General Discussion

General DiscussionAbility Draft!

Ability Draft! in General Discussion

    Ok so i finally tried AD and from wat i can tell is whichever team picks all the CC (Stuns, slows and shit) basically wins :D is this same for anyone else? anyone care to share OP stuff? best one i did so far was undying tomb stone with tinker ult was pretty fun :D

    Jorges Sanz

      Aside from the usual stuns, orb bashers... saw this one recently.. stickly napalm and ion shell. Napalm buffs the Damage per Instance on ion shell making the dmg output ridiculously high.

      Vanity  ツ

        Magnus' empower on any agi hard carry is pretty nice.


          riki ult + spells = gg
          rmb riki ult is a first pick.. even if you dont want it just pick it and dont level it ltr


            we just face rolled some guy with riki ult :O but i dont think he had spells just crits and random shit :D but if i get riki ult and cast spells? am i still invis?


              Yes you stay invisible


                rocket flare + rearm,
                wasn't fun


                  perfect invis + ion shell + napalm..

                  phantom strike + walrus punch + cleave?


           This is a good insight on the game by our resident blogger and mod.

                    That said, I'm probably the guy who has wasted the most time in AD here in DB, it's a good way to shut your brain for some minutes with mindless fun, so I can give you a few tips.

                    -Generally, there are no actual supports in AD, so if you don't want to die too frequently, buy your own wards. Chances are the enemy won't have any.
                    -Pick the most CC spells you can and try to secure an escape mechanism. Timber Chain is great because it's offensive as well.
                    -Give midlane to the guy with the most stuns and slows.
                    -Give offlane to the guy with a reliable escape mechanism or the melee hero with an orb-walk.
                    -Even if you are going to build yourself as a carry, get a CC spell or a nuke so you won't be deadweight in lane.
                    -Do not get Sticky Napalm if you can't secure some kind of DoT or Fiery Soul. It's generally not worth it in that case.
                    -If there is a Void on your team, but you are not him, pick Chronosphere. He won't be affected by it as well, so you'll have 2 heroes that can move inside it.
                    -Track is OP. A lot of your enemies will rely on some stupid invis spell or Shadow Blade. Track ruins it for them and gives extra money.
                    -Punish the 3+ passive-stackers, AD matches do not get recorded in stats but they are ruining yours and everybody else's fun. They are complete deadweight in lane and still contribute almost nothing during the midgame in a game where action goes so fast you will only reach lategame in 2% or so of your which they'll still be most likely useless because they either couldn't get farm or depend completely on their dead-teammates CC to get close to their targets. If they are on enemy team, farm them in game and when you have won, convince your team to fountain farm them while completely refusing to destroy their base. If they are on your team, try to lose while making yourself seem like you are trying to win. You CAN'T make them win under any circumstances or they will probably continue making this terrible decision and you don't want them on your team.
                    -That said, 2 passive stacking is fine if they are OP enough.

                    Some combinations I've done or seen that worked with great success and not mentioned in the blog.

                    Corrosive Skin + Reactive armor. You can shrug off any harrass in lane and if they try to fight you, they'll actually receive more damage.
                    Return + Reactive armor. Weaker version of the above example, because you'll need to be an STR hero and you'll receive normal damage from spells.
                    Blink skill + Vacuum + an AOE Stun. I did it with Hoof Stomp. You are basically a 100% reliable Magnus.
                    Chances are you won't be able to secure Enchant Totem or Walrus Punch if you pick either of them first, but Astral Spirit is an acceptable replacement.
                    Charge of Darkness is too good.

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!