General Discussion

General DiscussionI have a got a very weird feeling about matchmaking

I have a got a very weird feeling about matchmaking in General Discussion

    Hi, I'm new to Dotabuff. This is going to be my very first post here. Please don't be harsh.

    My friend 'Varun' is a buyer of cosmetic items while I am not. I introduced dota to him and taught him to play. But he gets better luck at solo matchmaking while I do not. Another friend of mine 'hyp™' also does not buy cosmetic items from the store or market and he also has very bad luck at solo matchmaking. I personally consider 'hyp™' to be a better player than 'Varun'. Basically what i want to say is that Valve matches buyers with better skilled(non- buyer) players. This way buyers will think that they are good at the game and keep continue playing the game and keep buying items. Which in the end benefits Valve (and does not benefit serious players). I also know that one person's personal opinion does not represent things in the large scale. That's why i am here to find out.

    So what are your opinions on this? Does buying cosmetic items affect matchmaking? Everyone says that Valve tries to maintain 50% winrate for everyone. I don't think so. That 50% is maintained because of the reason i stated above. Remember Valve does not reveal a lot of things. And this could be the harsh truth behind matchmaking.

    P.S.: Yeah,yeah i know i am a bad dota player


      LOL that is the dumbest thing ive ever heard and Dota doesnt force 50% winrate u do good u go up into hard bracket u lose go back down u win go back up harder games this is wat causes 50% winrate and people to think OMG u win some games then they force u back down to 50% winrate thats because wen u win a few games it puts in higher skill bracket lol and your idea of cosmetic purchasers being rewarded by Easier match making is possibly the dumbest thing i have ever read on this forum :D WELCOME <3


        Try to see this comment from the developers perspective and not yours


          No matter wat way you look at it its stupid lol

          Low Expectations

            I literally feel how my IQ drops as I read the OPs post


              I will state more reasons.

              With 'hyp™' my winrate is 56.25%
              With 'Varun' my winrate is 36.36%

              hyp™'s and my solo MMR is less than that of 'Varun'
              My party MMR is higher than that of 'Varun'


                And if i was a developer I would implement this kind of algorithm to generate more revenue for the company

                la the yeezy

                  After reading this post my brain turned into a fucking potato. My god have mercy on our souls


                    May you state specific ratings and also specific details of how well you perform in games?


                      can we just stop posting in this thread and let it DIE before it breeds

                      Ples Mercy

                        whatever drugs you're taking. Stop it.


                          Hi Chimera,

                          This is not the case. Valve does not follow the same policies as others (e.g. pay to win or to get an advantage) and unlike League of Legends all heroes come free and nothing you can buy will assist you in winning your games other than the skill you maintain. While I am tempted to follow suite and say this is literally the dumbest thing I have ever seen posted I can see your ideology behind why you would think this but rest assured it is just you.

                          I have probably spent more money in steam and the marketplace that the majority here but that does in no way effect the way I play or the opponents I am matched against.

                          Hope this helps.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            "With 'hyp™' my winrate is 56.25%
                            With 'Varun' my winrate is 36.36%

                            hyp™'s and my solo MMR is less than that of 'Varun'
                            My party MMR is higher than that of 'Varun'"

                            You ever think that maybe varun is better than both you and hyp and that you win less with him because you face stronger opponents that counters your one hero wonder strategies?


                              This post does give ma an idea that would generate millions for Valve.

                              An item similar to the level booster that instead of giving you 400% more exp it gave you 400% less chance of getting Russians on your team for 500 mins.


                                "I will state more reasons.

                                With 'hyp™' my winrate is 56.25%
                                With 'Varun' my winrate is 36.36%"

                                I'll give you one reason for it. Confirmation bias.

                                Ples Mercy

                                  must buy

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    "This post does give ma an idea that would generate millions for Valve.

                                    An item similar to the level booster that instead of giving you 400% more exp it gave you 400% less chance of getting Russians on your team for 500 mins."

                                    Oh wow. Yes please.

                                    Low Expectations

                                      @RM LORDY
                                      Actually think it would be a bestseller on Steam


                                        rofl op confirmed scrubbiest conspiracy theorist in dotabuff history

                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                          cosmetic players? must be from TF2?


                                            @RM LORDY
                                            Since Russians are a big part of playerbase, that wouldnt give millions to Valve.

                                            But u triggered an idea in me, an Auction House, where players offer 1 game with you (or 1 coach session game) to the highest bidder (+ a % of each transaction for Valve), could generate lots of money.

                                            Jokes aside, i had that feeling too at some point, OP, but it must be coincidence, nothing more.

                                            Low Expectations

                                              @n7k1 I think you forget the basic law of wish and demand.

                                              Everone would buy it once then they let the time to run out and forget to rennew it and forget how annoying russians are, then BAM the get a 4 man stack 3/4 next games meanwhile Volvo raises the prize by 500% and instantly become bigger than facebook


                                                @ Havoc Badger

                                                Nothing about League of Legends is pay to win. When I hit level 30 in league in 2011 I had every top tier champion and 4 good rune pages without spending a dime. Saying you need more than that is the equivalent of saying you need Earth Spirit, Chen, and Anti Mage to be a top tier pubber.

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                  Pay for gear sounds like a stupid way to make a competitive game legit. I didn't know LoL was like that.

                                                  If all of a sudden DOTA starts making items do something besides cosmetically enhancing yourself, then I'm deleting it post haste. Did the same thing with Team Fortress 2. Stupidest idea ever purchasing items, to make you do more dmg, or take less damage. How is that balanced? Oh wait it balances the game creators check book just fine....

                                                  Either way I don't buy any items and just sell my dupes or chests on steam store, then trade the steam wallet dollars for items occasionally. Doesn't seem to affect me getting better or worse players.


                                                    LoL isn't like that. They just know they can prey on impatient children and those with more money than sense so they sell champions for RP (real money) and runes that are quite expensive in in game currency, causing people to buy boosts that work just like Dota's point boosters. Completely unnecessary, I earned everything I needed to get to any level of skill before I even unlocked ranked play.


                                                      This is not Riot, Valve wouldn't do stuff like that or allow it to happen. What kind of company would even allow that!? Unless they are near bankruptcy.


                                                        lol @ this is not Riot. You guys are worse than the Dota hating children on the League forums I think.

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          it is facts though. LoL is a pay to win game


                                                            Too bad it's not. I already explained that. I won't bother saying more because you clearly disagree and/or don't know any better.


                                                              "Nothing about League of Legends is pay to win. When I hit level 30 in league in 2011 I had every top tier champion and 4 good rune pages without spending a dime. Saying you need more than that is the equivalent of saying you need Earth Spirit, Chen, and Anti Mage to be a top tier pubber."

                                                              is nowhere near sufficient reasoning. Yes, you can keep on playing and unlock everything. Have fun with 116 days playing without sleep.

                                                              And yes, if they have that extra "Chen" available to them when picking and only that, they have an unfair advantage over you. In fact, I've won games for my team when I was Chen or Anti-Mage before.

                                                              Plus, I'm not sure why you're on a Dota forum if you love LoL so much. It's like asking to get proven wrong.

                                                              Miku Plays

                                                                I started dota without cosmetics and had an initial constant WR of 60%


                                                                  I don't "love LoL so much". I've played a good amount of LoL (~900 games), Dota (who knows), Dota 2 (~250 games) and even a few dozen games of HoN and Smite.

                                                                  So I have one guy who quotes Yahoo! Answers to debunk my argument and someone else who thinks having Chen in a true pub with no coordination could be an advantage.


                                                                  EDIT: Just thought I'd point out that the kid who says you need to play LoL "116 days without sleep" has more games of Dota 2 than I have in LoL and I unlocked 90 champions/~116 and all the runes any pro would use.

                                                                  Oh and "it's like asking to get proven wrong." - No, actually, I thought the people on here were old enough to acknowledge truths vs. fiction unlike the children on the League forums, but as it turns out, it seems to be a lot of the same people.

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    there where like 500 entries about it right from google do you want me to copy and paste them all for you princess?


                                                                      No, I wanted you to use your brain and think for yourself, but you seem incapable.

                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        I did think for myself I called it a pay to win, then I posted similar conclusions


                                                                          Might as well say the last thing I'd be interested in saying and be done with this place. Obviously not somewhere where any sort of devil's advocate opinion or dissenting discussion is welcome -

                                                                          I will say that yeah, it's definitely an advantage to say "I'm gonna play League of Legends, let me spend $200 and buy most of the stuff I need to unlock to have the actual in game content!!!" (Not skins, etc, but champions and runes.)

                                                                          However, very few people do that and those that do are quickly weeded out if it's actually an advantage for them because Riot has a very aggressive MMR calibration system for new accounts.

                                                                          So what you end up with is people like me, who never spent a dime, made it to level 30 (Max acct level) and unlocked ranked, and everything I need to be completely competitive with the fine pro players in the Challenger tier is already there for me to use.

                                                                          But go on, spend your money, like I said above - you're either a child, or just have green to blow.


                                                                            Too bad those conclusions are based on either assumptions or falsehoods. There was nothing special about me or my account - and yet I got the results I posted. Don't understand how you can argue with that.

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              In store you have mainly 2 main items you need in a match. Champions and Runes.

                                                                              Champions are bought with in game currency (IP) or micro transactions currecy (RP). Newly Released and sometimes stronger Champions cost more IP, while in it RP is easier to get them. Though this does not always mean that person is going to be winning matches cause of that. Sure you get newer and sometimes stronger characters, but it is a skill based game. If you get a Annie that is only 450 IP (260 RP) she can still wipe the floor of a Katarina or Karma who costs 3150 IP (790 RP).

                                                                              Runes are pure IP bought items, and can be pretty cheep. In it they enhance certain stats, when you put them in Rune Pages (whihc cost about as much as a new champion IP wise). In it if you do pay RP for champions and Pages, that means you can use your IP to fill those pages with runes. Though like i said, it depends on your skill to really win.

                                                                              Other things RP can do is give you extra XP and IP. This allows you to buy more Runes and unlock spots for Masteries. Though that still doesn't mean they will win.

                                                                              While in game. Runes only help a little for early game. They are not siginically impactful after that. It is how you build and how you fight in the game that makes you win. Everyone Champion will start with the same level, same amount of Gold, can buy the same equipment, and win a Fight. Where a Level 10 with only played 7 champions can still take down a level 30 who has 20 champions, if they are skilled enough to do it.

                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                what exactly is false about that? Is he lying? is he playing a different game?


                                                                                  Hey, I'm sorry that so many of these posters are incredibly rude, your question wasn't/isn't dumb in my opinion. It's a valid one.

                                                                                  To my knowledge, Valve has not implemented a system like that. I haven't (relatively) played a lot of games, so my repitoire isn't fantastic, but I can say that I have not bought any cosmetic items and yet I hold anywhere from a 56-58% win rate in solo matches (thus far). Perhaps the people you're getting matched up with aren't making much of a contribution or maybe it's you, I don't know. What I do know is that if you select heroes that you're good at and have fun, you should be doing fairly well if you're a competent player.

                                                                                  Hope that helps.


                                                                                    Since no one seems to understand my perspective, I need to elaborate more.

                                                                                    The advantage I'm talking about does not mean that the buyers will get more than 90% winrate. Even a winrate of 51% is enough to keep a player happy. Enough to keep the player continue playing the game. Enough to keep generating profits for Valve. That means even a buyers MMR will be stuck at a particular score and not reach above 5000 eventually. The advantage I'm talking about is very small and not noticeable. If it was noticeable then Valve would be in deep trouble. The very small advantage is beautifully hidden in the chaos of matchmaking.

                                                                                    This is my perspective:

                                                                                    Player A: Solo MMR - 2500 (bought items)
                                                                                    Player B: Solo MMR - 2500 (bought items)
                                                                                    Player C: Solo MMR - 2500 (never bought items)
                                                                                    Player D: Solo MMR - 2500 (never bought items)
                                                                                    Player E: Solo MMR - 2500 (never bought items)

                                                                                    Even if all of the above players Solo MMR is same, in reality Players C,D,E are relatively better skilled players than Players A,B

                                                                                    Varun is a player that auto-attacks creeps and doesn't move an inch when he is told to get back 5 seconds earlier before a gank.
                                                                                    One time Varun actually challenged hyp for a 1vs1 match (note that Varun challenged hyp and not the other way round).
                                                                                    And Varun lost ridiculously. And the challenge was also ridiculous. Varun said that if you know how to play properly a Drow can kill a Pudge. Varun played Drow and hyp played Pudge. It's so frustrating to know that my and hyp's solo MMR is less that that of a player that auto-attacks creeps. Either the MMR calculation algorithm is terribly flawed or my perspective seems to be true.

                                                                                    Even in a recent match I won, I got a Zeus that tells everyone that, if you can, get 5 bloodstones on such a type of hero
                                                                                    We won this match because i dominated the enemy team early game and then pl got farm

                                                                                    The last close match I played was 4 months ago
                                                                                    In this match everyone was trying new heroes and played their best

                                                                                    I also believe that matchmaking was much better in the beta than it is now


                                                                                      Valve has hinted they wish for reports/commendations to mean something somehow. How could they do that in a logical way?

                                                                                      I personally believe Valve has the 5 v 5 matchmaking try to find people of similar attitude to put together. They might use reports, mutes, commendations, and (most importantly) the 5 star rating of cooperation and fun given by your teammates in your games. That's why douche bags who aren't necessarily bad at dota yet always pick carries tend to have random games with 5 carries even at very high MMR. They have streaks of "bad luck" with tons of "assholes". Really, they're just playing with people just like themselves. Maybe they should pick to win, not flame, and not always claim carry. They'd be matched with similar people.

                                                                                      At least that's my theory. Your teammates are assholes, because you are.

                                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


                                                                                        I have friends with 1k mmr bellow me that wipe the floor with me 1v1. But their game sense totally sucks.
                                                                                        They have zero map awareness, many times they get ganked even if they have warded the whole area around them. Unless someone pings them, usually they don't see anyone coming. Also they kinda' suck at evaluating the result of a fight, so sometimes they retreat full hp and let their team die in an easily winnable fight, other times do not retreat in time and die for no reason.

                                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                          League of Legends is pay to play, you pay your whole lifetime to unlock heroes with IP

                                                                                          Also everyone flocks to the OP heroes when released before they decide to nerf it =D, now that is what you call, raking in the money. Release OP hero so everyone buys it, nerf it next patch. It is so obvious.

                                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!