General Discussion

General Discussionthings i should do better

things i should do better in General Discussion
i quit

    would be great if i can have some 3rd party insight since i feel like i'm semi feeding every game when i'm on support.

    i know i go manmode a lot and probably shouldn't but would be great if i could get some legit advice.



      One tip.. Turn YOLO mode Off :)

      i quit

        haha yeah i mainly do that cause i like to have fun with it but that's definitely something i need to work on thanks.


          No problem:) Playing smart and be one step further will help you in Everyway:) ( KDA / Win% )


            Purchase mobility items on squishy supportscause a dead support = no support = carry dies = gg

            King of Low Prio

              turn yolo mode on, just do it at the right time. If 2+ enemies die for you, do it. If a rax dies for you, do it.

              high risk high reward

              put on your big boy pants

              Feeder Chan

                Sounds like an Xboct fan.

                i quit

                  haha yeah i enjoy xboct.

                  and @auburn thanks for the advice, admittedly i was messing around in that lesh game but i probably should have gone force staff+ghost scepter or something along those lines. thanks.

                  if anyone could provide some more game-specific advice i'd really appreciate it.

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