General Discussion

General Discussionwhy do people suck donkey nuts with legion?

why do people suck donkey nuts with legion? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Legion is 14th in games played this month but a paltry 44.7% win rate putting her in the bottom third. People get flamed for picking pudge, invoker and sniper but all those heroes are at least 3% higher win rates.

    I don't think the hero is particularly bad but I don't understand what people are thinking playing her. I have never played her so I can only post observations not actual experience, but I think a discussion about what works and doesn't work on her is needed.

    Like this game I was in:

    LC wants to jungle, but ended up going safe lane with the expectation of a support there. I wanted to mid viper, but they counter picked silencer and we picked DP so I went offlane. Our support was rather brain dead and instead of helping LC bottom (decent tri lane setup I thought) they both came top. I do not understand why. Regardless LC builds a soul ring? Then shadow blade, ok common item on her but isn't blink much better? Then builds a maelstrom. Why would you want attack speed over str, armor and dmg? I just don't get that one. All the while he is flaming the crap out of me with l337 speek, "fck ure ftl feeder ryt."

    So how bad are soul ring and mjollnir on legion? I see mjollnir actually has a high win rate, but I'm thinking it's cus it's a 4th or 5th item when game is already won. Ultimately this game I feel was lost cus they counter picked viper hard with silencer, countered dp with bloodseeker, dp didn't push, and our centuar sucked and neglected blink. But how bad are LC item choices? Also does jungle LC suck or not now?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Personally I flame people for picking Invoker if they are on the enemy team. That hero is so broken now it's not even funny.


        Honestly, i think legion is best played with treads + blink rush.
        She is so strong early with the lifesteal plus her attack speed buff. Gank lanes. That's the problem, people still farm instead of gank on her. I see people building midas all the time on her, i think it's terrible.

        Also, i think she benefits more from daedalus or desolator, since those will benefit her ult directly. She already has high attack speed.

        waku waku

          one of my games i farmed about 144 damage from duels but still lost ;-;

          Ples Mercy

            because talent

            nandi |

              i personally go on either safe or suicide lane or even jungle if there isnt another jungler.... farm treads or phase depending on the situ (phase if there are high mobility heroes like Luna, Chaos, BS or even Clinkz)
              HIT LEVEL 6 - GANK GANK GANK GANK.... in my op she is not the FARM typa carry but a ganking carry....

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
              Dire Wolf

                Ok that's probably the issue then. Other than items, people try to farm and snowball when they should be ganking. So blink > shadow blade, don't go midas, get an armlet? I hear people all the time saying duels don't matter much now, only 10 dmg lol. The idiots. I also don't see bkb built on her very often, shouldn't it be a 3rd or 4th item? Like treads, armlet, blink, bkb?


                  Who is going to be angry if my team picked sniper and invoker, they are at least a better hero than LC
                  Since the last bug nerf, LC is in trash tier and i would be mad if someone picked him on my team.


                    people suck with her because they don't gank

                    treads + blink and you're good
                    gank whenever duel is ready
                    snowball with lots and lots of damage

                    and its not only 10 dmg, 10/14/18 for levels 1, 2 and 3 respectively


                      Why invoker should get any flame?

                      I mean yea the people who can only use 2 spells suck(yes im talking to exort vokers) but QW voker is just too good right now for people who know how to play it.

                      Lc is trash because people jungle with her if moment of courage was aoe it might be viable but its not

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        MoC got nerfed so don't jungle with her.

                        The items that your teammate picked up in game aren't bad per se on LC, but they're not the best.

                        Treads, Blink, Desolator, AC are better. Shadow Blade is fine if you can't sneak up for a gank. Have your teammates assist you during duels. Who cares who gets the kill as long as you get the damage buff.

                        Dire Wolf

                          I mean when they are lvl 6 they seem to neglect duels cus it's "only" 10 dmg, the mentality is they'll gank later when the ult is lvl 3 and it's a full 18 dmg cus somehow getting 10 now is not nearly as good as 18 much later. Mind blown. But it happens a lot, they screw up duels and make that excuse.


                            Darkness, the whole point is to flame QW invokers because QW is so easy and OP right now. I play Invoker on a regular basis, and I have yet to be flamed directly for going QW (Which I don't do that often in pubs), but I have to admit it is WAYY too easy to learn 4 spells and just spam 2 of them in lane, then spam 3 of them in teamfights, and then ghost walk out if you need to.

                            QE invoker is much more difficult, requires more practice, better positioning, uses more spells (including sunstrike), and is all around harder to rape with, compared to QW.

                            QW is literally just EMP -> coldsnap in lane to automatically win mid, and then for ganks and TFs you just EMP > tornado > coldsnap.
                            MUCH DIFFICULT
                            VERY COMBO

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              " or even jungle"
                              lol I've not seen a laning LC yet.


                                Lesbian Commander can only win if there is hot chick in her team like Crystal Maiden, Lina, Mirana, etc.


                                  lol Lesbian Commander ;p



                                    well yea its easy to win lane vs mana intensive heroes but it not that easy vs people who dont need that much of mana.

                                    also qw invoker has a better ganking potential. the buffs made him viable in pro scene again so i do not want to see any major nerfs. maybe increase mana cost of EMP to make his laning a bit harder.

                                    Miku Plays

                                      LC is great with maelstorm FYI more atk spd means more proc in MoC .......

                                      and i prefer phase rather threads cause its awesome chaser


                                        ^MoC is procced by attacks received (Like axe's helix), and so having Higher ASPD doesn't make you proc more..


                                          I don't know, she is pretty simple and can rape face.

                                          Step 1. Farm blink
                                          Step 2. Rape sh*t
                                          Step 3. Armlet
                                          Step 4. More rape
                                          Step 5. GG