General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat role am i best with?

What role am i best with? in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    LuL, 1. Whats wrong with me spending like 20min on the forums and 2. your replying to me everytime little sadboi.

    You should go to bed before your parents find our that your still in front of the PC, im sure they would love to slap you.


      XD funny you , your getting no attention so you are getting mad aww don't cry

      Ples Mercy

        im getting alot of attention, little kids like you who cry me a river and feel the need to insult me are giving me all the attention i need. Im quite happy, but thanks for being so concerned!


          blunt@ fnatic is the biggest scrub noob ive ever met on this forum dont listen to a word he says. He has a dick stuck up his ass

          Ples Mercy

            Oh, now your butthurt, i luv it.


              Lets report him and get him banned lets see who will be laughing then

              Ples Mercy

                Booohooo. If you would get a ban for being blunt then 80% of the people would be banned here.

                If you little brats cant handle it then feel free to leave and cry a river.


                  Aww look he is mad because people are ganging up on him aww dont be mad

                  Airi ♥


                    so this is what i see, dont flame me, ill just state the truths
                    youre on the bad side of the stats
                    best last hits 259, DP kda 0.96 (your top 4 hero), best GPM 559, best hero dmg 29.7k, all of these traits wont be ideal for a carry
                    but i really feel you care about winning and youre a team player (12k heal on dazzle is impressive, he's one of my favorites and i have lower hero healing than you)
                    best for you is 4 or 5 position, being helpful to your teammates is your nature, then you can now practice good map awareness and positioning now that you are on a support role, then practice last hitting on these little times youre carry wasnt on the lane, and good things will come along the way. best of luck!

                    my 2 cents


                      Well op here is my thought after go through your details.

                      First of all, most recommended role was offlaner, you have high win rate compare those carry.

                      2nd best choice - support, you have a very strong formation to know how to use support, although your lina low win rate,its just lina is harder to master than any hero out there.

                      Not recommended
                      1. Solo mid, you need to have high map awareness + good when and where to gank.
                      2. Carry, it is not the hero suit you, actually you don't suit the hero, due to your low gpm, your team will have a tough time to hold the game and waiting you to come out.


                        Hey guys thanks for the suppory im going to conti ue this thread though my friends reconized a pattern of me being a good semi-carry but with safe heros these heros include skele king,abbaddon as well as any ranged carry do u agree with this? So far based on wat u guys have said i would be a 4 or 5


                          I say that you would be best mid...that being said, you have to grow into the role. A #2 if you will. Your game history has shown that you seems to be in the middle of the fight and you rarely take a support hero. Become a last hitting specialist, and then gank where its needed.

                          Quick maffs

                            The thing is Vandis that knowing how to snowball is not an indication ( or at least not so important ) on how to be a good carry player.

                            Believe me, i consider myself pretty good semi carry player because i know how to snowball on my low MMR games, but the true is that i am a terrible carry player because my GPM on all my games is very low.

                            If you want to really test yourself play some melee hard carry ( Void, Spectre, ) and see how goes your farm.

                            A decent mark should be 50 last hit at 10 minutes if your lane is not really contested.

                            The reason people is saying that you should be a 4 or 5 role is because based on your dotabuff stats you seen to be too new to the game to have enough map awareness to play mid or carry role, but that means nothing because support is a extremely hard role too.


                            This game is a example. That its not enough farm for an antimage.


                            That its my antimage game, even with a super late battlefury i was capable of getting some farm ( what was still not enough ).

                            Well ... you should keep playing a wide variety of heroes that its always great !

                            Tinker is a great and hard hero ( you need pretty good map awareness to not suicide with this hero ) so try to play it more.

                            You have a few games with pugna but your kda with him is pretty good too so try to play it more.

                            If you actually started to play the game 4 months ago you are doing pretty good, but keep playing some pubs before thinking even in CM.

                            "Just try playiing 10 games as a support, 10 as a solo mid, 10 as an offlaner and 10 as a hard carry, u ll be able to see on ur own (wont need our advice) what role is suiting u the most after more or like 100 games. "

                            Really good advice Bakei told you.

                            And pls ignore some troll/kids ..... there are a lot on this forum so just ignore them :) .


                              ^ exactly what I said yesterday lol.
                              practice LH and farm in vs. bots.
                              50 LH in 10 min maybe hard. try get half of creep. your current early game LH is like, 1 in 4 creeps.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                Oh yeah who is lh i have been trying to figure that out lol


                                  Nmnm i figured it out im retarted


                                    Lasthitting lol


                                      Yes. lasthit. farming skills.

                                      I have a stupid question: what do people mean when they say they 'go compeditive' ?
                                      same as form a team with friends and play captain mod ?


                                        Like i said yesterday my best is tinker but there is 2 bad things about that though.
                                        1.i primarily gank and dont push..well i do push but i dont use his full potential to push to save mana health etc for ganking. And 2.i came baxk to dota 2 weeks ago i was absent from dota for a month due to the game breaking and my most recent match with tinker i did awful


                                          Yes thats another thing(not that this his anything to do with roles) but i am a very good captain and good at pucking and banning in team cap

                                          Quick maffs

                                            @whoji he is probably talking about that .

                                            Next time Vandis dont say competitive. People thought you wanted to play with a profesion team.

                                            "1.i primarily gank and dont push..well i do push but i dont use his full potential to push to save mana health etc for ganking."

                                            Tinker can easily push, rearm, go back to fountain to get hp and mana very quickly, rearm and go to a fight.

                                            There is no reason at all to save mana with tinker.


                                              Haha no way i didnt mean a pro team lololololololol i meant like comped roles with friends and team cap


                                                Anyway 2night in playing venge,amd sniper sincr i dont know who i to play wat sgoukd the 3rd hero i play be :D


                                                  mate, if you want to practice everything, play some Nature's Prophet.

                                                  He can farm, push and fight.
                                                  You can get some game sense and map awareness while split pushing (avoiding ganks, knowing when to split push, etc), farm everywhere but of course leaving a safe creep wave for your carry, and being omnipresent in team battles or ganks.


                                                    um i think u should try play support instead of carry coz the way u play is quite selfless(willing to tank dmg for mates and this is the last thing a sa or ds should do) on the other hand ur farming is not dat fantastic and not alert enough when farming at nc so. . .


                                                      Welll iv been plYing supports its been going well one 4 ganes in a role(ithink) with supports


                                                        By your lately performance it looks like you're strongest with support heroes.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          How do you have over 50% win on death prophet but 0.96 kda? I mean how is that even possible?

                                                          Oh I found it, back to back 0/13/0 and 1/14/0. That will do it.

                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                            Yeah i played. Her wheb i was noob


                                                              obviously AM is a great support, that blink makes a great support impossible to kill

                                                              if your team got a phantom lancer, he build a diffusal blade, what all you need to do is: when the enemies are low on manna you toss an ult at them they die like a MAGIC lol


                                                                Hey guys so the last 10 games or so iv played supports so those of you who wanted to see how i did with more supports go check my last 10 or so games and see what u think


                                                                  really nice. 80% winrate in your last 10 games


                                                                    Cannot really give coments without seeing the replay. the game stats looks pretty decent.
                                                                    nice items nice build.

                                                                    I hate those support aiming to build big items (hex bloodstone septer refresher). The good rule is always to buy ward dust sentry smoke and carry tp.

                                                                    Then buy small items like mek /drum / vlad, they are cheap and super cost effective and benefit the whole team, never buy anything>$2500. you did well on that.

                                                                    in teamfight, remember to use mek, drum, aboots. just jerk off all your skills, use the damn item, just back off out of the fight. and see if your team win or lose the teamfight. then to chase or escape.

                                                                    another general advice, as a support when you don't know where to go what to do, go with carry.

                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                      Yeah funnt thing my friend wheb he plays support he always play it like a carry no matter wat i tell him..anyway the only thing is im getting bored with not getting anykills :/ but support is still fun