General Discussion


FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF in General Discussion

    i cant deal with this shit, are there intentional losers at every mmmr or just 3-4k?
    i tell ogre hes no being aggressive enough, next thing you know hes not helping anyone and spamming 'gg am noob' word of advice:don't chat when playing AM because someone is ought to be butthurt and intentionally throw the game time and time again.

    one and half gun

      no they exist in 5k+

      they first pick invoker and try epic push strategies and fail at it


        am in your team? 100% lost game


          and they got the balls to ask for support like wtf
          u think some fucktard (2 in this case since its AM) will go support u for 60 min and win 4v5 until then? GO FUCK YOURSELF
          its fucking public

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            ^um they were 5 stack and helped me out. you dont even understand whats going on, obviously its no 100% lose the game. Also i picked before Axe and lycan, so its not like i drove myself into a hole anyway. Look at how hard i try with this one hero, my impact is probably greater early than alot of other heroes. There is no reason a person has to intentionally lose and not help when i say
            "help pugna be aggressive" he wasnt stunning or anything and he was playign awful, but i didnt say he was playing awful. People pick support and automatically think they are playing support just because they pick a 'support' hero.


              What confuses me is how you lose more than half of your games with over 2000 games played... Stop picking zeus lol

              i quit

                if its a 5 stack pick a stack that doesnt have these kind of people. the whole point of queueing with someone (or a group) is to avoid these kind of people, seems like u didn't do that.

                and there's really no way to say you're helping your team a lot since the hero is inherently incapable of doing anything except blink voiding a 0 mana storm after he kills someone. if you want your support to not totally jew out on you, pick a hero thats actually somewhat useful throughout the game like gyro or something.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  ^look at my first games..i stacked soul rings and shit there werent even guides or anything when i started playing(played alot of fps, so i hopped right in lol) you can look at my early failures, after that thought i went on like a 10 game win streak with zeus.


                    ^^@Trash it was 4 stack i was solo

                    i quit

                      well you said they were a 5 stack so thats what i was basing that off of.

                      also i believe he's saying that you pick a hero thats usually not a great fit in pubs (at least the way you build him) as evidenced by your winrate with him. you also actually lost 10 games in a row with him (w/o soul ring stacks) and never won more than 5 in a row w. him.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        i always go like 3-0 early game, it is way easier with antimage then alot of you think


                          I meant 4 stack then obviously, trash, if I said 'they'.

                          i quit

                            yet you will no doubt find yourself unable to contribute between the 10-25 minute mark compared to picking a carry thats useful at all stages of the game.

                            AM isnt the worst laning melee carry (manaburn harass) but once u get into the part of the game after u pick up ur ring of health till you have 3+ items on you you're essentially useless. basically the hero limits your midgame effectiveness dramatically and theres no way around that.

                            and you also blatantly said 5 stack so forgive me if i was confused, but your writing isn't exactly the most readable/understandable (not turning this into a grammar debate) which made me more confused still.

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              trash if you are talking about zeus, ye i did win more than 5 in a row with him. You dont look hard enough


                                i juts checked i won 6in a row twice with zues, did you even look at all?

                                i quit

                                  really because you should take a look at your match log.

                                  i found a 10 game losing streak, 6 game win streak, and another 6 game win streak.

                                  please look at your own records before repeating your claim.

                                  edit: 2 6 game winning streaks isn't >10 game winning streak...

                                  also address my concerns about AM being useless between the 10-25 min marks.

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    ye well its not my job really to explain everything in detail, ask questions and ill answer but if you keep going on and on about what i say and how i say it then theres no point in you keep responding the thread...


                                      [previously you said i never won more than 5 games in a row with him, why are you finding my mistakes when you make the exact same ones???

                                      i quit

                                        you repeated the same claim, that i couldn't find a 10 game winning streak, twice, and accused me of not looking at it when it was clearly you not looking at it. also there's a pretty big difference between your claim (saying 10 = 6) and mine saying 6 = 5, because i was clearly shorthanding it like most people do with most things that are 5/10 related...

                                        point is you still haven't addressed how antimage is INHERENTLY useless compared to other carries that are useful at all stages of the game (gyro, spec, list goes on). you can go 3-0 in the early game, but am has no snowball mechanism beyond relying that your team will 4v5 without you for maybe 2-3 mins less b/c of the kills you got.

                                        what you failed to realize is that pubs are decided <30 minutes in most cases, thus picking antimage makes no sense.

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                          'you repeated the same claim' yet at the same time you claim 2-3 things in one post. It would be nice to get back on topic, as this isnt english class Mr. trash

                                          i quit

                                            ^there's a pretty big difference between winning 6 games and winning 10, and my 5 was shorthand. also you brought that up and are now trying to run away from it and saying this isn't english class.

                                            also the mmr i have on my standard account as well as the mmr i have on this account (drawing this from the people ive played against and played fine with/against) are both more than yours so please spare yourself the trouble.

                                            you still haven't addressed my concerns about antimage which i've said 3 times and keep bringing up this english crap without making a single mention of the reason you actually made this post which i've responded to THREE TIMES, then you say "it would be nice to get back on topic" when i've talked about AM being useless 3 times. you gonna keep this dyslexia up or what.

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                              Because saying antimage is useless is a dumbass post in it of itself. there thats as good as the crap you gave me about him being useless compared to other carries.


                                                Agree and not agree. Anti mage is bad but not as worse as you said.
                                                1)Lowest base attack time.
                                                2)A carry that is hard to gank.
                                                3)He is a very good split push hero, you need to always carry tp with him, judge the condition of teamfights and tped in certain circumstances, such as mana break and void is great after certain heroes use their abilties on your teammate and have low mana pools.
                                                4)As you said it is pub, not many can handle split push well.
                                                PS:I am new to dota, correct me if I am wrong.


                                                  and because your mmr is a little higher means you just happen to have more knowledge about how antimage works? no, because you are probably another 40-50percent winrater with him that says hes a crap hero because you dont know how to play him


                                                    I rly think you only should pick AM as last pick if you see the other heroes can win 4v5 and you think your team could use an am late-game... Cant expect your random teammates to build around you, if you want to firstpick am, play 5stack...

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      I played 1 match with you and call bullshit on you saying 'can you pretty please be a little more aggressive'. You are one of the biggest douches that I have ever had to play with and I really do not understand where you get your ego from because your skill level is nowhere near it.....


                                                        ^you went dagon 3 instead of heart that game lol. and when you went 0-4 in beginning i literally didnt say anything. only after you kept blaming my friend did I do anything.

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          It has nothing to do with the match it has to deal with how obnoxious you are and the reason nobody wants to play with your scrub ass. I am still shocked that you are above 2k though :P


                                                            @Sampson how much is your MMR?

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              4.1k atm


                                                                after looking at your last couple of games you seem to be in no position to be whining about gameruiners...

                                                                i quit


                                                                  there are better splitpush carries (clinkz for example doesnt need the map security antimage does in order to splitpush). antimage is also inherently countered by so many carries that have been added to the game (legion commander, for example, any hero with blink initiation, list goes on) which have made it more and more difficult to get these splitpush strats off.

                                                                  and i said antimage is useless compared to other carries. lets take gyro for example, hes got his ulti and flak for lategame, a better early game (ranged + barrage is amazing at level 1) and doesn't need the same kind of farm (but if he gets it its even better) and can be used throughout the game.

                                                                  antimage however is only good for splitpushing and blink voiding after a fights over. he has nothing to contribute early on (and by that i mean 10-25 mins in) because he'll have 1200-1300 hp even with manta/bfury (which really isn't enough for a melee carry and is significantly less tanky than most melee carries) and when he only has his bfury hes got ~1000. his autoattacks with only a battlefury do next to no damage (actually they do a decent amount of damage but they're easily kitable and such)

                                                                  you've failed to tell me how antimage is anyhow useful between the 10-25 minute marks (where i think everyone can agree 9/10 matches at your MMR are decided) outside of blink voiding and splitpushing (although his splitpush potential actually isn't that great because of how many splitpush counters that are in the game now).

                                                                  whats more useful between the 10-25 min mark, a battlefury antimage or a farmed gyro (or even an unfarmed one). however if you were to go vanguard and OOV id probably change that. unless you 5 stack picking antimage and trying to afk farm for 25-30 minutes wont work in most scenarios. also you're acting like you're some god of an antimage player when all you do is sit there and afk farm and say "look at me im 4-1 in 25 minutes" when the reality is you lost the game because you chose to afk farm.

                                                                  also sorry to jump around here a lot but weaver is a much better carry than antimage due to the fact that he has the same amount of survivability (if not more), is ranged, has a stronger laning phase and can splitpush as good if not better as well as being ten times more versatile.

                                                                  all this is about pubs btw

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                    ^^ ye ive been feeding not because i hate these people.

                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                      lol trash? i said 3-0 in first couple of minutes usually, if you look at my antimage ranked games i do a ton of hero damage andd participate a ton. that extra sentece you added for effect"look at me im 4-1 in 25 minutes" when the reality is you lost the game because you chose to afk farm."
                                                                      is completely false and poorly looked into.
                                                                      fail post imo


                                                                        actually watch the games instead of makign retarded posts, literally all my antimage kills have a ton of TD, HD, KILLS, ASSISTS, GPM, everything, not one is much more than the other. I participate a ton...

                                                                        i quit

                                                                          not going to bother continuing a discussion with someone who complains about the same people he's become. complains bout intentional feeders, then becomes one.

                                                                          just one more of the trashcans that think they're better than their mmr says when in reality even though their individual gameplay might be better than the typical player at their same mmr level, their attitude isnt where it would need to be to play at a higher level.

                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                            ^^ took that into consideration
                                                                            You can guess how much this has made the situation.
                                                                            i was starting to get major stuttering around the last 5 minutes of the game, I pause and DC. i come to find that i died somewhere in their base and i join the game when antimage is pushing our throne. When these faggots said shit like 'ez game' 'slark noob' i dont know how to deal with it.


                                                                              nothing seems to help with controlling emotions because every time I try to the above happens and then I get 'ez game dude' 'ur bad' and get reported for asking team why they picked such a trash lineup. Should i go into a game and mute everyone?

                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                he pretends to be a game ruiner but that is just to mask his own lack of skill. He fails then goes 'HAHAHA IM TROLLING THIS GAEM LOL IM GOOD'

                                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!