General Discussion

General Discussionwhat role is tiny?

what role is tiny? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Where does he fit on a team? Pusher, lane support, support, carry, initiator, nuker, ganker? Seems like he can carry fine if he gets aghs, ac and heart. He can initiate fairly well if he gets blink. He can lane support if he has mana regen and/or boots. But it's hard to slot him as a support cus he needs farm. His base mana and armor suck, he needs a lot of early items. I can't figure out when to pick him or how to build. And once you get aghs do you split push or team fight?





        King of Low Prio

          ppl need to stop obsessing over what 'role' whatever hero is playing in the pro meta.


            Tiny players usually end up throwing the game....




                you can gank/initiate with the blink dagger build

                or play carry and go straight aghs


                  So long story short, if you pick him fill the role with what you need. You're lacking initiator, get a blink or if you need a carry go aghs/AC.

                  Can't just do a cookie cutter model for him every time.

                  Ples Mercy

                    faceroll/big rock thingie/guy with the tree


                      He has served much more as a carry, however after the blink buff, he is also viable as a mid ganker now.

                      Quick maffs

                        You kill people then you get aghs and you kill creeps so you can kill more people with less hits

                        He can be a really scary carry


                        If you go mid get bottle but skip drums, get blink aghs or just aghs but i think if you are going to get aghs there is no need for drums.


                          i think carry is still the best role

                          Quick maffs

                            ^I agree benao, tiny mid is SHIT against some heroes like QoP, and even if you go mid why not getting aghs to farm way faster and to slap everyone ? I dont really like blink but i guess its worth it in some cases.


                              I like tiny when he's at his smallest size holding the tree with two hands is hilarious.

                              Dire Wolf

                                @sampson I don't follow pro scene at all, I was wondering what role because I drafted this last night:


                                Dire had first pick and they did not ban pl or kotl so I was going to go kotl + pl and faceroll. But I think they realized their gaffe and they first picked pl. So I was kind of forced into picking kotl, then went es to counter pl. Next picks someone wanted invoker mid and I thought why not, then we were trying to fill in carry and the other 4 kept saying get tiny to carry. My understanding was he is not a strong carry, he excels at tower dmg and initiation, but can't carry well. I picked him anyway, other options weren't that great like a razor when we had a mid etc, then last picked ET cus someone wanted him and I like the armor removal for a push team.

                                I played tiny, built him as carry as best I could, went mana boots, aghs, ac. Skipped blink cus ES got one and I could just toss ES anyway. We won basically cus our invoker destroyed mid and our ET did fine offlane while ES and I scored a few kills bottom on their squishy offlane. It worked really well, I wasn't sure if carry tiny was an anomaly or expected.

                                I like playing him I'm just trying to figure out when to pick him.


                                  You did not need Deso.


                                    as good as arcane boots is for tiny, treads is AMAZING for him
                                    +30 attack speed helps a lot


                                      Looks like you did the right thing playing him as a carry then since ES already was your initiator and had blink dagger. I dont think it would of gone the same way if you didn't have an initiator and you built him as a carry still, or if you had to build as an initiator. So if you get another potential initiator in your group, I would ask whos going to play what role and if they'll buy blink dagger or not.

                                      I mean, I've assumed the same thing out of an ES going standard init. build. Then instead he goes as a hard carry instead. We won but still surprised me.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        I got deso last item when game was over just to kill rax quicker. We already had middle rax and top tower but I wasn't gonna bother team fighting, just kill the last two rax. I could've gone heart instead. I probably could've gone treads in this lineup with all the arcane boots on our team.

                                        Quick maffs

                                          If you dont go mid with tiny you dont have a bottle, but lets think about it, you are going to build drums after treads, that its more mana, and after drums you are going to build aghs so even more mana. You dont need mana boots in tiny unless you are for some reason playing him as a support or initiator ( and even in this case i am not sure if its worth it )


                                            Rat/ hard carry late game/ early game ganker/ troll fountain thrower/ troll cliff thrower/ troll thrower into rosh pit, you can fit tiny in most roles

                                            best tiny is late game carry, rush aghas, farm farm farm, manta style, ac, win =D

                                            best combo with io of course


                                              from what u posted i would ask for yourself and the rest of the community that you abstain youself from being drafter

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