General Discussion

General Discussioncant win.

cant win. in General Discussion

    elo hell.

    King of Low Prio

      stop sucking and you might win


        if i stop playing i will also stop losing right

        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

          [color=#a918d6]Damn. Best advice I've heard atum. See you guys, going to LoL.[/color]


            I feel you man, i am on the same boat, or well was.

            King of Low Prio

              the problem is in dota if you are fucking awful you will lose.


                I cant lose

                King of Low Prio

                  I fed that game on purpose because the supports didnt buy wards. If the 50 couriers didnt give that away...........The difference is that I can actually not play like a fucking awful scrub and win when I want to

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                  Ples Mercy

                    dont lie ur just fat


                      sampson you look very pro
                      can you teach me?

                      King of Low Prio

                        I told you

                        'dont be fucking awful'

                        then you win games

                        then you happy

                        then no more rage threads


                          i think you failed so hard ur lane that u had to feed and make up excuses for the fact u're terrible

                          Quick maffs

                            U could have bought the courier right ? if i rage everytime we dont have supports or they dont want to do they job i would be mad 24h.

                            Everyone loves Chibi

                              Nice item choises Atum, gonna try this myself sometimes if i'll need a lose streak.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                              King of Low Prio

                                you caught me, us shitty players win games while all the good players are in the 3k MM because of elo hell

                                King of Low Prio

                                  I am well aware that I could have gotten a courier BUT i was in a bad mood and did not feel like playing babysitter.


                                    pretty sure i read in a thread your rating is also ~3k sampson
                                    and mine is only below 4k atm cause of losestreak

                                    so yeah...u suck


                                      King of Low Prio

                                        multiple people in this thread have me on steam, they can confirm for you that I am above 4k


                                          @atum, you did pick pudge and sniper in ranked. you deserved to lose.

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            you are below 4k because of a loss streak and you where on a loss streak because you are fucking awful

                                            King of Low Prio


                                              pubs are pubs

                                              sniper is the hero of champions


                                                sampson 1v1 me?


                                                  pls i need to win a match

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    I dont play 1v1's I play dota.

                                                    work your way out of the trenches and you might see me in que




                                                        add me if u stop being a faggot

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          If you want to play against me so badly just stop being awful and you can que into me. It was easy for me and I am "terrible"


                                                            go 1v1 bet all inventory? >> i let u choose server and give u my IP so u can ddos me

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              feel free to get a skirmish together but I do not play 1v1s

                                                              三 Ð 三

                                                                Shitters shitting through the mouth, actually through the keyboard. Go fifa, both.

                                                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                  Why all this 1v1 shit?

                                                                  Dota isn't 1v1. Go ahead bro 1v1 and when the cm comes smoked out of the jungle, you get your shit rekt. Wanna do competitive in not a 5v5 format? Go iccup. Do 3v3. Until then, stop bitching about 1v1 because dota isn't 1v1.




                                                                    Find Match > Accept Match > Mute everyone.


                                                                      if dota isnt 1v1 why the f when you say your teams suck people say if you are good you can solo win ?
                                                                      srsly the only times i win i am either the semi carry or the carry in solo ranked. and the other people dont suck but are decent(not good they still suck at doing some stuff)
                                                                      or the times i actually have good players in my team that draft a decent lineup and i take on supporting cause i like shiting on peoples faces as supports

                                                                      i only 1v1'ed once(with a faggot i mean many more with irl friends) but tbh it some how indicates your personal skill in all mechanics are supirior to your enemy if you win. its not an RNG game

                                                                      the one time i 1v1ed some fag he was bh on my team and kept bitching while afk farming and got some kills on enemy cm and rubick he was like 18-2-1 at the end when we lost and i was playing some support. he said "u noobs are not in my level. so i added him and he had 3200MMR.... (praise gaben) and i told him to 1v1 me with any hero he likes he chose AM (that was his top hero and i rarely play AM cause i hate afk farming and having 0 impact on the game until mid-late) and i won 3-0 by only playing smarter than him (like tread switching,wasting my mana when i realized he has not leveled ult,etc)

                                                                      its like im stuck at 4011 forever....


                                                                        get van-art in your team -> insta win

                                                                        ps: the 1v1 in dota is retarded. get your facts straight people, winning a 1v1 matchup doesn't mean the opponent is worse than you

                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다



                                                                          dagon bristle?
                                                                          shadow amulet slark?
                                                                          phase boots weaver?

                                                                          damn, i thought i liked trolling.

                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                            1v1s are a legit way to test someone's mechanics..even though i aggree it ignores factors like teamplay, decision making, map awareness etc etc etc.

                                                                            they are the best way to test 1 individual vs another without bias though.


                                                                              i've just broken my winstreak record


                                                                                There is a lot of bias in 1v1 because someone who is a god tier support or offlaner might not be as good at mid as the meh guy who plays mid every game, but overall the mid player is worse than the god tier support or offlaner.


                                                                                  remember fy won cty at the 1v1 challenge

                                                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                    pics or it didn't happen.


                                                                             <--- better than pics

                                                                                      1 v 1 can be used to judge mechanical skills... but really its not dota, its a completely different kind of game with its own rules, tactics, and strategies. There is some overlap with dota, but really not very much. Begin good at 1 v 1 means you are good at 1 v 1.

                                                                                      I once beat a guy 1 v 1, 9 out of 10 games and I'm still certain he was much more mechanically skilled than I am, but he just didn't understand how to 1 v 1. I lost cs by a lot every game and won anyway. So it's not even a good judge of mechanical skill if both players are not similarly experienced in 1 v 1. It does not even show who is better at solo mid, and certainly not who is better at dota overall.

                                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                        Relentless didn't make the biggest post in this thread, the end is near.


                                                                                          Silly, silly Sampson

                                                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!