harass you but with a well placed E skill you can deliver massive amount of dmg with just using the creeps. This does grant you the chance to snag a potential kill.

        Señor Mango

          The items I have listed there builds dazzle into a super support/semi carry. I will probably post vids of my dazzle.

          Died cause of lag

            remove bloodstone and get pipe


              You should play dazzle as hard support really. start out by buying courier, upgrading it and buying wards.
              This leaves you with enough gold to buy 1 clarity, which is enough for the beginning.
              You should always check the first rune. If its illusion runes you can easily surround your enemy for nice shadow wave dmg.

              You should not take ult before lvl 9-11.
              I usually dont take grave before lvl 6-8, because the range at lvl1 is too short,
              and you need lvl 3 poison and some lvls on heal fast.


                your win rate might seem nice at first, but realise that it doesn't mean anything if its all in the normal bracket..

                Señor Mango

                  @clees42 the more games i play with this sort of build i have noticed that changes will have to b made because is a good for a dazzle to snag frags? Maybe so, however it all comes down to the carries of the game. For example my best buddy Joeltron is the carry of the game and i do my best to save him out of many fights. i pull waves, i buy the wards, i buy the courier and flying. so u do get to see my hard support early game. i appreciate the tips and i will try them out next game.