General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker Mid: What did I do wrong?

Invoker Mid: What did I do wrong? in General Discussion

    This is the game:

    BM and Rubick just flamed me cause I did wrong and I'm a baddie etc... I'm just interested in the first 20 minutes of the game cause after that the game was pretty much over, the flaming started and i just muted everyone just to not get more angry then I was for losing a ranked game.

    King of Low Prio

      I am not really a invoker player but bottle seems to be a no no from what I have seen


        You need midas


          I see I really tought bottle was mandatory since it allowed me to dive more but to be honest that game I had a very bad rune control since I never knew where the runes were spawning.


            Guys, do not look at the skill builds. Just don't.


              BM started with stats


                Get forge spirits, You can use them defend yourself, attack, harass, and help lasthit. When the rune is about to spawn send a forge spirit to one rune spot and invoker to the other. If the runes spawns on the side invoker went to he can take it. If not the forge spirit can kill it before the other guy gets it.

                Invoker does not need bottle to do this. Its probably best to just get phase boots or arcanes as quickly as you can depending on how you like to play. If you find you are running out of mana get arcanes. Phase is better, but arcanes lets you make more mistakes... cast spells that miss and just keep trying things. Invokers spells are all skillshots. The more you practice get casting them the easier it will get to aim and press all the buttons without having to look up the combinations or think. I think arcanes is a better choice for lower skill or nub invokers.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  You lost To Nevermore? If you did you should easily be able to win lane, if you didn't then you should ask for ganks/use spirits
                  If you won lane then you should've been active around the map with pushes/ganks


                    1. lack of last hit
                    2. bottle
                    3. invoker really dependent on level, you cant let someone like drow get more level than you..

                    BM and rubick wasnt that good either, they are dunning kruger players

                    lol at 3 shadow blade burst at radiant


                      >Lack of Midas
                      >probably not using right spells

                      Oh, and don't play heroes you're shit at in ranked.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        But seriously, how retarded can you be not to level up invoke and get aghs?


                          I think getting 57 cs as invoker in a 40 minute game is worse, even more so as you maxed exort first and SF didn't deny much.

                          Doing a shit tier skill build considering you haven't played the hero before and clearly suck anyway is one thing, but oh boy, that many games played and you still can't last hit..


                            no midas in both teams


                              i didnt watch anything but i suppose u did a lot of wrong ;/ tho ur allies are probably as bad as u so dont take offenses when they flame u


                                never mind ...

                                blaming people because they are feeding


                                  As I mentioned before : I didn't play anything after 20 minutes.


                                    you don't a need a bottle as invoker, you need hand of mida. why? because you can get constantly exp and gold: the most important thing for invoker are levels.
                                    why not bottle? you'll have enough hp regen switching to full quas.
                                    don't spam skills, your mana pool is not bigger enough at the beginning. focus the early game farming in mid, check for sunstrike (don't waste it). if you're plating quas/exort at level 9 you'll get the double forge spirit. at that time you have two choice: crushing the mid tower as fast possible (consider this if your mates are doing well) or gank somewhere. add me if you need more advices and forgive my rough english ^^

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