General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is there no locked regions?

Why is there no locked regions? in General Discussion

    I've had numerous games where my whole team does not speak English when I only search in U.S servers. This is a huge problem because I can not communicate with them. All I get are pings and one word "noob" because they ping and try to tell me to do something and I don't. I also think this is a unfair disadvantage for me because the other team could be communicating well while I am pretty much on my own. Why is this not looked into as a huge issue?


      now imagine you live in Europe


        ^ don't be a douche. @ sampson.

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          Huh? His post pretty much answers your question.

          Woof Woof

            because it isnt huge issue for valve if x dont cripple theirs profit they just ignore it

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              problem is not language, i could play muted in solo q all the time, problem is players with bad attitude and the fact that they normally cant speak english (peruvians).


                Yea, Its not that language that i'm pissed off about. I feel its the cultural differences. Russians, Peruvians, Brazilians, Mexicans I feel that they are still infant when it comes to video game culture and I think they are literally underdeveloped. 9/10 don't think the same as everyone else, they refuse to speak the majority language, they refuse to play seriously and they like to be facetious, over sensitive when some bad goes wrong etc. Its not just a coincidence that foreign people have this reputation with them and its not ethnocentric either. North American countries have a more cutthroat mentality and common sense but lack in knowledgeable growth. This is why no one truly complains about Asians on their team (besides terrible ping) because their culture is actually more accepting to video game culture and they understand it better. Some European countries and South American countries, I believe, are still in their infancy with video game culture and they are not on the same thought process of this matter. But since we are cutthroat we have an understanding how we want to do things with people, but usually when people from the states go to a foreign country there are other things that they do that don't fit their process of thinking. For example, people from the states "Assumes everyone is there to wait on them" and people in foreign countries usually wait in line and have a culture where its enforced. People in the states rush people and think they are entitled to things. Another is they like to use Credit cards all the time to buy things overseas when some countries don't even accept credit cards. I don't mind them, but its there attitude a long with not wanting to speak English. I love when I'm like, "Oh we have a foreign person on our team" and they are like, "Well what is foreign? You are foreign to me". But it doesn't take much from a dumb ass to realize Foreign to the server location. If you are far enough from the server to lag, not speak the language, and at least 5,000 miles from the server location. You are fucking foreign to the server and thats slightly a problem and a lack of courtesy, especially in ranked. Like if they really want to fix this problem. Why not make Us West and East the way it is and then make a Us Central that is a privatized region locked server. Then we will really see how many people dodge us east and west.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  I happen to be one of those who hates queuing on a WEU server only to see Cyrillic all over the place, but what about people with friends all over the world? I constantly play with friends from Portugal, Hungary, Germany, Denmark, etc. I for one wouldn't like to be stuck with just people from my country / region.


                    I suppose there is a problem with casual/hardcore gamer in this case, I believe most of game developer understand that hardcore gamer doesn't bring much profit to them, let's say a people who play to win, who let himself to be out of control/mood swings for a game are usually selfish, they don't think about anything except winning in game. Let's see the rant in, they asked for MM, Valve gave them MM. But does the rant stopped? no. Would most gamer has the commitment and attention to dota2? I don't think so. They think that he actually helps valve by suggesting these ideas that "helps community", "make better match". But they don't understand what valve really wants, profit and that's it. Hardcore gamers are the 99% of the reason why dota2 community is toxic. Without them probably valve can gain more profit from dota2

                    Unfortunately most successful gaming company are the one who develop a game targeted to casual gamer. The amount of players that LoL has for example. Even valve lied to media a few year ago that Dota2 has more people than LoL or even broke the world record of the highest prize in e-sports competition. Majority of people still prefer to LoL the easier and more casual game. Most of the people prefer to have fun more than a desire to win in game. Living with casual gamers around me, i can understand what my friends are thinking.

                    And if you play a game, would you like a game that has a lot of rules or less rules? People like tYr for example. All hardcore gamer can do as minority is to climb to highest MMR possible so we have less people like this in our game.

                    It's sad that even hardcore gamer doesn't think about the other hardcore gamers want. They made a dota2 account, get a really high MMR and sell it for money to people who barely play dota2 or for lower MMR player. This thread for example I don't know that thread is real or not. But i believe not only him thinking of this idea. Think about the people who bought this kind of account and play a ranked games.


                      Thats the problem with all games these days. Which is actually why I wouldn't even mind having a pay once Dota game rather than a f2p.
                      The game wants to cater to the people with too much money and not enough sense. It took this long to add in Ranked matchmaking and it is lackluster. Where are the leagues, replay analysis, all heroes, more training features, game experience features, mechanic fixes bugs and reworkings. Like I still think they need to fix Windrangers/Runner Shackle mechanic cause its finicky. But no, more hats, more events, more collecting items, more everyone hugs and stay together while you fight because of misconceptions of the game.

                      Harry hamburgerryg

                        Goddam russians and peruvians. Didnt valve promise a language filter in ranked?. Now where is it then. But you're right
                        They misconcepted the game, who the fuck cares about all those shitty items. I don't. I only want to play and gain some mmr. But it's kinda hard with people speaking all kind of languages, and the mentallity difference. Like russians, some of em really has a non function brain. But also the mmr system, is really bad. When i first saw all the things they promised about ranked games, i was so happy. But its like it did not rly happend. For an example i just had a ranked match vs 2 guys premades, with 78% and 86% winrate. That is insanely far from my % winrate. So how can that be fair?

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          It may be annoying but at the end of the day DOTA is a 5v5 game and solo queue is just a feature. It's not meant to be played with randoms but they had to add that feature or no one would bother. When you're playing with these guys and its not going well just buy smokes and hope for the best.

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!