I didn't say it's bad, i said its boring. Everygame you shall play 1v5 in case to win, which is a hard thing.
I just need something i won't care of loosing and have fun. That thing is called diretide.
Learn to read please.
Volvo is going to suffer due to the trollers on Facebook saying Give DIRETIDE on the Volvo page, MY's prime minister and other stuff.
you edited your post AFTER I made the post. Your original post was "somewhat bad" dont try and change that now you fucking downer
You are eathier blind, or just being an ass. My post was edited 16 minutes from now, ur post was posted 8 minutes from now. If u don't have anything to say about the questions i asked, and don't have an answer to the thread question, please leave.
If the community asked for free items should the company be required to hand them out? No. If YOU personally find the game boring should the company cater to YOU? No. I personally could care less about diretide if it is implemented or not and find all the cries for a mini game to be quite childish. If the company gives you a free treat they are not required to give you a free treat every time now. People need to grow up and realize they will never get everything they want all the time.
People sometimes do mistakes while typing becouse of shitty keyboard, than edit their posts, than some stupid guy arrives, and comments nonsense, than comes other, does the same too. I won't edit my post anymore, and you can forgot this thread. I was wondering why nobody posted sth like this on this forum, now i get it, this forum if full of bullshit dickheads.
What do you expect them to do? December diretide? Apologize for not delivering something they did not promise?
If a bunch of kids are loud, does not mean they represent the whole community.
If you make a mistake it it my fault for not assuming that everything you typed was a mistake? It is my fault I dont share your same childish opinions? Grow up kid.
^@6_din_49 but if there were only a "bunch" of kids, noone would even comment about this.
But it has gone too far, even whole facebook was spammed, and even Volvo took advantage of this.
@sampson that post above wasn't directed to you, it was about that guy making fun of one misstyping. And I know that I'm bad at Engish , no need for someone to make fun of me.
I mean yeah valve is just a lazy company, we have a good game that just needs new heroes and things like diretide, instead they just release cosmetics..........
They are only a bunch of kids yelling, because they are the only ones who would grind a game mode hoping to get something "valuable". The rest would simply buy the cosmetics if they want them.
Personally I care more about "no new hero for 100+ days", but considering they made so huge changes until 2 weeks ago, I can understand why they did not finish LC yet.
@ KORD Because they "spammed facebook" does not mean it is a legit concern
@Hobbit You might like Diretide but I know alot of people who dont and its just opinion.There is no perfect company if they put focus in one area they will have less resources in another area. Valve is a company and since there is such a high demand on cosmetics (their main source of income) I cant really blame them for that. If they community really did not want cosmetics they would stop buying them and Valve would stop making them.
@Sampson I mean that the thing is yes, they are releasing cosmetics, but I mean does valve even make them? And about diretide, you are not forced to play it, it is there for people who want to play it or try it out.
Yes Valve makes them(where it is subcontracted or whatever they are the 'boss'). There is no reason to waste resources on diretide imo. There are tons of people who want tons of different stuff why would Valve do the one which nets them a loss(handing away cosmetics that people would have bought)
"becouse dota is too fucking boring, i want FUN."
so diretide fun > dota fun ? Then you should simply quit dota mate
Nice logic u have there. Diretide lasts 20 minutes, i don't fucking care about loosing, and i have played only 5 games of it, where I have played a tons of dota 2 matches, so i got bored thank god.
Maybe I'll quit, who knows.
Why would Valve waste money on a person who does not want to continue using their product? Business really should be incorporated into the school system because too many people fail to comprehend these basic things.
I think playing so much dota has caused you to "loose" your English skills, so quitting may not be a bad thing. Stop talking about it so much, and do it. Be an action man, not a pussy talker.
He just wants to say that Diretide would be a good mode to just slack off while playing the game. He just doesnt word it correctly. Id like to have Diretide this year personaly. Not for the item loot or anything but i found last year the mode funny. They could keep the loot distribution the same(i mean getting items by lvling as in normal mode) and just input the mode with a xp bonus of +10 or something.
- I already rarely play dota nowdays, becouse the lack of time and motivation to do so.
5(months since first game)x30.5(avg days in a month)=152.5 days
44o total games
440/152.5=2.9 games per day
looking at your last few days your play routine has not changed much with or without Diretide
tbh i could care less if they don't care about implementing L.o.D then.any other side game i could give a shit about
valve is shit they want only money fuck em
they will do anything to take your money
valve sucks! ice frog is homo!
lets be honest only thing valve can do is buy out popular mods and hire devs behind those projects but on their own they can only deliver fails
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It has been so long on almost every dota2 forums about the diretide thing which spread so much. For at least 4 days of whining, quoting the GIVE DIRETIDE sentences, valve didn't react at all.
Why do u think, they do this? Are they still thinking of doing something, or they just want to ignore the community?
Isn't the best thing for them, to give what the community asks for?
Are they trolling, our just working on something they keep the secret for, as for all the things they do?
How do u feel about this situation?
I certainly feel somewhat bad, becouse dota is too fucking boring, i want FUN.