General Discussion

General DiscussionWho here has time to watch a replay and point out some things for me?

Who here has time to watch a replay and point out some things for me? in General Discussion

    I played a game when I was morph cause Im trying to practice my morph and my problem was I played in normal matchmaking cause there was little support to be had. However, I want someone to watch it and tell me what I could of done in the darkest of situations. Literally dark as in no wards and what not. I tried my best to be in team fights and split push but I would like someone (who is not me) to point out what they would of done in that situation. I did some misplays here and there but I was mostly flustered at how the team was treating me and I just need a second opinion on this.

    Here is the game:

    Few things I already doubted about. 1.) continuing getting linkensphere when it was already late 2). Trying to get a kill on leshrac with no lane ward

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      one thing i would say is that morphling, as a mega hard carry, probably wasnt the best pick if ember had been given position 1 already (obviously i dont know pick order so if you picked after him - bad idea, but if he picked after you then thats his problem)
      secondly, this'll probably sound noobish or something but the best way to practice is to play in a stack, at least that way you can be certain to have decent lineups etc, without going into the maelstrom that is Solo Queue All Pick


        Yea, thats why I had a disclaimer to the post about my first mistake being in normal matchmaking. But I'm not confident enough with my morphling to play in ranked. However, when shit like this hits the fan like it did in this game, I need someone to point out to me what they think the best possible option would be.

        Also, the ember picked last and wanted to go offlane and he was the one talking shit to me 80% of the game.

        King of Low Prio

          you wont play ranked because you bought your account......


            Even though I do play ranked. But I only play ranked support atm cause I know that I will play well with supports. My carry is weak

            King of Low Prio

              no you play supports because you bought your account and you can not play well at that accounts MM so you are playing the role with the least pub impact


                WOAH, WOAH. Who taught you how to play dota? I'm sorry, but whooping retarded invoker pickers and terror blade pickers cause you are playing an aggressive support is the complete opposite of least pub impact. Some games, I even swing to win cause I do nothing but rotate, why do you think I play rubick a lot? Ill let you know when I play a bounty hunter game so you can see how well I do fucking troll.

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