General Discussion

General DiscussionReason why Bogi sucks.

Reason why Bogi sucks. in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    sry bogi but this literally made me cry.

    First you went afk jungle, then you maxed ur passive and 3points in ur buff, after u went like lvl 9 or 10 u started to skill ur q, against a motherfucking brood. After that u were fucking around with brood the rest of the game, ignoring ur team completely, you didnt win a single duel the whole game. You tried to duel a fucking brood 1v1 despite (maybe knowing) missing all your atacks. You literally did nothing to whole game, while ur team tried to carry ur heavy scrubass, now this is just comedy gold. After a lost teamfight WR basicly said 'fuck this im out' he abandoned the game and u feed ur own teammates to the enemies, so it looks like they fed.

    Srsly, i have 3k mmr players in my list with more brain than u hahaha. Not gonna lie, that shit was just beyond hilarious. I loved how ur argument was like 'this matchmaking...', 'team ignoring brood.....', yes, lets all go on brood and ignore DP & chen thats totally much better...


    이 주제는 수정되었습니다
    Quick maffs

      This is cyber bulling

      Ples Mercy

        who cares its hilarious



          Whats with all the anger on this forum these days?

          Quick maffs

            The thing is, if he is really that bad like you guys say how did he get that rating ?

            Ples Mercy

              look at his losstreak. Maybe volvo fixed something idk.

              Ur definition of rage is not the same as mine. In my world a guy who is angry does not laugh.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                Ah yeah I was just messin. Are people all genuinely raging on each other or is everyone on an inner circle and just trolling around?

                Quick maffs

                  Another thing why the fuck people put dota in they names ? i mean why bogidota or whateverdota ? its creepy as fuck

                  Ples Mercy

                    the latter one is only 75% accurate. Trolling each other pretty much, but inner circle, naaaaah.

                    its bcuz dotostyle u knovv?
                    Noone plays as horrible as bogi :'D

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      so much hate man

                      Woof Woof

                        watch out guys its well known that Blunt got rejected from art school because he couldnt paint people

                        Ples Mercy

                          ill start WW 3


                            @God among peasants.

                            I am honestly being serious when I ask whats going on with the Natures prophet? You throwing games or something? Just asking out of curiosity. Some way to get into lower brackets and farm other heroes or something?


                              anyway everybody that still pick lc sux, its just how it is.
                              for those that dont understand why, its just cuz ur bad

                              -apm 400 player

                                this shit has become my daily dose.


                                  Ahhhhhhhhhh thanks :) I was wondering!


                                    I love that how Blunt is 24/7 on my dotabuff profile :D


                                      Please can blunt analyse one of performances? That really will get y'all laughing.


                                        you are so mean


                                          Fact s I lost so much mmr cus I don`t care what ppl pick and i just picked so many heroes and getting hard countered. Yes I have 22% of all games with slark so what.. I had 4960 mmr. 3ksh players with any their best hero can`t get never 5k cus they don`t understand game on that lvl. So it`s bullshit to say that someone get high mmr cus he abuse with on hero. Slark is not op hero at all there is much stronger heroes atm for pub than he is. He is maybe top 10 yeah but not like 1. or top 5.. at all.

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            fucking hilarious legion commander i've ever seen.


                                              he is right. 5k games are the hardest ones because when you are 5k and blue, the orange is around 4200 so they always cost you the game.


                                                "dont push i feed those"
                                                what a joke.

                                                  이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                                                    lul, what a scrub

                                                    Penis Monkey

                                                      Tbh Bogi, Slark is the number one pubstar right now, and he's perfect to your playstyle.


                                                        why is this game worth a thread o.O


                                                          cause fuck logic


                                                            nice EE fake there


                                                              This is 4k+ MMR? That OD doesn't even know what tower range is?


                                                                I don`t know what tower range is? What? HAHAHAHAHAH LOL more non-sense comments plz, is so fucking funny !


                                                                  he said "that OD". you're a fucking legion commander.


                                                                    Bogi doesnt even know hero names, thats even sadder.


                                                                      Well I played Od a game after commander so I don`t know to who he is actually talking about.
                                                                      [ESP*] Wink
                                                                      Yap I don`t :(

                                                                      Woof Woof

                                                                        RIP vrosnak i think we should have official thread here in memory of V god


                                                                          Bogi, see link in first post. The OD was on the other team.

                                                                          Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                                            What's the point of these hatethreads?

                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                              ^No point blunt is just retard/too much free time



                                                                                Lol typhox didnt you get permabanned at playdota for pointless/trolling posts?


                                                                                  so much fans


                                                                                    One game doesn't mean anything. People have bad games all the time.



                                                                                      whats worse a blademail first dazzle with treads or a shadowfiend having teh most deaths on his team.


                                                                                        ah! an opportunity for someone to show they understand item choices...


                                                                                        Explain why dazzle got blademail for the first and only time in 42 games of dazzle.


                                                                                          its because you suck


                                                                                            If dazzle got blademail every game, "you suck" could be a reasonable explanation.

                                                                                            Harry hamburgerryg

                                                                                              Ive seen more of those posts recently made by you blunt. Why the fuck do you care so much about other peoples games, that you hang em out on the forums. Don't you really have anything more important to do in you life. This shit just shows that your a lowlife motherfucker.


                                                                                                :D He has no life at all,he is 24/7 on my dotabuff profile and checking my replays all the time to find 1 bad game in 10-20 or smth so he can make a new post.

                                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


                                                                                                  Does blademail work vs sunder?


                                                                                                    no? no?

                                                                                                    Sup m8

                                                                                                      I think it would. The damage you would take from blade mail would negate the life that you stole, leaving you in the same position.