General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you get noticed by pro teams or semi-pro teams?

How do you get noticed by pro teams or semi-pro teams? in General Discussion

    If they loss all lanes and feed, and then they gank me 3 or 4 times between 2 towers with smoke, I can't help them and the game is already lost. Simple as that. Even when I try to help with small thinks like fly courier, wards, sentry, smoke playing a solo mid, is gold to trash because they don't use them well enough or even don't use it at all.

    Scrolls, same thing. Scrolls are too important, and I'm always the only one who carries some scrolls for help/defence, etc. Maybe some of the fault is mine for now winning the game by my self 5vs1 but even so, this is a team vs team game, not individual skills. If the other team play as a team and you don't, you'll probable loss.

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        no dizzy no
        he is dead serious


          It just doesn't add up.

          First you say you're at 3k mmr +-. Then you say they smoke gank you. People in 3k MMR don't even know what smoke is. Smoke is the item they go for when they are losing the game to gank their jungle in the most obvious way. Most likely they didn't even smoke, you just weren't paying attention to the mini-map.

          My advice to you is this, go mid and blame all the mistakes of the game on you. THAT will help you improve and negate any dunning-kruger effect that you definitely have. For example, when being ganked mid, instead of blaming your teammates for not calling miss, blame yourself for not having map awareness to see that they're missing. Also, win your lane! Farm! If by 10 minutes you don't have at least 50 last hits on average, you're not pro material. Why? Because if you can't get at least that, then that means either you:
          Don't know how to last hit ; Doesn't know how to contest Runes ; Doesn't know how to control your lane ; No Map Awareness

          If the other lanes are losing, you going there will most likely lead to you dying and losing your snowball advantage. Carry TP scrolls and tell your teammates to play defensively, and when the enemy dives, TP and rape.

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            Good players take account of their teammates lanes getting crushed, carry TP, and counter gank if they determine it will go favorably. If not, they ignore bad lanes, dominate theirs, and win mid game.

            You simply can not be 3k mmr (and 49% win rate) ESPECIALLY as a mid player, and expect anyone to entertain the idea of you turning amateur semi-pro.

            Everyone is playing the same game of dota, yet there are tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of players who have the same potential interest in playing in leagues, but have significantly better MMR than you.

            About the only thing you can hope for is to make a team or convince a team and join an amateur league (and not for nothing South america, Belarus, Macedonia etc have some truly awful players in leagues) or you join a solo league.

            Regardless, you have not provided any proof that you will not get crushed in a league, or provide a meaningful addition to a team.

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              1600 games with a negative winrate and low mmr is NOT pro potential
              If you are naturally good your winrate will constantly be rising as you improve
              Some players plateau you might be one of them


                Agree with the first part, disagree with the second part.

                Plenty of good players will progress to their accurate skill level and then cap out around 50-52% winrate.
       6k mmr pub player that streams on twitch. 51% win rate.

                In theory, if you just play solo and are playing ranked, you will reach a skill plateau.

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                  I also disagree with the second statement.
                  I mean, winrate doesn't tell if you stacked with your RL friends that play really bad. I started playing dota 2 because my RL friends convinced me to play with them, and they were lv 80 +-. In the beginning, we lost a lot because we fed and i was playing with players that were a lot better than me. But then i started noticing how some of them were bad, and as of today, i only consider one of them to be actually decent player.

                  3 or 4 out of 5 of my friends have negative winrate and 2 of them are horrible, and 2 are just bad. One of them actually plays all day and is still horrible (builds battlefury on BH). And i stacked with them a lot, which meant we faced full parties that were decent, given the high level that my friends were in and how bad they were. In the end we had fun, but we lost a lot. And that was before MMR was separated from party and solo.

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                  I Am Back

                    in pub, it takes skills and common sense, in pro competitive scene, it takes chemistry, teamplay, positioning and understanding between your mates, its like you have been friends with them from the year of birth, you know whats their next move and the only thing you do is to follow up.... to be at a pro scene, first is to master your own playstyle... join those small tourney with friends, slowly build up your name, if you are serious with it.

                    well i am sad to say i am like you too, if you'd see my profile, you know that most of the time, i paired up with the continents worst countries player's, i am not gonna point up coz eventhou its racist but its the fact that i much, gave up on.... i am a full supp, stack or solo most of the time, i get low KDA and low GPM/XPM usually below 400, does that make me a shit?


                      - Shadow Friend, maybe my team doesn't know what smoke is, but the other team know what smoke is and how to use it. I'm not blame my team when I'm dead, is how you said. Is my fault for not watch the minimap but that isn't the real thing. I'm looking the minimap all time, if someone is missing I know who and where, but even so .... they can kill me between my 2 towers and my team has 0 scrolls, they don't even know that I'm dead.

                      If my team do the same thing to the other solo, my win-rate will raise. But most of games they see that I'm the only one who actually do something so they just focus all game on me and I have no help. 50% my fault and 50% team's fault.

                      "Most likely they didn't even smoke, you just weren't paying attention to the mini-map." NO, I know the difference between gank and smoke, I don't really know why they buy smoke, my team has no sentry or wards most of the time so they don't need smoke to gank me, but when I'm feed on mid they do it and they can kill me, all time the other teams seems to play better than all of my team. You think my team has scrolls to help me? lol.

                      I know how to play mid, is what I do and what I practice all day, I'm not the best I need a lot of improve on my game but I know how to creepblock, how to lane control, how to harrass, how to farm. But how I said, I'm not the best and some times I loss mid, who won't?.

                      Some ranking games lost playing good:

                      Maybe GPM isn't good, but only because I wans't be able to farm playin 5vs1
             (0-11 and 0-14 teammates, ah sure! is my fault for not winning alone by my self!)
             (pretty same, not high damage to heroes because I was supporting my "team")

                      Me playing solo mid on ranking games:
             (my gg)
             (my and tide gg)
             (my gg, my team just farm on late)
             (other gg mine)
             (and again)
             (team working together)
             (my personal gg)
             (and again)

                      - Concede, I know what you're saying. I don't want to be pro player in 1 week "hey I have potential! Navi watch my games!". I came here looking for help, some kind of secret between normal players and pro players. The tournaments where teams are looking for new talents, low leagues but important to new players or teams, that kind of stuff.

                      I'll try to play more on ranking and view if is turn better with time.

                      - Albinoblackbear, I have potential there is not daubt about that, a lot of players has potential too, even more than me. 1600 games doesn't mean anything, win-rate ether. Just look verified players and some has 50%, 55% and they're pro players. Most of pro players play with pro friends ...... is really easy to raise your win-rate.

                      If you thinkg that the number of games or win-rate is the way to know how good a player is, you're so wrong. Just read what I said before, and see verified players.

                      I don't need to be 6k or 70% win-rate to be "potential skilled player", a lot of players with that stats never play on the pro scene. AdmiralBulldog for example, he play with Dendi 1 single game and he play good that's why only for that game he's now on Alliance and he's now the champion of The International. Maybe if he was doing the same as I posting this thread the same people would say him "you've no potential".

                      If Dendi says I have no potential, OK, but if some random say it, I don't really care. Don't take this as an insult, we are all randoms here.


                      Dota2 has this problem, a lot of people trolling and insulting, reporting people, raging all games, leaving, reporting again, the community is really bad and that's not help us. I came here to find some help/tips/encourage or something but all I get is trolling, bullshit and more trolling. Some people don't and they really wanna help and I say thank to them.

                      Only pro players can say "you've no potential, delete dota this isnt for you". You're no one to say it as I'm no one to say I have potential, but the difference is just that, I know what i want and I know that I can do it, I do it before why i can't now? I played other games on pro scene I have experience, micro, patience and most importantly want to improve. I played dota as casual gamer until now but I want to change it.

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                        ^ Lol......................................................................................!!!!


                          Like 99% of players are "potential skilled player".


                            if they did'nt have a good laning phase means that you SHOULD help them.

                            BTW i used to have a winrate of 30%.believe that shit.
                            first MMO ever and now i have reached 50% .i'm nowhere near the guys who are posting on this thread but i know that i can reach there through practice and practice only.

                            i get shit people too look at my templar assassin games.


                              if u rly are any good and only lack knowledge which im sure of! follow this guide and notice the timestamps (kinda figure it out) on the item progression ... well it was made before SB got nerfed so u may wanna go smth elselike buffed dagger (at that time dagger was so bad on sf it was rly situational)

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                                and i can 1v1 you on SA and show u how much better i am


                                  Woooow, you're proud to be better than the average player who wants to play with better player. Benao you gotto be so proud, you really do. We all praise you mate, we all do. Even if you're legit, nobody would had you in a team cause you attitude is balls. You act like the average 14year old who needs attention.

                                  You look like a retard from my perspective, but that's just my opinion.


                                    i just gave him a chance to see that +250 pings means nothing when you're garbage


                                      Just trash talking, go away kids.


                                        Hey man you seem upset are you alright?


                                          Honestly though Muspel you come across as something between a joke and being serious. I fully appreciate 100% your desire to play a better standard of Doto, I really do, but copying and pasting a handful of games where you've done well doesn't prove anything. In theory you are 1/10 players in every game therefore in 10% of your games you should be the best player on the map. If you only play mid or carry, like you said you do, this number should look closer to 30%. You're right that the numbers don't mean everything but at the same time they do provide some insight into the person behind the account.

                                          The Dotabuff community, however, is toxic. My advice to you would be stay off it because they won't help. Stick with the friends you've found and start playing to win every game. I wouldn't get involved in TMM or captains mode if I were you until you have your full 5 and you've played at least 50-100 games together in AP. Once you know each other's play styles and you've stomped a bunch of games then sure TRY captains mode. But believe me now there is a huge difference in gaming between 3k pubs and TMM/CM. I'm not trying to say I'm great at TMM/CM but I have played in tournaments before and even at my MMR (4.3k) there's an obvious difference in the standard of pub play and even the lowest end of coordinated games. I'm sure you can testify to this yourself when you look at your own games in captains mode winning 2 of the last 13 captains mode games is just an indication of the jump up to the next level. TMM is that same jump up again. For now, practice with your friends and watch as much pro stuff as you can.

                                          On a side note, I will add you, we can play some together. I want to see how you play :)


                                            wow dude you can solo win games
                                            in your way i should be dendi

                                            I WIN WITHOUT KILLS

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                              You are wrong! If you can win only ~50% of your games, then you are pretty much at the MMR you deserve.

                                              Here's another story to read:


                                                ^ ive also done something similar to this my friend went overseas for like 3 weeks and i knew his steam details so i used his account to play dota :D and he was always complaining that he was stuck in elo hell and couldnt get out because his shit team and i kept telling him its where he belongs lol so he was 2900 mmr or something i played on his account for 2-3 weeks and got it to 4k without a sweat lol proof that no such thing as hell :D

                                                nuvole bianche

                                                  Be good.


                                                    OIOIOIOIOI FAGGOT PERUVIAN, YOU'RE 3.8K YOU ARE NOT GOOD YOU AND THATS FOR are what people call Dunning Kruger....I have worst stats than you and im only at 4k mmr SEA server....yet I think anyday I can beat you at this game, if your team mates lanes aren't going so well then why then fuck you probably at mid farming while crying about other lanes feeding....The fact is even a 4.5k mmr player is not eligible to become a SEMI PRO...5k is like the minimum mark to become quarter pro LMFAO


                                                      Muspel, I am going to give you a piece of advice and hopefully you will take it to heed.

                                                      Aside from your shadow fiend your hero base is very pub oriented and weak. None of your top heroes stand out as someone that a team would want. Most team whether pro or semi-pro will have a mid player and a carry at least. Everyone wants to mid or carry as it is just one of those glory roles that people want for egotistical reasons.

                                                      The issue here is you have nothing that people will notice. I look at your stats and see pub stomping heroes and low win rate mids. Let me give you some examples of what I would look for showing you a few of my admired dotabuff accounts.

                                             - I could clearly use him for offlane.
                                             - Similar to my herobase so hard support or utility support
                                             - Hard support and an exceptional one at that
                                             - Mid player

                                                      Look at the above accounts and how clearly their hero base defines them as "experts" in their field. Your top heroes show little experience and bad command over a very important lane, the mid. This is again not to discourage your or to encourage another broken wall of text from yourself.

                                                      Not to blow his trumpet but I have watch a lot of his games from when he was on his first account the reason he gets to play a lot with "known" players and gets noticed is because he is a very good support player. Carries, mids and even offlaners are a dime a dozen. Unless you are exceptional at any one of these then you will never ever get noticed and sadly you're not.

                                                      Think of it in football sense. There are hundreds of strikers but less defenders and even fewer goalkeepers. You want to get in fast? Become a goalkeeper or get so fucking good at striking people will notice you......

                                                      Things to ponder big boy.


                                                        Badger u forgot me for ur super sexy treant only role :(


                                                          Haffoc, steam?


                                                            @Dizzy I see the makings of another avidity but you need to have a few more matches for people to want to take you seriously. Keep it up though :)

                                                            @fuzzy I will login.

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                              SA has the lowest level when it comes to players. And there i thought russians were bad, i stand corrected.

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                I didnt want to be in havoc list anyway D:

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  Havoc's team is shit anyway


                                                                    Hey my team would be awesome, with blackjack and hookers.

                                                                    @Dorly I would use you as a mid or as an offlaner

                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                      How would you use me! :D


                                                                        id use u as my personnal courrier.


                                                                          If I was to ever need Ursa/Wisp I would give you and fadi a call.

                                                                          #26 team - 1st on page 2 from 3 dodged games.

                                                                          I hate you guys so very very much.


                                                                            IF U WANT TO GET NOTICED, APPLY FOR X FACTOR DOTA, AND SHOW THE JUDGES YOUR TALENT.

                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                              ^That should be a legit thing

                                                                              yuzu kosho

                                                                                If you're good enough you'll get noticed


                                                                                  havoc steam? ;D


                                                                                    Dorkly as a midlaner

                                                                                    !!! stahp before its too late


                                                                                      Too late, he is my mid. Sano dodged to go with another team.


                                                                                        Nobody wants the 2k scrub q.q #foreveralone


                                                                                          "Dota2 has this problem, a lot of people trolling"

                                                                                          9/10 masta

                                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                          Donald Duck
                                                                                            이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.
                                                                                            Quick maffs



                                                                                                [size=+25][color=Khaki]THINKING OF YOU![/color][/size] #justgirlthings

                                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                                                  I am going to beat the shit out of dendi


                                                                                                    That is Muspel the lady killer not dendi.

                                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                                      No this is cyber bulling

                                                                                                      Going to call the dotabuff police

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!