General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat could I improve to play better?

What could I improve to play better? in General Discussion
Pitomba de Arroz

    I've been playing dota 2 for a month, I've never played dota before or even another MOBA, the first heroe that I started to play "well" was Bounty Hunter, it's very fun to play with him, but the question here is, I'm very noob, sometimes I play well, but other time nothing goes right and I totaly sucks at the match, I want some general tips to improve my dota and other heroes that I can play with in any lane

    Retard Security Detail

      One of the hardest lessons for people to learn is to not farm in lane. You play all gank hero semi carries it looks like. Try a support, when you learn there role you appreciate their work and often work together better. Ward, gank mid, keep your carry alive and farming.


        The biggest thing is to know what possibly can happen to you at a particular moment (you are being ganked/you may die etc), and what you yourself can do to the opponents. You can achieve it when you know all heros' abilities and you control the map perfectly (you should always know, where the enemy is hiding or where he is not). Other things are not that important. It will take some time to learn all heroes, so be patient.

        King of Low Prio

          map awareness is key to playing BH you always need to be looking for the next kill. All your "farming" should be done 1-6 then you should start roaming . Another key mistake alot of BH make is they dont manage their mana well. An example is using you 1 skill to secure a kill on a tracked target at 5% health and not having mana to continue to get your team to snowball with more tracks. Know who has detection and which kind.

          Sentries: watch the map on who has them AND how many (you can tell when they drop it)
          Dust: track and juke thru the trees
          gem: hope they got it AFTER you got farmed enough from track gold

          Also if you happen to be stuck playing BH vs a omniknight(if you can avoid this match) you need to buy either a diffusal blade or orchid.

          Never stop the pressure control the map and you will dominate as BH


            Best advice if you ask me...not that I would ask me, is watch the mini map almost as much as the rest of the screen. I believe a lot of good players actually spend more time watching the mini map than the game portion of their screen.

            Quick maffs

              "Also if you happen to be stuck playing BH vs a omniknight(if you can avoid this match) you need to buy either a diffusal blade or orchid."

              Yeah try to play BH against tree ......... Gl getting kills.


                Welcome to dota, you suck:



                Read guides. Watch pro replays. Watch your own replays. Become good enough to stomp your way through the noobtiers in dota.


                  as @monkeh says
                  always watch minimap!
                  i do that every 5 sec or so and every time i move somewhere i watch minimap intead (as pa doesnt appear in minimap dont do this too much against her)

                  Pitomba de Arroz

                    Good advices, the tip against ominiknight will help so much, I always go for the same build and when I play against a omni I suck, I'll to use these tips, thank you guys

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      First, start with support hero