General Discussion

General DiscussionMagic has won the day!

Magic has won the day! in General Discussion
    first time teammate makes me jungle antimage we lose lol solo queue antimage has lost his streak! btw if there are any fine support out there around 3.5k bracket(potato bracket) that plays support alot ill accept your invite. idk how its possible to get 70 percent winrate with antimage without a stack

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    King of Low Prio

      64.86% лох


        sampson you dont have to comment on every single discussion if its pretty useless

        King of Low Prio

          Вы не являетесь владельцем меня. Я могу написать, где я хочу

          noob feeder

            pick a carry that isnt the worst carry in the current patch
            get >50% wr

            Ples Mercy

              You need to learn hwoto play AM early/midgame. getting BF every game just shows that you belong to that shitbracket. You might wanna start to learn that hero properly?


                I play support, just not around AM. In my opinion this hero lost his hard carry status, people figured out how to counter him a while ago. If you want to play heroes that are nigh useless early game, play Void at least he's pretty much unstoppable once he gets 6 slotted.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  ^ Well, a lot of people pick Void mostly because he can actually synergize with his team, something not a lot of HCs can do.

                  one and half gun

                    you mean using chrono in the middle of a team fight disregarding what's going on?


                      That's why he's so popular in DC's Fail videos. Plus, he's the perfect hero to fuck your entire team with if they piss you off enough, Dota is full of angry people...can you see the appeal?

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        3.5k and 2k games
                        You gotta improve more


                          a lot of people including me went mindlessly into the game for a long period of time. you do realize how much extra stuff they had when you started compared to when i started? No one asked for that comment I already know that now

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!