General Discussion

General DiscussionDem 2 Spirits

Dem 2 Spirits in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    So what are your thoughts?

    So far:
    I really love the design of both spirits, it really fits them well. Also i love emberspirit, i was waiting for him for such a long time, hes my kind of hero. Some voiceover from ES is missing though which is kinda dissapointing but ill take it.

    Very mobile and strong, but also very easy to counter. The problem with emberspirit so far is, that he has serious manaissues and he is fucked as soon as you have nice nuke damage or a silence, hes basicly a different kind of timbersaw. So far my favorite hero thus far, since emberspirits playstyle fits mine to 100%. I really love his design and voice, pretty sexy if you ask me.

    Holy shit, he is very hard to play but god damn if you know how to play this guy that might be a real problem. Its very hard to hit with the boulders, also they dont do damage on invis units, which is a shame, other than that the ridicolous 5sec silence and the damage is quite nasty. Also he is all about positioning and planning. He is unlike any other hero. Here again, really love the design and the voice, it really fits him well.

    So yeah, thats my thoughts so far.

    -apm 400 player

      ye emberspirit is op at early-mid game still can get into late game but not that strong compare to other reliable carrys.i still remember the old dota1 days when emberspirit got released no.1 pubstomb hero for about a week till icefrog nerfed him guessing that what we gone see in dota2 for the next few weeks

      on the other hand still waiting for PHOENIX and LC.

      Woof Woof

        earth spirits animations feel like i am playing on us servers instead of local host


          Ember is lots of fun and all of his spells are pretty powerful. Good aoe damage, little bit of lockdown, mobility, and even a free pipe! Battlefury is awesome on him, cleave works with his W.

          Earth Spirit, I don't know, seems to deal no damage at all. No reliable lockdown either. Where exactly does he excel at?

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          Ples Mercy

            at crippling your enemies hardcore.


              Ember - Deso on whole team, nice

              Earth - trolling hero, game changing fails/wins

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                bkb on ember spirit is funny. So is a level 5 radiance.


                  Ember with battlefury and Deso seems to be really good, especially imagine Void + Ember, he can use his W twice (!) , I mean wtf: Deso + Battlefury dmg + normal dmg on every hero + W extra dmg + Void hitting! In the time between you can set up your ult in the bubble or to the escape paths and start your shield at the very end of Voids Ultimate, destroying what is left. But even without Void, using W whenever they stand next to each other will destroy teams. Never tried all that stuff in a real game though.

                  SMELLY APE

                    i remember dem dota 1 days, u get a maelstrom on him, max sleight and 1 click rampage against pushers (furion treants, chen/ enchantress, meepo, etc) Very earthshaker like burst damage. With that being said I don't think we'll see Xin in CM considering sleight has 6 sec cd and can be casted from a safe range. GG NECROBOOKS?

                    as for earth spirit, icefrog is running out of ideas, his skills are similar to WuKong in League of Legends. wut the fucks. Also looks like a gay power ranger like someone said. -_- Also seems to be very level dependent. Can't really run as a support role since his stun is 1 sec at level one. Can't carry either, no real dps abilities. This might become a mid hero because of spammable spells

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                    Im the Bully of my School

                      only noobs talk about new heros cuz they didnt play dota 1 ( old as fuck heros they are ) so yea noobs

                      Im the Bully of my School

                        and ember spirit need 2 battlefury so he can one hit with his 2nd spell that attack multiple ennemy in a second ( that get only good late game)

                        Im the Bully of my School

                          and earth most op but no1 know how to play him properly

                          SMELLY APE

                            ^says the one that thinks 954 GPM with alch is a big accomplishment. lmaaao


                              Ember ganks seem to be beyond godlike too. Omg I think I like that new hero a lot. Maybe i should learn to play him. Only thing is I ALWAYS try to activate the shield with W and not E -.-.


                                Is Ember good at mid solo? Does he beat Invoker mid? Does tornado remove flameguard?

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  ^ I haven't played him in a looooooong time, but I think Ember Spirit is one of those heroes which you send mid to get fast levels and who can punish his opponent hard only if they get into a really bad position.


                                    I think he might be very good mid: With his Ult you have ultimate rune control, he does not have that much mana so he really profits from the bottle (get mana for that final Ult for the kill). His base dmg is good and the attack animation is good too. The movement speed is okay aswell. Not to forget that ganks on his lane will often be successful since he can jump all over the lane (stupid cast range of Ult) to follow up the stun or slow from the ganker with his root and kill the poor guy in a matter of seconds or making the first step by himself by rooting him. He still lives somehow? Another ult should do it.

                                    Due to his freaking shield, he almost can't die early game. And later he has his Ult. So if he sees his lane is pushing and he doesn't feel comfortable, he can send one Ult somewhere behind his tower to escape immdiately shoud he get ganked. Since it only costs mana when u actually dash to it, only thing you lose is one charge.

                                    His biggest weakness imo is him being melee and being fragile (1 armor) which can make him easy to harass very early in the game. But since you go for some regen and bottle... You shouldn't forget about little tricks like TPing back and immediately dash back with the Ult too.

                                    I don't think Invoker has the best cards against him. He gets bursted down and can't hold him away, Embers shield is too good. But it's no magic immunity so CC works! Just no damage. Shadow Fiend should have nightmares from Ember going midlane (attack dmg + attack animation advantage).

                                    But I'd never say these things must be true, with 0 games against human enemies. I just like him so far and overrate him probably. His stats gain sucks hard for example, but I spoke of the laning phase and not of his lategame carry potential (don't forget the W here though - Omnislash every few seconds!).

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                    King of Low Prio

                                      he is kinda like slark in which he is annoying to kill and dominates early to mid game BUT he doesnt scale all that well. Like all the spirits orchid kills him

                                      Im the Bully of my School

                                        i did 984 gpm actually my new record , diretide is nice

                                        Sugar Show

                                          Ember needs a mustache and earth must change his name to rocky and add cosmetic box gauntlets.


                                            lol @ Earth being OP. That he is certaintly not. The rocks may have nice silence/stun in theory, but they're not reliable, and no matter how wannabe pros act like it's not a big deal, it actually is. Just look at how Nyx fell off in the competitive after the impale nerf.


                                              "Is Ember good at mid solo? Does he beat Invoker mid? Does tornado remove flameguard?"
                                              Shouldn't you be answering those questions for us grim? lol

                                              "With his Ult you have ultimate rune control"
                                              By the time you have the ult, rune controlling is an after thought in any game beyond low-mid tier public matchmaking >.> around that time you're looking to either split push or 5 man doto

                                              Can your enemy see the remnants? Havne't managed to play against one yet.

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                You must be kidding me, rune control doesn't matter at 5 minutes into the game?


                                                  I'm not saying it doesn't matter, I'm saying its significance drops dramatically.

                                                  Im the Bully of my School

                                                    earth is pro in dota 1 you just never saw any good player use it and hes op yes


                                                      My first day playing against Ember. Jesus, I was lvl 8 when he was 6 but he still managed to get hella kills and catch up.

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        yes, enemies can see your remnants.
                                                        bottle, stick, arc, fury.
                                                        then fury fury fury fury. 5 furies and boots, and spam fist.

                                                        Papa Het

                                                          funny how most of you are talking about ember, ignoring the fact that earth is the way bigger threat if played properly :D


                                                            not necessarily.

                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                              @Papa het:
                                                              Exacly, i saw someone playing Earthspirit very nicely, what a fucking pain in the ass.


                                                                @papa: Which fact, there is no fact like this. Where do you want to have that "fact" from.
                                                                Earth is probably very strong if played right (on higher levels ridicolously low cd on the ball) but I'm not as much interested in him so I don't talk about him.