General Discussion

General DiscussionSimple guide to bounty hunter

Simple guide to bounty hunter in General Discussion

    There are several builds and skillorder for bounty hunter. I will just show what I like - roaming and tossing to death.

    First of all when trying to learn new hero you should go to dota2wiki and check his skills, attack animation time, cast animation time and so on.

    [color=#fbb829]Skill build[/color]
    1) Sharow Walk (E)
    2) Jinada (W)/Shuriken Toss (Q)
    3) Shuriken Toss (Q)
    4) Shuriken Toss (Q)/Jinada (W)
    5) Shuriken Toss (Q)
    6) Track (R)
    7) Shuriken Toss (Q)
    8) Jinada (W)
    9) Jinada (W)
    10) Jinada (W)
    11) Track (R)
    12-14) Sharow Walk (E)
    15) +
    16) Track
    17-25) +

    Some times you will need to have 2 or 3 lvl of Shadow walk early on. SO the build is 1 time jinada, some lvls of shadow walk and max toss.
    When you facing 1 hero you can max jinada to harass

    [color=#a9cf54]Tip:[/color] there is some delay in shadow walk as in invise so you can use invise and do smth once (attack/ bottle use).
    [color=#a9cf54]Tip:[/color] when using tp, after tp use shadow walk (if your not going to farm creeps :D)

    [color=#fbb829]Start items[/color]

    I usually buy only this items so I can get my / as fast as possible
    [color=#a9cf54]Tip:[/color] with this build bottle is very important. And as you have check rune whenever you can.

    Annoy supports as much as you can safely. If there is jungler try to annoy him too.
    Get a bottle and boots and if you are fine at lane and owning get your 6.
    If the lane is just shit - roam earlier.

    [color=#a9cf54]Tip:[/color] Always have a tp scroll!

    [color=#fbb829]The core items:[/color]

    [color=#fbb829]After core I have several options:[/color]
    - if there are casters
    - if you confident you wont be killed by casters
    - very nice item to gank heroes with escape/stun (qop, storm, cm, etc)
    - you know you love it!
    - safe no bkb anti dust item

    After this usually win but if no I think you should make choice of your own.

    You should play it few times to have a feel of the hero

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      where can I find bb codes?

      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

        The post by me, top of the forums page...


          No Ethereal Blade in "caster" build?


            caster build means cast toss actually) yeah shit title

            eternal is good after dagon5

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