General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you counter Lycan?

How do you counter Lycan? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    If Lycan is committed to rat doto it seems like there's nothing you can do given evenly matched teams otherwise. If you split push two lanes he'll push one up super far and run away. You will prevent him from raxing you but the longer the game goes he will get strong enough to face you straight up. If you 5 man push one lane the other team will 4v5 you while Lycan solo's your base. He seems to kill an undefender rax quicker than your 5 man team can kill a 4 man defended rax.

    So other than building an early lead, I'm not really sure how you beat him. He's much worse than NP now, NP can't solo your base quicker than your 5 man stack kills enemy base. Lycan can it seems.


      Rat vs. rat will do like a tower pushing build like lycan is, or his hard counters are gankers like axe/riki/bh etc. sneak up on him and stab him while he thinks its safe to counter push. That's about it.


        lock him down with chronosphere, can't kill your buildings if he can't move

        problem solved, next question

        la the yeezy

          I think he is one of the strongest pub heroes right now/. Surprised people dont pick him too often in pubs. As for your question, I actually dont know what the answer is. Riki wont stop him neither axe or whatever this guy above me told you

          Quick maffs

            I dont know but lion doesnt work, when he is hexed he still runs at max mov speed and he can easily dodge your stun

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              A Radiance Diffusal Naga will stop him pretty easily.


                @ Alexander

                IDK its his "worst against" heros picks if you look at lycan stats. There has to be a reason....


                  it only takes 1 fiends grip.


                    and a willing person to play bane.
                    which never happens.


                      literally any stun that goes through BKB or an earthshaker fissure or something...


                        among those lycan games i played. I fear those:

                        1. bloodseeker. jungle lycan's disaster. lycan usually have brown boots pretty late. can not survive bloodseeker thirst.
                        (when mid bs has ult at lv6, lycan is most likely lv3. bs saw you low on hp in jungle a lot)
                        advice: never pick lycan if they picked bs first.

                        2. early warding. if you jungle radiant. they can ward 2 med camp and 1 easy camp. leave you only 2 HARD camp to jungle.
                        when you realized that at minute 1 you have no gold to buy 200 sentry to deward. and you have to farm the 2 hard camp or take some lane creeps. if you do 2 hard camp, they have wards and see you and will gank u. if you take lane creeps that means trilane bot and another carrry and a support and both will flame you. and farming hard camp at lv1 is VERY HARD.... I remember in that game I got my vlad at around 15 min ...

                        summary: see ? how 150 gold can solve the lycan problem ?

                        3. axe. counters lycan hard

                        4. earthshaker. counters lycan harder

                        5. bad teammates . counters any heroes. in a hard way.

                        6. ward roshan. sentry it too. at min 8.

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                        Dire Wolf

                          I was playing bane in the game this happened to me and he still escaped every time. He'd run as soon as anyone tp'd back to base, the couple times I gripped him my team didn't come and grip + sap wasn't enough to kill him and he just ran. Our team played very poorly, but he seems quite unstoppable if he just runs away every time.

                          I'm a serious person

                            As a lycan player who rat doto a lot. Smoke gank could be the best way to counter me. Or have a push strat team in early game. Also try to have a strong lane. Ask me if you have questions.


                              u kill him

                              he cant push or splitpush if hes dead simple as that


                                Great necro


                                  pick mapo, get hex, hex lycan before he ults, net lock him, poof poof poof. rat down. also get a stun heavy team


                                    Rupture ain't a bad answer, really

                                    Fluke Jukem

                                      Kill him in the jungle very early. Lycan typically will suicide after buying certain items (ring of basilius, or mask, or items to make his medallion) so he doesnt lose gold and gets a free port back to base. if you catch him before he does this, its EZ kills EZ gold


                                        Bane is a really easy counter and shuts him down.

                                        Try to use nightmare/ult after he ults so it just goes to waste or kill him fast while disabled in nightmare with spells.

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                          delete Dota
                                          counter all heroes


                                            Nightmare->Call in help->Grip->Team murders->Murder his team 5v4
                                            Rupture and be more stacked than him
                                            kotl blast his pushes and get out
                                            insert more bkb-piercing skills/counter push heroes here


                                              I find legion works very well, with most picks like prophet and similar split pushers I find storm and Legion to be the best answer to this problem.

                                              Last split push game

                                              Stuff like this isn't too hard to counter and honestly I do believe you already know the answer to split pushing you just lack the execution to make it work. This is like 90% of dotabuff posts, people know the answer already but simply because stuff like this still makes them lose they assume they're doing something wrong.

                                              > Shut down the jungle, never let junglers farm
                                              > Have TP's or Boots of Travel as a core item on your mid or carry
                                              > Have lockdown
                                              > Don't heavily counterpick, most of the time simply playing better heroes as a team will win you the game.

                                              Practice makes perfect and I know US East loves their Lycan so you should have plenty of time to practice.


                                                Then get a better pusher line up,
                                                Tiny with aghanim and cuirass will do the trick, i bet most lycan will forced to tp to their base
                                                if you are playing support get disruptor, a simple glimpse to kinetic fild + ulti will kill most of the minion he has and
                                                with the recent glimpse cooldown decrease, i believe it helps if he try to run when your teammate try to chase him

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Got raped by lycan again, we had an ok push lineup but luna underfarmed (I was badly underfarmed on viper too despite 9-4-8 score), bh terrible offlane pick since all he can do is pick off supports. Lycan ran into a few kills that game and snowballed so far. This game was particularly bad cus lycan was snowballed enough to man fight and rat. But hey that's lycan.



                                                    get bristleback against him if it has to bee offlane hero

                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                      I agree with whoji. Mostly the problem is the lycan player is playing at 4k mmr level and everybody else is playing at 2-3k mmr level. Other heroes who can counter lycan is shadow shaman if he wards towers before lycan pushes and also tinker with this march of machines.


                                                        I don't see hardly any lock down, so how was this a plan to beat him. #slowdoesntworkonlycan


                                                          Gank>5 man>Splitpush>Gank

                                                          Just gank him early on?

                                                          How do you stop a farmed spectre/dusa/void/antimage/lancer?

                                                          You can't.

                                                          Just gank them early, make sure he does not take soloroshan. Thats the only thing lycan outshines other hard to stop lategamers (beside push) (same for ursa). His ability to sneak into roshpit and take it fast. Just do it before him, when you have the option. Killing him at the pit is one option, but he will try it over and over again. A smart lycan goes into pit, when his team pressures a tower and forces teamfights. So just rosh before he can.

                                                          Slows do not work against him, so make sure you have real lockdowns.

                                                          Antipush works to a certain degree. But you have to be there. Tree can also work wonders against splitpushers, esp for the T 3 towers.

                                                          BS is indeed a nice counter.

                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Are you talking about my match badger? We didn't plan well for lycan, I picked viper to counter ursa, then our offlane last picked bh. Bh pick probably lost us the game. If he offlanes tide maybe we have a better shot. Our only chance was really if luna farms like mad and we can counter push lanes.

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