General Discussion

General DiscussionSome balance ideas for the new version..?

Some balance ideas for the new version..? in General Discussion


    Abaddon: -0.5 strength per level
    Alchemik: +1 or +0.5 strength per level
    Ancient Aparat: /
    Andy Mage: /
    Axe: -5 movement speed, -10 damage on helix
    Bane: +0.1 or something to all atributes
    Bat: +5 base damage
    Beast: button for summon both
    Bloodsuccer: /
    Bounty Hunter: +1 or 2 to base strength OR more strength per level, less agility per level
    Brewmaster: /
    Bristlebog: /
    Broodmother: Old web with current AOE
    Centaur: -0.5 strength per level, ulty +10 seconds cooldown
    Chaos Knight: /
    Chen: /
    Clinkz: ДОБАР ВЕЧЕР, ЈА БОН ФЛЕЧЕР -5 arrow damage
    Clockwerk a.k.a. Keymaster: /
    Crystal Meth: -0.50/-0.75/-1.00/-1.25 mana per level on self from aura, ulty damage -10%
    Dark Seer: /
    Dazzle: /
    Death Prophet: -5 spirit damage
    Disruptor: /
    Doom: +1 or +0.5 base armor
    Dragon Knight: Flame breath morph for dragon forms (Like 25 damage per second for few seconds), green dragon poison damage over time, red dragon fire damage over time, frost dragon slow + frostbite damage over time...?
    Drow Ranger: /
    Eassshaker: /
    Earth spirit: +1 strength per level, reworked stone kick ability to go to where you click. (can be cast only with a stone nearby) (like tiny toss, but without homing)
    Elder Titan: +0.5 strength per level?
    Ember Spirit: +2 base strength and int
    Enchantress: +10 movement speed :)
    Enigma: /
    Void: /
    Gyrocopter: /
    Huskar: /
    Invoker: slight Cold Snap nerf
    Wisp: +1 base HP and MANA regen
    Jakiro: /
    Yolonero the Swaggernaut: /
    Kunkka: +0.5 base armor
    Legion Commander: /
    Leshrac: cast point -0.2 seconds
    Lich: Movement speed nerf to 300
    Lifestealer: -0.1 strength per level ))))
    Lina: Attack animation buff 0.85 -> 0.5
    Lion: /
    Lone Druid: /
    Luna: -5 movement speed
    Lycan: Ulty base attack 1.5 -> 1.6
    Magnus: /
    Medusa: /
    Meepo: /
    Mirana: /
    Morphling: ulty first cast mana 25->50/100/150, Allow Morph while dead
    Naga Siern: /
    Furion: /
    Necrolyte: -200 aura aoe
    Night Stalker: +10 mana cost on lvl 1 Void
    Nyx Assasin: Cast point -0.1
    Ogre Magi: -1 base armor
    Omniknight: /
    Outhouse Destroyer: /
    Phantom Assassin: +2 base strength, +2 base damage
    Phantom Cancer: -0.2 agility per level
    Phoenix: /
    Puck: /
    Pudge: /
    Pugna: +1 or +2 base strength
    Queen of Pain: /
    Razor: /
    Riki martin: backstab damage -0.25 EDIT: Backstab damage stays the same, Ultimate fade time reset upon hits from enemy heroes (only auto attacks, excluding cleave and such things), rescaled to 2.50/1.75/1.00.
    Rubic: Stolen spells have -25% cooldown, +0.5 strength per level
    Sand King: /
    Shadow Demon: Soul catcher count 1/2/3/3
    Shadow Fiend: /
    Shadow Shaman: /
    Silencer: no intelligance stealing, +1.5 int per level.
    Skywrath Mage: /
    Slardar: I love him but he needs a nerf... maybe -50 damage on Slithereen Crush?
    Slark: /
    Sniper: /
    Spectre: /
    Spirit Breaker: / (I would rework this hero, but he is quite balanced now)
    Storm Spirit: /
    Sven: /
    Templar Assasin: /
    Terrorblade: / - - - EDIT: Reflection Duration 5 -> 4.5, Base attack 1.5 -> 1.55, Agility per level 3.2 -> 3.0, Metamorphosis damage bonus -10, metamorphosis bonus damage no longer increases base damage, instead it comes as bonus damage (the +Green damage)
    Tidehunter: -0.1 strength per level
    Timbersaw: /
    Tinker: +0.1 or +0.2 int per level
    Tiny: /
    Treant Protector: /
    Troll Warlord: /
    Tuskar: /
    Undying: Zombies can only be killed but a right click and nothing else! (not even Medusa split shot or Cleave)
    Ursa: /
    Vengiful Spirit: -0.5 strength per level (Undo the buff)
    Venomancer: Only Venemous Gale poison damage can kill
    Viper: Attack animation 0.33 -> 0.45 EDIT: Corrosive skin max range 1000.
    Visage: /
    Warlock: /
    Weaver: /
    Windrunner: +0.5 int per level, Scepter gives powershot bonus composit damage equal to her int
    Witch Doctor: /
    Wrath King: Lifesteal aura is disabled by Orb Effects /OR/ -5% to the aura nad -0.4 strength per level
    Zeus: Cast point 0.4 -> 0.5, Thunder Bolt mana cost +10.

    Don't flame me please! :D

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      LoL'ed at cm part.


        Tried to keep the boring post interesting with some puns... :)


          Luna: -5 movement speed

          no pls

          and no terrorblade nerf?


            I haven't seen terroblade in action... =/
            Either he feeds hard, or just rapes everybody...

            EDIT: Oh the bitch does need a nerf...

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              Why would you randomly mess with 6.80?

              Its the best dota 2 patch to date. There are only a few heroes that need to be tweaked, such as ember spirit, PA Huskar etc.

              Like... just a ranomd example... you suggest nerfing venge?? Why? Nerfing Tide by 0.1 str per level??? Why?

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                why would you nerf the only king that matters

                submit to the empire of bones


                  Her winrate is high, and giving her more strength per level than some strength heroes is just weird... 2.6 per level, its how much Tuskarr has...

                  EDIT: Wrath king IS too strong... and he's on top with his winrate...

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    Dotabuff winrates are meaningless to balance patches.

                    This game is not balance around pub games, its balanced around professional games and 5K+ MMR tier players and their games.

                    Your entire concept of how to balance this game has been and continues to be disregarded by Icefrog and anyone involved in balance for years.

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      They can't be... xD
                      Lich and Death prophet got +6% winrate after their buffs...
                      Earth spirit lost 10% after the nerf...


                        I wish they would patch the old skeleton king back in. Wraith king looks stupid and doesn't crumble when he dies. Not as cool. I do like his ult buff where everyone is slowed 50% near him when he revives.

                        Yeah IDK where all these #'s are coming from, looks like an effort of futility.


                          OKAY WELL I PLAY 4k MMR DOTO! XD
                          I AM SORRY! :)


                            wowowow miniscule stat alterations those matter a lot

                            yeah I like how you think this game is so precisely balanced that adjusting growth by more than .1 points will throw it all in the water, such well-calibrated sense of balance you have

                            .1 str per level = 40 hit points at level 25

                            you fucking retard


                              I didn't care for the "no int stolen" on silencer. Thats not cool.

                              Vice roy is right on that str per lvl but didn't have to be mean about it idk.


                                Man fuck you, why the hate? Keep it to yourself, and I even asked for people not to flame me.
                                And 0.1 strength is supposed to be almost nothing.......

                                  이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                                    Hm, actually its 38 hp, since that's how warcraft used to work, they should change that...

                                    You don't get the hp before you cross the notch of the attribute...

                                    But then again, 38 hp and 2 damage, that IS something... :)


                                      +-0.1 per lvl,, u mad ?
                                      Little bit unbalanced
                                      add +1 MS for CM, she is too slow
                                      also ursa -0.05 STR per lvl, would be nice why not
                                      Sniper -5 range, he has imba range now

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                      Miku Fan

                                        Viper needs a nerf.


                                          @Concede why do you think PA needs a nerf :(


                                            this nerf only consist about stats, please buff troll make his whirling axes faster. So damn slow to land enemies


                                              @ 我有名字

                                              i think PA needs a buff, she wasn't mentioned. Tweak = change, not nerf.

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                go home youre drunk


                                                  This talk about PA........????? I don't understand what you guys want to say... :D
                                                  I think she needs a tiny buff, like the one I put in here.

                                                  STATS? Yes I think its mostly about stats, I really like stats, and memorizing how much stats some heroes have.

                                                  I know Lnacer has 124 agility on lvl 25, I think that's crazy... 4,2 per level, most agi per level...
                                                  Riki most agility on lvl 1, 34...
                                                  Barathrum most strength on lvl 1, I think 28 and 2.4 per level if I remember...
                                                  Centaur most strength gain per level, 3.8...
                                                  Dark seer most starting int, something like 29, right?
                                                  Pugna most int per level, 4...
                                                  Outworld Devourer most stats if you add them up on lvl 25... agi+str+int

                                                  I enjoy remembering this, I also memorized some of the PI for fun...
                                                  3.14159265358(97932) <- not sure about the part in the brackets

                                                  I know lots of other stat gains, base stats and shit...
                                                  I dislike heroes with low attributes per level... like Elder Titan, Ember Spirit, Slark... Weaver...

                                                  The Cat Named Money

                                                    thats a lot of stuff, nice xD. a few of my own additions;

                                                    Riki: permanent invisibility fade resets when hit.
                                                    Sniper: Rifle replaced with a pea shooter. renamed to Peashooter.
                                                    Razor: small damage increase on Unstable Current, and small damage reduction increase on Static Link


                                                      Earthshaker: +200 Fissure Range
                                                      Because 'Fuck The Map.'


                                               create it!

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                          3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841972693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348 <-pi to 88 digits, known since Year 8. Get on my level noob :p


                                                            You're Asian, can't beat that... =/

                                                            I did nerf his attack animation, that's a lot...

                                                            Hm, I shall include it!
                                                            But don't buff Razor, he's already a bitch!

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                              Doom: +1 or +0.5 base armor
                                                              Ember Spirit: +2 base strength and int
                                                              Bat: +5 base damage
                                                              Queen of Pain: /
                                                              Medusa: /
                                                              Necrolyte: -200 aura aoe

                                                              the op heroes gets even more buff while the weak non picked heroes stays the same or gets nerfed and its stat buffs / nerfs too wp

                                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                I have to things to say haven't seen much but...

                                                                Centaur doesn't have that much HP anymore. Try making 2 bracers and hit level 6-8. He's still killable. Until vanguard/heart. I mean a lina can nuke him down with same levels. that's stupid.

                                                                CM: her level 4 regen is only 2.5 mana per second. In 1 minute that's 150 mana along with their items and passive regen that's like 200-300 mana per minute at most. That's like 1 spell per minute extra that's nothing nowadays. Most people go for max Q & W and get only rank 2 aura til 7 or 8.

                                                                For lina.. Carry lina still viable. mid-late game she can just q & w and take down towers. Assuming u went level 1 stun and max E and non stats. IMO she is more viable than lion cuz of her Q and E spells.

                                                                Low Expectations

                                                                  Allow morph while ded lel :D
                                                                  Silencer nerf would destroy the hero he is already weak
                                                                  Bat +5 dmg? They just nerfed him, he is really strong hero if you know how to play him
                                                                  Why do you hate on cm?
                                                                  And buff ember? are u kidding me sleight of fist should be reworked IMHO should not be able to attack units you dont see thats just too strong. Harass from long range 0 risk taken

                                                                  I think PA, Tinker, Earthspirit needs quite strong buffs

                                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                    Instead of doing a change u should do a poll or a 'nerf or buff' comment first. I'm sure many people in the community think differently than you do.

                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      Necro death pulse does 400 damage and heals for 200
                                                                      Aura damages for 2 % of hp every second
                                                                      str gain buffed to +3 per lvl

                                                                      Holy shit i would be so good balancing this game