General Discussion

General Discussiondoom is op

doom is op in General Discussion

    I think doom shouldnt do lethal damage like veno's ulti. too fucking gay.
    I was fv and doom just ultied me. I just waited in the trees and died from one ulti.
    I was sniper and doom ultied me. I stayed in fountain for the full duration and died.


      You can't wait vs doom ulti with aghanim
      Yes he's currently one of top tier position 2 and 3 pick in tournament
      So he indeed has "special feature" that made him picked constantly


        Riki > Doom if you know what you're doing. I would know, I just played a match against a Riki :D

        Good times.

        *P.S- I usually hate Doom as well, but Riki can easily destroy him*


          ^riki can destroy anything outside of trench?


            Not if properly countered. A tank with a gem is VERY annoying for Riki.

            And unless you buy a Gem of True Sight for yourself (as Riki), you'll probably die at least once to sentry wards.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              have you ever heard of not buying a mask of madness and then getting doomed with it on?


                Wink, was that in response to me?

                OP, there's also silencing and hexing the Doom. Yeah, he requires some attention so he doesn't get out of hand, but just like every other hero he can indeed be countered. Is he overpowered? Ehhh, the only thing I find overpowered about him is his tankiness if you don't get him under control. Gank him in the jungle if you have to.


                  no, to OP. both games he complained about, he was a squishy hero with MoM. If his claim of dying in the fountain is true, its because hes getting doomed with 30% bonus damage and likely getting a long ass doom duration because of aghs

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    No it's not because i had mom on.


                      you had mom on?






                            doom = happy 4v5 because someone gonna be useless for 15 seconds.

                            Quick maffs

                              Wink getting MoM its still ok against doom, you just need to know WHEN to use the item.

                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                doom been OP a few patches back ever since 5.78 etcc. or even before. Just alot of people don't know how strong he is farming jungle etc.. I think if I remember it was against mid-2000s rules in dota 1 to make afgh on doom.


                                  Linkens, Manta style, Hood

                                  Thread closed

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    There's tons of counters to doom and he is paper early. Fight him early, like many carries. On void chrono before he dooms. Or get silencer, or storm with orchid or many other options.


                                      I know there are tons of counters. the easiest is to get diffusal blade to purge it. but imo if he dooms you and you still die while sitting in fountain for the full duration it is clearly broken. my suggestion is to change it to non-lethal dmg, which i think isnt really a nerf to him.


                                        Then how does he have less then 50% win rate?


                                          ^^ You cannot purge Doom's ulti...


                                            If you die in the fountain under Doom with Aghas, which is easily possible if you are sniper with 1k hp, then you need to get more HP for that time of the game.

                                            Magic resist reduces the effects of doom IIRC?

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Who cares if you die in fountain? Game is clearly over in that case.


                                                afaik doom damage is universal (it is still reduced by magic resistance)


                                                  Never said not to get MoM against doom, I said not to turn it on before getting doomed. He should chrono that Doom and then turn on MoM and focus him down asap, and with sniper, he needs to not have shitty positioning to be hit by a spell with tiny range