General Discussion

General DiscussionCan Exorcism be purged?

Can Exorcism be purged? in General Discussion

    If I remember correctly it's a buff that's applied on her and I haven't seen it in the list of things that can't be purged.
    Has anyone ever tried it for themselves?


      no LOL


        Damn :c


          ofc not... consider it a skill like sk ulti, can u stop the earthquake?... or the requiem of souls of sf, can u stop the souls from expanding?


            LOL diffusal blade suddenly OP


              And there have been times when you could purge god's strength. now you can't even purge warcry.


                if you could purge it, euls on her would be so bad


                  Just because you euls doesnt mean your buffs dissapear, Not every spell is affected as you might not know.
                  You can purge warcry. And if you cant right now it is a bug.

                  As rule of thumb though you can purge up to almost everything which isnt an aura or a permanent debuff. You just need to learn the exceptions

                  Improve your argument


                    it works only with diffusal 2, diffu 1 doest purge it


                      diffusal 1 and 2 have same purge.


                        no diffu 2 purge more spells, everybody knows that..


                          u can purge with diffu 1 if 2 heroes have it and purge at the same time


                            Interestingly enough, you can purge Brood's ulti, but not crap like Bane's Enfeeble. Balanced fo' sho'.

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              ^But you know, they made Enfeeble non-dispellable by anything including BKB, Manta and even Repel.


                                yes. but each time you purged her. 1 and only 1 ghost got removed. that's why no one bother to purge EXORCISM


                                  you can steal with rubick tho.
                                  some fun moments and confusion ensured.

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