General Discussion

General DiscussionWho was your "go-to" hero when you first started playing Dota, and wh...

Who was your "go-to" hero when you first started playing Dota, and who is it now? in General Discussion

    I never played Dota 1 but if you started in Dota 1 I guess you can say whoever it was too. :)

    Viper was my go-to hero for when I first started playing Dota 2 last year around this time. My friend recommended Viper to me after a few games and stuck with Veepero until I watched videos of competitive matches on YouTube then started sort of mimicking them, of course, my new "Go-To" hero, is my baby girl Crystal Maiden (; But of course I'm still trying to get Enigma's picture into my Top 3 heroes on client desperately, so I guess you can say Enigma too rofl.

    Or someone you're most comfortable with in any situation rather it be you don't like the enemy teams picks or whatever I don't know.

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      i think at one point i had no ide ahow to play so i just spammed earthshaker. Now it is puck


        axe... that fire thingy was so op until me and people i played with realized u could deny or last hit to get it off :D

        Hakuna Matata

          I used to play Bloodseeker a lot expecially when I needed to win. But then I started to lose because of better opponents and my win-rate with him fell from 80% to about 55% (It fell pretty fast since I haven't played too many games). Now it's Lion for me. When I first played Lion when starting Dota I ended up losing 6 out of my 8 games and completely stopped playing him. Now I started playing him again last month and now I have 16 wins in the last 20 times I picked him. 63% in total.


            Windrunner was the first i picked in dota1 <3 Ginger
            Second Shadow Friend
            Fuck yeah need to buff shadow friend also :S


              shadow demon.. back in dota 1 ..
              dota 2 disruptor / mirana


                Viper was also my first go to hero back in dota 1! hahah! Now its Invoker, trying to get better at it.

                Miku Plays

                  Venomancer for 200 games, now its LC or viper


                    back in dota1 10 years ago. kotl. sniper . riki. then tb.
                    proudly that never played pudge until played 1000 games in dota2....


                      Nobody in dota1. I picked whatever I didn't suck with/typed -random.

                      In dota2 I think it's either Lich or Rubick, the former because you can almost never go wrong by picking Lich and the latter because he's fun to play.

                      pls no pinoy



                          My first pick ever was naix, the reason was simple: the icon looked awesome.

                          Then i discovered invi heros and i was like wow, why doesnt everyone play invi heros... that was like in v6.50


                            i like boobs and hoodies
                            now go look at my top heroes

                            Sup m8



                                i started ownage with centaur and was like "fuck... this guy is awesome!"


                                  I thought you can't deny someone with Axe's curse no matter what...?

                                  On topic, i really, really loved Skywrath Mage in dota 1. Totally dominated mid most of the times. But in dota 2 they nerfed him on the time scaling of his 1st spell and they also removed the unobstructed vision that you had while his projectile was chasing you, even after landing on you, which lasted for about 3-4 seconds. This was crucial in order to play this hero aggresively in the early stages of the game which was and the only "real" way to play this hero since a simple BKB renders him useless and has a bad farming scaling ever after. (edit):Now my favourite hero is Pudge... :)

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                                  moises capacócha

                                    @ "icefrog" WR is blonde in dota1 noob


                                      First - Drow, noobs gotta start somewhere
                                      Now - Invoker, noobs gotta go somewhere


                                        I think I kinda went backwards.

                                        First I played Bounty Hunter a lot, and now I'm owning it up with Riki. Bounty Hunter is fun, but Riki is the king of stealth and I love stealth in video games. It just works for me.


                                          Used to roll with Death ward Riki back in the day

                                          Now I roll with mid heroes mostly. Or Potm.


                                            was anything that i got back then

                                            cuz most played mode was -ar

                                            now it is whatever i feel raping with (counterpicking like baws)


                                              Go-to heroes when I begun were Sniper, Tinker or Clinkz.

                                              Nowadays it's AM, Weaver and the occasional Phantom Lancer.


                                                I used to play DotA in local network and usual mod there was "-ar" up to the point "-ap" was considered some OP-cheat-bullshit. I didn't know English good enough at that time neither did most of people there, so it was fun to run away from Bloodseeker/Enchantress or try to wait over Curse of Silence/Battlehunger.
                                                Out of all heroes randomly dropped at me then I say I liked Sand King most until Abaddon was released.

                                                In Dota 2 my favorite hero is Medusa by far. I love this girl.


                                                  I started playing Lina and Luna
                                                  Now my go to is generally Weaver as he can be pretty strong right from the start and is one of the best late games.


                                                    When I started Dota, I started with razor when he has chain lighting and it bounces like rubick.
                                                    After that, I play pugna and other heroes afterward. Now I play a lot of heroes but currently a fan of sf invoker and ta.


                                                      Lion was my training hero.
                                                      Then a long Omni run, now I i switch it up as much as I can.


                                                        first was Lycan of all heroes, liked the dogs or some shit and then bounty once I found the invis.

                                                        Now its weaver and timbersaw, also really like Abbadon. All 3 hyper aggressive going ham heroes, my calling I guess.


                                                          Weaver to Meepo

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                                                            Crystal Maiden, Windrunner & Sniper were my original go-to heroes. Very easy to learn and play them.

                                                            Now I find myself leaning towards heroes like Clockwerk, Slark and Elder Titan as prefered heroes. (Although I still enjoy a good game as a support, especially those rubick games with so many spells to steal!)


                                                              drow ranger to meepo


                                                                dunno, I played -arem :D

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  When I started playing dota2 about 14 months ago and was godawful I pretty much just picked lich. He's a very simple hero to learn and you can be effective with him even if you are bad.

                                                                  After messing around a bit trying to find carries I like I settled on lifestealer. One of the more simple carries, capable jungler, I would jungle him every match buying the exact same items and I rode that to an 80% win rate something like 30-7. Now in ranked that has dropped off a ton, I do terrible with him in ranked for some reason, probably cus my old build and jungle style doesn't work anymore.

                                                                  Now if I had a go to it would be viper. Seems like win mid = win game and viper is one of the easier mids and a capable side lane ganker. But I mix up my hero selection quite a bit. 900 matches only naix is over 50 games play, a half dozen in the 20s, but I have probably 30 heroes between 10 and 20 games played.


                                                                    on dota1, I started with Kunkka (played over 30 games with bots before going online)

                                                                    on dota2, I played a lot of Morphling (Pre-Ti2 era) and now its Terrorblade and Luna




                                                                        Riki to die hard

                                                                        Donald Duck

                                                                          Void. As u can imagine from my winrate, 2nd hero was pa.