General Discussion

General Discussion[Guide] Feel the wrath of vengeance

[Guide] Feel the wrath of vengeance in General Discussion


    She was first in succession for the throne of the Ghastly Eerie. After her sister's treachery, she fell down, losing her royal reputation. She later made a pact with Goddess Avilliva Scree'auk and became Vengeful Spirit. Now she hunts for her long forgotten love, the Skywrath Mage with a passion to make his life miserable.

    [color=orange][size=26] INDEX[/size][/color]

    [*]Hero stats


    [*]Good and bad things

    [*]Skill build

    [*]Item build


    [*]Other Items Worth Getting

    [*]Popular Items That Need Mentioning:

    [*]Play style

    [*]Hero Synergies


    [color=orange][size=20]HERO STATS[/size][/color]

    Strength [Img][/img] 16 +2.6

    Agility [Img][/img] 27 +2.8

    Intelligence [Img][/img] 15 + 1.75

    [*]Hit points : 492 ( at level 25 : 2050 )

    [*]Mana : 195 ( at level 25 : 1001 )

    [*]Damage : 39-53 ( at level 25 : 126-140 )

    [*]Armor : 3.78 ( at level 25 : 15.99 )

    [*]Attacks per Second 0.74 ( at level 25 : 1.25 )

    [*]Movement Speed : 295

    [*]Sight Range : 1800/800

    [*]Attack Range : 400

    [*]Missile Speed : 1500


    [Img][/img]Magic missile

    It is a fantastic early game stun, immediately starting with 1.45 seconds of stun and 100 damage at level 1 - making it ideal for first blood. Remember , stun is worth more then the damage itself. Also, enemy heroes can evade this missile ( Puck, Alchemist, Magina, Mirana, Sylabear, etc )

    [Img][/img] Wave of Terror

    Best spell that Vengeful spirit has to offer. Armor reduction in small AoE and small damage, but mostly used to scout areas to prevent ganks , check for roshan, and many more. Remember, it is direct hp removal, so it WON'T disable clarity , bottle or healing salve.

    [Img][/img]Vengeance Aura

    Best for mid to late game, making your carry hit harder and giving all of your team a whoping +36% damage. Remember , it gives damage based on primary stats, and not bonus damage ( lets say from desolator or mkb ).

    [Img][/img]Nether Swap

    The skill that makes Vengeful feared. It is straightforward, it swaps you and your target. It is primarly used to swap enemy carry into your team and saving allies. With aghanim scepter, you get a ridiculus cooldown and you can target creeps. Remember, it goes throught magic invuleribity.

    Click me to find more about Vengeful spirit

    [color=orange][size=20]GOOD AND BAD THINGS[/size][/color]


    + [color=green]A highly spammable stun[/color]
    + [color=green]Can reduce armor and give vision of enemies[/color]
    + [color=green]Can increase allies damage by 36%[/color]
    + [color=green]Great starting stats and good Strength gain (for a ranged hero)[/color]
    + [color=green]One of the best roaming heroes in the game[/color]
    + [color=green]Very item independent[/color]


    - [color=red]Low mana pool[/color]
    - [color=red]Fairly low hp[/color]
    - [color=red]Below average move speed[/color]
    - [color=red]Is very easy to get under leveled due to the roaming nature of the hero[/color]

    [color=orange][size=20]SKILL BUILD[/size][/color]

    [u]There are 2 main different types of skill build for Vengeful spirit[/u]

    [u]Build I[/u]

    Level 1: Magic Missile

    Level 2: Wave of Terror

    Level 3: Wave of Terror

    Level 4: Vengeance Aura

    Level 5: Wave of Terror

    Level 6: Nether Swap

    Level 7: Wave of Terror

    Level 8: Vengeance Aura

    Level 9: Vengeance Aura

    Level 10: Vengeance Aura

    Level 11: Nether Swap

    Level 12: Stats/Magic Missile

    Level 13: Stats/Magic Missile

    Level 14: Stats/Magic Missile

    Level 15: Stats/Magic Missile

    Level 16: Nether Swap

    Level 17-25: Stats/Magic Missile


    [u]Magic missile[/u]

    [*]Level one of Magic missile is way more spam able then level 4
    [*]You don't need the extra burst damage because the negative armor you can give will easily cause more damage

    [u]Wave of terror[/u]

    [*]This costs 40 Mana at all levels
    [*]You max this first because it is more spammable
    [*] Reduces damage by 20% for all enemies hit by the wave
    [*] It deals 100 damage and reduces armor, allowing you to do more damage than a level 4 stun if your team can focus

    [u]Vengeance Aura[/u]

    [*]Is like a free demon edge for each hero on your team late game
    [*]You need to skill this early because most games you wont go past level 11
    [*]With Wave of Terror as well you can normally provide +40-50% on the focused hero

    [u]Nether Swap[/u]

    [*]Get this skill whenever possible
    [*]Use it to save your allied carry, it is better if they live and you die
    [*]Swap yourself with the most threatening enemy hero so your team can easily take them out

    Build II

    Level 1: Magic Missile

    Level 2: Wave of Terror

    Level 3: Magic Missile

    Level 4: Vengeance Aura

    Level 5: Magic Missile

    Level 6: Nether Swap

    Level 7: Magic Missile

    Level 8: Vengeance Aura

    Level 9: Vengeance Aura

    Level 10: Vengeance Aura

    Level 11: Nether Swap

    Level 12: Stats/Wave of Terror

    Level 13: Stats/Wave of Terror

    Level 14: Stats/Wave of Terror

    Level 15: Stats/Wave of Terror

    Level 16: Nether Swap

    Level 17-25: Stats/Wave of Terror


    Magic missile

    [*]Stun duration increases as you level it up
    [*]More burst damage is good for killing high hp heroes or heroes with escape mechanisms
    [*]Increases the mana cost so you need to be more conservative with it

    Wave of terror

    [*]You get this to give vision of enemies
    [*]Max it last as you don't want to delay your aura

    Vengeance Aura

    [*]Is like a free demon edge for each hero on your team late game
    [*]You need to skill this early because most games you wont go past level 11

    Nether swap

    [*]Get this skill whenever possible
    [*]Use it to save your allied carry, it is better if they live and you die
    [*]Swap yourself with the most threatening enemy hero so your team can easily take them out

    [color=orange][size=20]ITEM BUILD[/size][/color]

    [size=15]Starting items[/size]

    [Img][/Img] - Wards should also be bough, so you can't stop enemy from pulling creeps , to give vision of runes and choke points
    [Img][/Img] - Chick is no brainier, every team needs it, and you should get one due to nature of your role
    [Img][/Img] - Smoke should be bought only if you plan to gank during the day, especial their mid lane. During night, smoke can be skipped, due to lower night vision of heroes ( mostly of them, be aware of Luna, Night Stalker, Slark and Sniper )
    [Img][/Img] - Salve should be bought, so you got some sort of regeneration after successful gank or if you are under constant harassing in lane
    [Img][/img] - Branches should be bought to get at least some stats to be able to get to the middle game

    [size=15]Mid game items[/size]

    Medallion of courage, very good item in conjunction with wave of terror, makes you take down heroes easily. Also, it increase your mana regen, so you can keep less time going back to fountain.

    Urn of shadows, for a supporting hero and hero who is always ganking and getting action 24/7, this item is godly. It makes your mana problem go away with conjunction with medallion, and heals you and your teammates, after successful ganks. Also note, urn should be purchased only on one hero per team.

    Bots of speed, no brainier, makes you faster, should get boots before minute 4, due to slow nature of Vengeful.

    In my opinion, one of the best item for Vengeful. It is easy to make, not much gold, and it gives a lot. Helps in pushing and teamfights. Must have

    [size=15]Late game[/size]

    [u]Don't save gold to buy big items, rather spent your gold on wards, smoke, gem, and for buyback[/u]


    Boots of travel [Img][/img]

    Bad choice for Venge, your role is clearly not to be farming and the 2200 needed for the upgrade is just too much when you compare it with a 900 gold upgrade for Phase Boots and a 950 gold upgrade for Power Treads. Grade 2/10

    Phase boots [Img][/img]

    Can be useful to catch enemy heroes , due to your low range and low speed, but it doesn't give you much needed stats. Grade 4/10

    Power treads [Img][/img]

    A quick overview on Power Treads is that they are my boots of choice for Vengeful, they are usable in so many different situations and also very good value for gold. You can do stats change, getting a bit of mana to be able to stun or swap, or getting much needed health to be able to survive gank or team fights. Grade 10/10

    Arcane boots [Img][/img]

    If in a team with heroes who need a lot of mana ( es, tide, sk, wrath king ) you should get them, otherwise, your mana problem aren't that high. Grade 6/10

    Tranquil boots [Img][/img]

    Great boots for early roaming, loses it effectiveness after 25 minutes. Grade 7/10

    [color=orange][size=20]OTHER ITEM WORTH GETTING[/size][/color]

    Force staff : [Img][/img]

    Force Staff can be good given certain circumstances, often when i play Vengeful spirit these circumstances do not arise often enough to warrant me making Force Staff a priority, whilst it can be good after some other items because the active ability is useful and the INT bonus it gives helps a lot with spamming your spells

    Vladmir's Offering : [Img][/img]

    I know Vengeful is a ranged hero and will not benefit from the life steal but if no other allies have bought this then it is a good option, the bonus damage from this goes well with your own aura (you now give a total of +51% bonus damage to allies) the armor bonus and mana regeneration is always useful, and the life steal will benefit all melee allies (including creeps)

    Difusal blade : [Img][/img]

    Difusal blade is always useful, the purge is very good for helping finishing off targets, the feedback is good and it is generally a fairly good items on all heroes, the only problem is the price will cause you to steal farm from other heroes and the fact that you will often die before you can make sufficient use of it. Also be careful when using this, it removes the Wave of Terror effects from your target. Great vs Warlock.

    Blink Dagger : [Img][/img]

    Ever since the new patch, blink dagger is now usable by Vengeful spirit. It practically turns you into same role as Bat rider, swapping targets then immediately going back, making you survive and granting sure kill on enemy hero. Be aware that if you swap a unit onto an unpathable ledge, the unit will gains free pathing for 5 seconds , so you can't swap enemy hero and stuck him.

    Drum of Endurance [Img][/img]

    This is a great item for the Vengeful Spirit, it offers Strength and Intelligence, both of which Vengeful Spirit needs. It also goes well with Vengeance Aura with this item you will be giving nearby allies attack and move speed along with the damage from your own aura. Definitely worth getting most of the time

    Aghanim's Scepter

    This item is a luxury item for Venge, the hp and mana bonus is very attractive the upgrade it offers is also fairly attractive, the only problem is that you do not have the mana pool to be spamming Nether Swap. Only time when you should get this, if you have great game, and getting gold from assisting, killing towers and Roshan. Never go farm for this item, you are NOT carry hero

    [color=orange][size=20]POPULAR ITEMS THAT NEED MENTIONING[/size][/color]

    [color=black]Shadow blade[/color] [Img][/img]

    It can save you , but rather that, it is useless, unless you are going for carry venge , which you shouldn't. And on top of that, it gets countered by 180 gold item.

    [color=black]Desolator[/color] [Img][/img]

    Very common on pubs, it goes well with the wave of terror, but again, if you play suporting vengeful ( which you should ) then don't get this item. It is rather very expensive for support, especially roaming one, like vs.

    [color=orange][size=20]HERO SINERGY[/size][/color]


    [size=15]In lanes[/size]

    [Img][/img] Her Frost bite and Crystal nova can easily set up kills , which you will follow with stun and wave. Great combination in lane, although 2 supporters shouldn't go together in lane. On the other hand trilane with this two is deadly combination.

    [Img][/img] With Vengeful stun there is higher chance of proceeding cold feet which will be a 100%.

    [size=15]Mid heroes[/size]

    [Img][/img] Ganking mid with your Invoker, is sure to be kill. Qold snap and forged spirit and your stun, coupled with armor reduction, is easy kill.

    [Img][/img] You stun, he hooks, he kills. Except if he is russian. Then you are screwed

    [Img][/img] Similar to Kunka and SD, you can very easy get kills with this mid lane. Great set up for torrent

    [Img][/img] You stun, you set up for her arrow, which will most likely gets you a kill.


    [Img][/img] Nukers are your worst nightmare. They will instantly kill you with their big ultimate's.

    [Img][/img] Naturally tanky heroes, you will have a hard time killing them.

    [Img][/img] Heroes who can disjoint your stun ( meaning they can evade it ), will make your life miserable.


    International 3, game with Vengeful spirit

    One of best supporting player, he played few games with VS

    Also, if you really want to watch VS games, check 820 games. His Vengeful is best in the world. Although he played way better in wc3. Vengeful alternative name was 820 in wc3.
    [color=red]Please remember this is just a guide, it is not a manual. please do not think this is the only way to play Vengeful spirit[/color]

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      It isn't done yet, a lot of coding errors, please sorry for inconvenience

      King of Low Prio

        the center code is banned from dotabuff because fancy socks thinks there might be a outbreak of extremely centered posts


          Ah, crap, now i gotta delete it from literary every line -_-


            can we pls stop with these fucking stupid threads?
            this is not playdota or joindota or some shit like that

            King of Low Prio

              its a upgrade from the constant bitching about MM


                It's all just a step into the grander scheme of things...subforums.

                Also, include Blink Dagger.


                  I have like 10 or more pictures, that i had to delete because they won't show in post. Don't know what the hell is happening.


                    @ Sampson

                    Agreed. No one wants to read about butt hurt in MM. I wish that Lie to me again fagt post would just fucking die already.


                      Finally done it, if anyone see some mistakes, please do tell me.

                      King of Low Prio

                        it wont die until a mod just deletes it, he is posting on the thread every time it is about to finally go away


                          Vengeance Aura at level 4 gives about +7 damage, do you really think it is better than +75 damage to your main nuke?

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!