General Discussion

General DiscussionKeep Losing!

Keep Losing! in General Discussion

    Help! What should I do?
    Please look at my last played games and help me improve, and give me tips to make me better
    (Btw I suck)


      I don't think 2 losses is repetitive losing.

      Sup m8

        Play support instead of carry/semi carry. In this skill bracket supports are relatively rare.


          Get better ---> win more
          shots fired


            Improve your skill and item builds. Easiest thing to correct when compared to stuff like game sense, knowledge of game mechanics and improving your motor skills (e.g. performing skill / item combos, last hitting, et cetera). In my first games I would build shit like Bloodstone on Drow (gave me mana to permanently cast Frost Arrows and it gave alot of HP or so I thought). By getting Manta Style instead, for no extra physical effort or skill required on my part, I greatly increased my odds of winning my games.

            Once you have your item and skill builds optimised, now you've got harder stuff to improve on, such as map awareness, last hitting ability, landing skill shots, moving around the map efficiently, finding farm when you're shut down, et cetera.


            Last Warlock game -

            Most people skip Upheaval except for one point in it. Yes it can be powerful, but as a support Warlock you're going to be underlevelled and therefore squishy. Upheaval barely gets used anyways, so getting stats could be difference between having the mana for your double ult combo, or maybe surviving an extra attack or two.

            I believe maxing W instead of Q is the more popular build. The mana cost of W does increase with each level, but the mana cost per point of damage (or healing) gets more efficient. Or just go 3-3-0-1 (rather than 4-2-0-1 or 2-4-0-1) because there's only 5 enemy heroes so if you're positioned correctly to take advantage of the enemy's positioning you can get Fatal Bonds on all heroes. Fatal Bonds at rank 2 means you can get a full creep wave, or rank 3 means you can get an entire team, so imo rank 4 isn't worth getting over another point in W.

            No one on your team has a Mek and the Shadow Shaman was also stupid enough go Refresher + Aghs too before core items. Even in the late game it's good because of the +2 armour, which scales with HP pool, even if the 250 HP heal isn't much at that point in the game.

            Why did you get Boots of Travel when your inventory slots aren't full? No one else on your team had Travels so it's not like you needed to 5 man tp for a base race. Either stay on brown boots, or go Arcanes for the team (unneeded in this case since Shaman has them). Phase are somewhat of an option because you're slow as shit, but they're expensive for a support.

            Sage's Mask gives more mana regen than Basilius does if your intelligence is above 33. Warlock reaches this with no items when he's level 4. It's useful for giving your lane partner mana regen, but when the game goes late, 0.65 mana regen isn't much. In this match you had Refresher for mana regen, but in the games where you'll have something like Wand + Mek + Arcanes (+ Force / Ghost / insert support item here), you're better off having the Sage's Mask so you have at least one item that scales with your intelligence gain.


            Storm Spirit -

            I've said it before in another post where you asked for help. Your previous Storm games had some weird skillbuild that was all over the place, probably because you didn't know what to skill.

   - This is considered the 'standard' Storm Spirit build as it's the most reliable, although you can replace the Remnant at level 10 for another point into Vortex if you wish. An extra half a second of disable means an extra attack, which makes up for the 40 magic damage you lack from not getting a 2nd point into Remnant.

            i.e. like this -

            Getting 3 points into Vortex guarantees Remnant hits, a rank 4 Remnant is as useless as a rank 1 Remnant if it doesn't explode. Afterwards you max Overload because it increases your damage more than Remnant will, and does it for no increase in mana cost too. An extra point in Remnant does 40 more magic damage for 10 extra mana. An extra point in Overload does 20 more damage for every spell you cast, for 0 mana. Let's say you only use each spell once, that's already 60 damage, more than an extra point in Q. Some of the times you'll use Ball Lightning twice to catch up so that's now 80 extra damage. and for no extra mana cost to repeat that point.


            Phoenix -

            You won but you died an awful lot for someone who can just press R and blam, free Aegis + refresher.

            Skillbuild is wrong, max out W by level 7, Sun Ray does shit damage in the early game and costs you the most HP compared to your other spells, while also doing the least damage.

            Fire Spirit does the most damage, and on top of that, Fire Spirits slow down attack speed, and the only way to kill you in Supernova is to attack you. See the synergy? Less attack speed means it takes longer to get 5 attacks off in order to kill you.

            Dive's slow doesn't scale as you increase it, and it's damage is only applied once, whereas Fire Spirit is applied 4 times. Each Fire Spirit deals 60/140/220/300 damage, while Dive does 40/120/200/280 damage. Let's say you're level 3 and have 1 point in Dive and Spirits.

            • If you get an extra point in Dive, you'll do 80 extra damage, you won't slow them any further than you usually would, and you won't be able to use Dive any sooner either.

            • If you get an extra point in Fire Spirits though, you'll do 80 extra damage per spirit - so if you hit someone with all 4 spirits, you'll do an extra 4 x 80 = 320 extra damage compared to the previous point in it, plus the attack speed slow increases, and the cooldown decreases.

            Watch your Phoenix game again, maybe you could've gotten kills if you had maxed Fire Spirits by 7 rather than Dive, or avoided a death because the enemy were able to break the Supernova due to having more attack speed. You only had 1 point in Fire Spirits by 7, which does a total of 4 x 60 damage = 240, whereas rank 4 Spirits do 4 x 300 = 1200 damage. An extra 1000 magic damage (750 HP removed) is enough to kill like 90% of heroes in the game with Dive, 4 Spirits and a Supernova combo by level 7.

            Your item choices were okay I guess, maybe the order could've been improved. I didn't watch the replay though. Radiance is eh, okayish I guess, since the burn damage works when in egg form, although if you died before you could explode, a Heaven's Halberd could've saved you by preventing someone from attacking for 3 or 4.5 seconds (3s melee, 4.5s ranged). Pipe is a good choice against AOE magic, in this case Kunkka or Zeus, so that was good.

            It looks like you're just following the recommended items, so I'll explain why Shiva's is good on Phoenix (rather than Heart). Phoenix's armour is crap, so 15 extra armour boosts his survivability against physical damage, sometimes even more than Heart will. The item has a passive effect that slows attack speed (synergises with Fire Spirits and your ultimate), making your egg harder to destroy (whereas Heart does nothing), and the freezing circle from the active moves with you when you use Icarus Dive, so it's easy to hit the entire enemy team with it.

            Heart does give passive HP regen, but it also boosts your HP and the cost of Phoenix's spells are based on the [u]percentage[/u] of your HP. Higher max HP, higher cost spells. The passive healing doesn't work in fights either since you'll be damaged at some point, so it doesn't really counteract the HP cost until after the fight, where you might already be dead, whereas passive HP regen from Mek + Pipe for example would work during the fight.



              U take relentless'es position while hes offline? ahhaha


                Who is this relentless guy and why is he well known here?


                  this guy gives huge advice to players here and he replies with pages like u did:P

                  Loli Hentai

                    Watch the pros play, then do similar things, like buy wards and courier.


                      I say continue playing carry if that's what you like, but try to work on having more of a solo queue mentality by split pushing, farming up, etc. Improve your GPM and you will win more games