General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy There is Still no Concede Option

Why There is Still no Concede Option in General Discussion

    For the scrubs constantly begging for concede because "muh percious time", every game can be turned around. Every. 2 days ago my team lost to a Medusa at 54 minutes. We got mega creeps on them at 40 minutes. But if that isn't a good enough example for you, there was a server crash 3 (or 4?) days ago that made a lot of winning teams lose and losing teams win. My friend told me he was IN THE MIDDLE of destroying the enemy team's ancient with the entire enemy team dead, when the whole game just disconnected and it was counted as his loss. So stop asking for concede, because even if your ancient has 1 hp and there are 5 carries with 6 slotted items attacking it while your whole team is dead for another 70 seconds, you can still win.

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      can the stup1d fk who asked for concede kill themselves or just stay in LoL.


        If there would be a concede option, probably 4 of 5 would use it after first blood. The 5th guy will get reported by the other 4 for wasting their time :P


          yes conceding is only for the pro scene.


            The difference between Dota2 and any game with a Concede option is that it's possible to have fun while losing.

            Just possible, it's up to you to make that happen and not whine like a bitch.


              Indeed every game can be turned around. And the game can turn around more than once aswell... But whiners dont realize that and only type GG after few deaths and go afk. I mean yesterday Alliance came back from 15k gold and 20k exp defecit. Thats why i love doto ...anything can happen

              Woof Woof

                What if u end up with griefer like me that feed couriers right from start?

                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                  We once won a game from 0-12. Viper with iron shield & brown boots first 15 mintues. We won tho.

                  So yea, it takes a good friend who can believe in you and smack talk if they enemy is out of line. I think there should be a coded concede button say for games like...

                  Game time duration greater than 30 mintues. Allow concede if, Team X has 1/2 less kills than team Y, must have 4 players click on 'concede' button.

                  Conceding earlier than 30 mintues shouldn't be allowed unless there's a ratio greater than 5:1 in KDR, well all know those 50-10 games and at least 1 tier 3 tower is gone.

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                  King of Low Prio

                    no conceding should not be a option in pubs

                    Dire Wolf

                      I used to think it should be but I haven't had as many horrible drawn out lopsided lossed in ranked. In old matchmaking it was super common. Seems like people care more in ranked, even if they aren't actually better.

                      King of Low Prio

                        yea with ranked people are less likely to throw than before in unranked and will finish off the match


                          When its became about losing or winning? At least for me, it is al about fun!

                          Sure, all games (ALL GAMES) have a possible come back, even if it depends on throwing by enemies of other tipes of lucky. But it is not about have one ancient destroyed and more over you have enjoying on it, even if it is your own ancient. I support that kind of feature to be expanded to all types of matchings (expecially that pub games are unbalanced). Call me noob if you want so, but it is a hell to survive the rage and disunity in this type of games. Even winning, you should had a option to "ask" for you teamates to end this game (with a lose of course). Leaving and praying for the 30 s delay is not an option, there is always trolls in every game who just want to scruw you up.

                          "First blood and they will concede", what is the problem? If five person of the enemies time are not enjoying the game, what is your right to keep them playing just for YOU to have fun? And personally i dont think a well done concede option will make it that way. Instead of afk in fountain, when a player think the game is over, she can tape out. Judding by other games (like LoL and HoN), when the team do not approves the surrender, the player who was dissatisfied, remains inspired to try until your team lose its hope as he did, or actually give a comeback. This system prevents from 4v5 and not create it, ending with the hideout in the jungle just to not get the afk strike of the game.

                          I really, really love this game, but the way it is going is impossible to play more than one match withouting get unmotivated. Times like this i miss w3/dota1. I still have faith that one day the player's community will be less troll of less mad about winning and loses and will become more like fun. And i believe a concede system will help to walk this way.

                          "Imagine with you could avoid all troll players with only one pressed button? ... That's what i want to"



                            Yes a concede would be nice with rules as mentioned above. 30 min mark, or dbl the kills, and 4/5 people hitting concede would be viable.

                            What I see a lot in my lower ranked matches in the 2.5k to 3.5k range is the other team (or my team) simply doesn't 5 man and finish the job, and go back and rosh/jungle until they are 6 slotted. Takes an extra 20~30 min to finish games sometimes.

                            I just have short amounts of time to play after everyone goes to bed so I'd rather spend my time queuing up another game to try at it again. No shame in that! I just wouldn't want it to be able to be abused by people.


                              Why is this thread alive again...

                              Dire Wolf


                                I drafted our team. Kunkka got rolled by their razor mid, I wasn't quite expecting it to be that bad (torrent him, run away when he drains you? whatever). Since we didn't have a good offlane I top laned with ss. We got beat pretty badly by CM and veno. In retrospect should've just jungled and let ss get levels.

                                However even despite our poor early play it was quite obvious their team was early game only, their only carry being razor who is good but in long fights, and we had 3 carries to make end game fights short. Also their team was completely reliant on magic dmg so once we got bkb is was gg. They raxed our mid and bottom but we kept wiping them every time they pushed ancient. Finally got razor to burn his buybacks, wiped em and went straight middle to end.


                                  I was carrying my IRL friend we were down a massive amount and they had mega creeps
                                  I won in a last min base race


                                    Dota HAS this option if all 5 disconnects at the same time, you lose in 20 seconds, no abondon for anyone, what else does anyone want? If the game is really lost and everyone understands it, you can always do it. If someone still wants to play, maybe it can be turned around...

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                                      @op im sorry if i have to be the dreambreaker again but no, not every game.


                                        Because then i would have to change my name


                                          I would only want to use a concede button if I had an intentional feeder running up the mid lane over and over. It does happen and there is no comeback from that. Sure u can report him but it won't fix the immediate problem of being stuck in a 40 min game when its quite clear you lost 10 mins in after the guy on ur team feeds 10 times and continues to do so for the rest of the match.

                                          i quit

                                            would be nice if other team is pushing save everyone the trouble of the last 5 minutes of a game
                                            maybe make it so that its only usable if a team is down by more than 7 in the tower count or lost rax or something (obviously you can argue that its possible to come back but more often than not it ends up being a waste of time if ur team is down 7-0 in tower count and stuff)


                                              ^ ofc it is. Even vs mega, you can comeback

                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                Concede button on mega creeps and say 1:3 KDR 30 mintues in could trigger one. I don't mind. But when game is still close say 2:1 or base towers down yet I just dont' get people.


                                                  I often suicide 24/7 if i have reasons and i give them a chance to turn the game around (which i do)...sadly most of them don't apologize so fuck them and feeeeeeed :D!


                                                    @fyrionplax - thats the same as no concede option at all.

                                                    I concede any game i want to when i am confident the game cant be won. You sit in the well, and only get xp every 5 minutes. In rare occurrences, the realization that your team is playing 4v5 will make them finally play safer, and a comeback might materialize. Otherwise, game ends about 7 minutes after afking starts in Ernest.

                                                    People who think conceding doesn't exist in pubs lack imagination.

                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                      I've came back from 50-25 games and 12-0 games before so it just depends on team lineup. Usually when they are 3:1 KDR it's over. Mega creeps too, if 4/5 allies vote to not defend and concede it should be over. Probably was in US servers back in dota 1. People would just ragequit over 1 death etc... It was so bad people had to play on europe servers just to get good game. Hence banlist and the leagues of sorts.

                                                      Afking is jsut about as bad as throwing and leaving. But worst, cuz your allies don't get the gold and ur constantlying getting exp every 5 mintues to remain afk.


                                                        Maybe it could actually work as the report button, you can use it 2-3 times a week, or once a week but its enough if one person on team uses it and others can just accept (even if they used theirs), so people would think twice to use it.


                                                          it would kinda ruin the system i guess, but i see where you are coming from and i can understand the frustration sometimes


                                                            I have just noticed that a disconnect option is now in the game menu which effectively means that if all 5 heroes click this then that is a concede with no punishment. Before you had to close the DOTA client.
                                                            So in a way it look like they gave a concede option, no?


                                                              Yeah, except you need to trust your team mates that they all leave and do not reconnect.


                                                                HON has a concede threshhold of 15 minutes, so you have to play until at least the point that most games are decided. And 5/5 people have to pass the vote, until the 30 minute mark, wherein 4/5 can pass it.

                                                                HON is garbage but that is a pretty reasonable system. Winning team gets to enjoy their victory for a while, and losing team doesn't have to suffer and struggle forever.


                                                                  Right but if you are playing with friends then you can concede. Its effectively in the game now in that regard but I guess you all could have before but closing the client.


                                                                    not this again :D


                                                                      there should be an option that we can enable or disable prior to match making. 'allow vote to CONCEDE '.
                                                                      just like ranked or unranked.


                                                                        Remove languages, put concede/no concede instead since languages have no effect. :D

                                                                        @RM LORDY
                                                                        The game will not end if a team is disconnected unless someone abandoned. Sometimes it will, but after 5+ mins.

                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                          why are you necroing my dead thread, its done already

                                                                          Oh Shit Waddup

                                                                            there needs to be a concede option only when a pudge is picked on your team. fucking 35% winrate with a pudge out of 35 games is too hard to handle and pretty much whenever i see a pudge its easy to call gg. even after you pick a fucking mid some cunt has to pick pudge and be absolutely fucking useless


                                                                              ^ +1

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                I wish there was a concede, probably would've got a win outta this:


                                                                                My guess is their team would've voted 4-1 to concede around min 35, the dissenter being naga but NOPE 60 min loss for us.


                                                                                  Epic games like this wouldn't happen >.>

                                                                                  We lost the game.. I got caught out of position (Was tping out, and got snapped->5man crushed during the last microseconds of me tping back to safety..) Lost the final teamfight, they had 2 sets of rax.. and we didnt even have any of their t3s taken out..
                                                                                  I respawned, and tiny bought back.. we died.. again, while trying to kill them 2v5.. Pudge didnt have buyback.. and I figured, what the hell.. and boughtback, and used travels to tp to bot lane, went and took the t3. And IIRC, didnt even bother with rax, and went straight for their t4s, while the 4 of them focused on raxing bot lane, while a hundred megacreeps attacked my t4s ^^

                                                                                  I used Bkb, to tank dooms hits or so, when they tpd back.. I killed their ancient, as mine was focused by a ton of megacreeps, (My ancient was like 400hp iirc? not too sure if it was 200 or 400 xD)
                                                                                  But yea, having a GG option for pubs would kill a lot of potential fun :'D

                                                                                  (I was Alch btw xD, not that anyone cares ofc! D: )

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