General Discussion

General Discussiondamn it, era

damn it, era in General Discussion


    Quick maffs


      Damm triple rampage.

      d -

        Why doesnt Navi ban that fucking Tiny?

        King of Low Prio

          because tiny isnt a threat without wisp, they have to ban the wisp and they could have won


            Navi lost?


              Lost 3-0 so says Joindota.


                Notails said it best. Na'vi felt they could beat the combo in the third game, and given how they placed their lanes - they would have. A stupid bloodstone pick up on Lesh instead of another lockdown item, and the lack of coordination in 2 key fights sealed the game.

                King of Low Prio

                  NaVi put too much focus on the lane phase and not on the actual game. Sure it is great to win the lane phase but the tiny wisp does what matters which is killing your base


                    The way the laning phase transitioned Navi pretty much had the game up until a mid fight gone bad and a bloodstone purchase. I agree Na'vi entire lineup was to win laning, but they did a good job shutting down Tiny. Then they fed him a ultra kill in the river.

                    King of Low Prio

                      one bad teamfight does not change the fact that they had nothing to deal with tiny wisp. That teamfight in the river was just the beginning of the mid game