General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy you ppl complain about the lovely white cow

Why you ppl complain about the lovely white cow in General Discussion

    A SB game is 100 times better than a pl cancer game.
    Just like Spanish bullfighting, either you kill the cow or get killed. Holy spirit of the game !


      His Username is white cow in Chinese.

      Advice: Call him turbo cow in English. It is more widely accepted.


        Nobody talks about cancer because he needs too much farm and has weak early game.

        Goodluck successfully afk farming in pubs and pray your teammates don't feed due to crippled farm + 4v5. Or in competitive games where the opposition ignores you till you get 3 core items.

        EZ MID 9k mmr

          There are TONS of ways to completely shut down the great white cow in pubs.

          The problem is that the majority of people (normal/high bracket) don't bother with communication and just play whatever they feel like playing.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            No. Nobody talks about cancer because they are retarded and they are busy crying about SB.

            Woof Woof

              id rather play against pl
              where i am in mmr theres way higher chance to make proper gank on pl than expect someone to help when bara is charging through whole map while running next to 2 wards

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                Look like Sam's butthurt. I'm not gonna bother with you anymore so stop going out of your way to bring it up.

                Cancer generally needs a well coordinated team to protect him for a considerable time to farm up. Well coordinated teams don't happen that often. Cow on the other hand, doesn't really need much communication.


                  I'm going to say this as politely as I can. Get out of your shit bracket and then complain about SB being OP. The fact is that if you play SB and win a lot of games owning because he's OP, you will eventually reach better opponents that will shit on this hero.

                  As for PL, he's not that bad, he's pretty fun to play and he doesn't need too many items to be able to fight, you just have to have good farm. Get pt, drums, diffu and you're good to go for early team fights. His illusions will still be weak and die fast but they can get in a few hits with mana burn + he has a nuke/slow which deals decent damage and has low cd. Someone like naix or AM have more survivability though.


                    I never knew Very High was the shit bracket. I agree I do see some people playing like shit though.

                    Look here all I did in this thread was point out why PL isn't a pub stomper. Because people don't really give you much farm in pubs? Most pub supports tend to only go so far.

                    So Sam comes in and flames me and all I say is stop bringing it up, and you come here and be 'polite'. The fuck? This is the total definition of butthurt. Flaming me for ANOTHER thread. Lol with you thinking you're all mature.

                    EDIT: You know what the funniest shit is? You play in Very High way less than I do. Check pubstats. Don't go waving e-penis around when you're not even better. And you know what, I don't even give a shit about which brackets we play in. I'm just pissed off by your ignorance.

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                    Woof Woof

                      dunno why did u take guy with 2700team rating srsly :^

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        No idea.

                        Anyway, I'm pretty sure OP started thread for the lulz.