General Discussion

General DiscussionBiggest mistakes on each MMR bracket

Biggest mistakes on each MMR bracket in General Discussion

    Hey guys, was just wondering, from your experience, which are the most common mistakes/worst played roles on each 1k MMR bracket?


      I'll give you one, stupid picks and stupid lanes. Now I'm in low priority for leaving a lost game. 3k

      Ples Mercy

        every bracket sucks.


          I'm not saying that there are brackets where it's all nice and stuff, just the typical mistakes in each bracket. From my point of view, the 3k bracket is really struggling on creating space for their carry. Whenever I play carry, unless the enemy team is stupid enough to leave me alone for the first 15 minutes, I generally have a thought time farming since there's always a fight on my lane or any lane I go to farm.

          Ples Mercy

            Every bracket do the same mistake, not being as good as me.

            That simple


              yeah because being as good as you insantly resets their mmr to 1.2K faggy boy.

              what grinds my gears is people considering necrophos a hard support.He's a fucking mid-game beast with an awesome late game transition with aghanim's and other big items.Basically grants your team a kill every 70 secs


                Searching for the regionally wrong server


                  @ |Fever| Carry Your World : Necrophos is a tanky healing ward (or at least that's how you should play him best)


                    biggest mistake: not carrying detection

                    it's like everyone is a shitter at support, trying to make their "big next support item!" when all they need is sentries/obs/dust. when the enemy team has a nyx or mirana, supports never know how to preemptively place a sentry ward. it's like i gotta ask the supports to do this every game, after asking these shitters to always carry detection.

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                    Jay Ashborne

                      #2k Players that dont know why they're bad
                      #3k Kids thinking they are good/better than they are.
                      #3k Players that lack game awareness/have one way track thinking about how heros are played
                      #4k Ragers/Mutes/Players bitching about everything
                      #4k Players that are looking for everything they can do to progress
                      #5k Lack of Io mid's. (Fuck you maS, play WISP)
                      #5k Old players that are far too arrogant for their own good
                      #5k Players that are FAR too Modest for their own good.
                      #6k Goods & try hards|
                      #6k Worst music taste of all mmrs.


                        random button

                        Jay Ashborne

                          ^ -Shivers-

                          Ples Mercy

                            2k -> melody doesnt know why he sucks balls.
                            3k -> Bogi thinks hes better than he is
                            4k -> Yes i bitch about everything.
                            5k -> snack thinks he's a god
                            6k -> Dunno, gonna ask what matrice is listening to

                            So far melodys list seems correct.

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                            Dire Wolf

                              3k - worst mistakes are picks. People just play what they want and think it goods, like last picking pudge when we have nightstalker mid already.

                              Second is not farming correctly. Mids will try to gank at bad times and miss out on tons of farm. Farmers will afk farm entire game when they should be pushing. Just in general there is no balance, either they don't farm at all or farm way too much.

                              Third is not knowing how to win their lane, this is hard to do, but for instance I was in an aggressive tri (so tri vs tri) as AA with visage and slardar. We were vs necro, wraith king and windrunner so not a cakewalk but we should've been the aggressors and my team just sat back the entire time. You'll get supports who never harass or carries who stun at awful times. I'm not great at harassing or zoning out either but I try at least.

                              Fourth is map awareness. Like if dire just killed rosh they are obviously coming into your jungle so don't be there! but people pay no attention.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                              Jay Ashborne

                                You gotta get them kills in the aggro tri, or you lose. GGWP NO RE.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Yes I kept saying let's get aggressive, visage chill grave init, slardar run in, I'll drop chill and stuff once you do but they never did.


                                    All mmr ratings have the same problems. People make selfish picks, get a big head and think they deserve farm,lane, exp, bad attitudes and troll nature. But in lower skill ratings people say you are bad because you didn't do something that they didn't even know you could of done in the first place and higher ratings they get mad at you for not doing what they would do if they were your hero.

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                                      5k -> Account Buyers
                                      6k -> TB pickers
                                      7k -> Aristar of PlayDota forums

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                                      Mortimer Smith

                                        2k --> no supports no wards no courier 40 lh in 40 minutes...
                                        3k --> mb supports, warded first 25 min, the ppl dont know how to stack, the ppl dont know how dota works... 115 lh in 40 min
                                        4k --> ppl know how dota works, but they have a bad performance, no skills. At least they know how to lasthit being carry.

                                        Idk more.

                                        Mortimer Smith

                                          Ah, in all mmr the ppl think they are the best, even in 1.3 k mmr, yeah, it exist and i was flamed by a guy with 1.3 k mmr and like 1000 victories.

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                                            I'm listening to the cheapest and most beautifull music in the world, the silence :)


                                              I wonder if Matt rice is a guys name because i went to elementry-college with a guy named matt rice. I can't believe it would be the same guy because he is awful at video games.


                                                ah matrice you're here i wanted to ask about how you survive jungling tb every game - don't you feel like a liability to the team while walking around with your triple wraiths? Tried it once and my team nearly fucking lost with a 16k gold deficit before I could get back into the game.


                                                  @Let the Wookie win
                                                  In AA+Visage+Slardar trilane it is AA who did nothing. Visage needs some damage to happen before he can start doing damage by himself. At the same time Slardar can't do any much without blink dagger. So the only option for this trilane is to harass with AA's third skill. It was your fault if your teammates had to sat back.

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    Even in 5.5k I see a lot of people that doesn't know hero and item choices depend on the fucking game. Like people going midas when you have 4 cores (1 jungle) or trying to go Ember offlane, end up just feeding horribly. I don't even get it. Go try your unordinary shit in pub games, don't ruin my fucking ranked games.

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                      @ZEnoth, I enter the game pretty fast, unless people are already 0-50 when i reach level ~6.

                                                      I'm not less active than a lane tb, and i just open more xp for safe lane.

                                                      not to mention that most of time there's a wood also in enemy, and much less active and farmed than mine.

                                                      Edit: so to answer your question, no i don't feel like a liability to the team since tb wood require much less attention for your team for the first minutes.

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Yeah well I am in that bracket so those biggest mistakes include myself. Like I said, not very good at zoning out as a support. And I almost never play AA, I tried to pick something else, captains draft.

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                        Just dont feed

                                                          Ember oflane is pretty good....

                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            Yes, every hero is a good offlaner if you don't end up feeding like a moron.

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              @Sam #2

                                                              unranked is completely unplayable atm so I have to test my shit in ranked


                                                                biggest mistake in 2k bracket is that they think they are 5k players
                                                                examples: bogi, hael, dangdang, deca

                                                                Primordial Soup

                                                                  Biggest mistake is clicking that search match button.


                                                                    2.8 to 3.1k bracket me, so this video has helped me by taking the minus 50 prescription:


                                                                    1. Supports don't upgrade courier past the 15 minute mark.

                                                                    2. Supports auto attack creep waves and push wave back or screw up my last hits.

                                                                    3. I switch to support next game then give my carry space in lane, then he fucks up last hits which fuck up the game.

                                                                    4. I pick all pick in my search queue, call what I want early, then we get too much of the same thing anyways after picking, which forces me to repick (i.e. all supports, i.e. all carries etc......)

                                                                    5. I pick a mid call mid before hero selection starts then someone randoms a mid and wants mid now instead of repicking.......... tough shit buddy go fuck yourself then i mute him.

                                                                    6. Pinging excessively that someone is about to get ganked and realizing mini-map awareness is not there........ can't read, cant hear, must be late so johnny fucks up a lot turns his music and sound down so mom and dad "shoulda put a condom on for this kid" doesn't hear me and my friend telling him to get back.......

                                                                    7. Building carry items on a support thinking they are hot fucking shit: (My friend......... IRL....... still argues about this fucking KOTL build saying its viable................ he is in the 1.9k to 2.1k bracket......... look at top 2 keeper builds.......... who goes daedalus/satanic on a keeper? Fuck you buddy:

                                                                    8. Randoming a guy they don't know in a RANKED MATCH then proceeding to feed, instead of attempting to practice some against unranked or bots.

                                                                    9. Unintentional skill abuse or intentional...... idk for sure............. (kunka x marks the spot, disruptor recall, kotl relocate, Euls sceptre improper use saving enemies.......Outworld devourer saves enemies or captures a teammate that could of killed the other team..... yet hes stuck in the orb.

                                                                    10. Items bought for team, but never used by team the whole match, or not used at the right time and is waaaaaaaaaaay off: (MEK/URN/MOC/HOM/PIPE/diffusal, euls, force staff.......... blink initiation... terribad)
                                                                    11. Picking a guy that his ult has a huge cool down then he fucking wastes it on one guy, just in time after we kill the 1 guy, the rest of the enemy team reverse rapes us: (Enigma, Earth shaker/earth spirit, Tide hunter) Great job we got that one guy! Now we just wait 3 min till your fucking cooldown is over shit dicked ass spelunker. Fuck you and your non-blink dagger grabbing initiation guys you tards.

                                                                    12. Jungling for 30 minutes then spouting this line of "my iq is lower than 70" string of bullshit "WHY YOU NOOBS DYING GG MAN" Its like why the fuck even play the game if you're just going to kill neutrals all fucking game you pile of shit? Fuck you. I would enjoy natures prophet pickers if they'd put their hands over their head and lift up to pull their head out of their ass.

                                                                    13. We are behind like 5 kills or more, hard carry screaming, demands team line up mid and go attack their tower even though we have no vision, get raped at tower due to being behind in GPM/XPM and items......... ever thought about not feeding them more tommy tough nuts? fuck you napolean and your fucking captaining you piece of shit. (Not listening to that ever again go fuck yourself.)

                                                                    14. No one knows how to deny creeps.

                                                                    15. No one knows how to stack camp or double pull ez to med. camp......... dire or radiant....

                                                                    16. Luna or other carry grabs a HOTD, doesn't know how to stack ancients, and on top of that doesn't dominate a creep to just tag along for an aura.

                                                                    17. Smoke ganks not used in solo queue pub matches at this lvl, and no one gets the concept that it makes you run faster, and why you are revealed is gee wiz someone may be in the side shop tping out you dickless shit bag. Good job hero blocking me on left side lane shop so I couldn't search the trees and stun them. Making me go balder now thanks.

                                                                    18. Opposite team has invis heros, no one buys wards/dust and somehow is the sole responsibility of the only support we have to buy them. NOPE. Go buy some bara you fat fucking blue cow and dust clinkz when you charge him.......... oh no nevermind let him escape every time dill rod, totally worth that iron branch you've had up your ass instead of some dust dipshit.

                                                                    19. Tri lanes that don't kill should dis-ban early. Not stay in lane for 15 minutes, while your top gets buttfucked all day. If you're going to sit in lane with your fucking thumb up your ass do everyone a favor and pull the lane or learn to pull it........ you've got 15 minutes to sit around like a douche better learn now.

                                                                    20. Skilling the wrong fucking skill first. If you've got a stun and you want to really assist your carry early, maybe you should IDK fucking get your stun dick head. Why the fuck would lion skill mana drain lvl 1?

                                                                    Man I could go on forever and vent. Theres my top twenty of "why you suck dick" comments.


                                                                      Things I hate about the 2K bracket:

                                                                      1) people follow item builds religiously, had 2 games in a row, both of which had bloodseeker on team, both of which the rushed force staff.

                                                                      2) People not understanding what their skills do (yeah bloodseeker you give the enemy carry +120% damage so you can silence a right click hero, great fucking job)

                                                                      3) people don't know how to deny, pull (let alone stack and pull), or generally maintain a lane equilibrium in any way

                                                                      4) related to the above, can't figure out how to change tower aggro

                                                                      5) no understanding of the concept of "going in too deep" (No bane, you cannot go 1 vs 5 the enemy tea- too late you're fucking dead)

                                                                      Which leads nicely onto:

                                                                      6) supporting usually fucks you over because everyone else in your team picks carry, leaving you to support everyone's ass through the early game (admittedly this isn't too bad if the enemy team picks 5 carries because at least you're capable of setting up kills and creating space)

                                                                      7) if someone else "supports" they will only ever buy wards at the start/courier, and mek. No wards for the rest of the game unless you buy yourself

                                                                      8) no understanding of the concept of 1-5 positions. Everyone thinks every hero is either carry or support. Axe can get kills with culling blade? HES A FUCKING CARRY! Puck/storm spirit are intelligence heroes? THEREFORE THEY ARE SUPPORTS.

                                                                      I could go on and on

                                                                      Ye Season

                                                                        3k Retarded foreigners
                                                                        4k Retarded Americans (which is a slight upgrade over foreigners)


                                                                          4000-5000 definitely has a problem when it comes to willingness to support. This manifests as every game having 2 junglers no matter what is going on and one support who has to

                                                                          1.) buy courier
                                                                          2.) buy all wards
                                                                          3.) buy all dust/sentires (no one ever buys this for some reason...)

                                                                          And then he has to prioritize some from this category

                                                                          4.) harass/lane support (and give up all last hits, meaning he has to buy all that shit with literally zero gold as he fulfills duties 1-3)
                                                                          5.) gank/shut down enemy mid/carry
                                                                          6.) farm for himself.

                                                                          Usually, this just means the support will have 500 hp with brown boots in his bag for 20 minutes as everyone loses all their lanes and he dies. Someone on the team will then declare mid is shitty for not winning the game by himself or call the support shitty for dying under the severe pressure solo supporting has placed on him. But hey, the Doom will have his midas at 7 minutes and wards are everywhere. Great! The real shitty player was the unconditional jungle picker.

                                                                          I have seen Doom come out of the woodworks with a spectre on his team against a fairly early game line up. Great...

                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                          Dr Sharkie 🦈

                                                                            2k -> if I play the same hero every game (eg; Jugg) I can carry my team regardless of what they pick or how they lane.
                                                                            3k -> "you think you can carry? I'll choose a carry so you have to support", and watch the 'carries' feed and lose massively under farmed.

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              With HoTD I just give my support control over creep and tell them 'stack these so I can carry your scrub asses'

                                                                              works like a charm

                                                                              kalz | 永遠の領主

                                                                                What items do u start with as TB jungle? Wraith band and 2 branches and then suicide with Meta at lvl 1? Is this the right way or not? Been playing him safe lane right now, but scrub tier mmr on smurf so efficiency doesn't matter.

                                                                                Shinzou wo sasageyo

                                                                                  4-5k Picking jungler every single game and decide to play wraith-night and be totally useless for the 1st 15 minutes of the game. Proceed to blame the team for losing their lanes afterwards.


                                                                                    Matrice said

                                                                                    "I enter the game pretty fast, unless people are already 0-50 when i reach level ~6."

                                                                                    LOL i had a few games like that recently where team was like 0-500 by 15 min, sigh

                                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                      Sam said

                                                                                      "Yes, every hero is a good offlaner if you don't end up feeding like a moron."



                                                                                        level 6 is roughly 8 min i'd say, dipend on camp you fall on.

                                                                                        Last game, i was ready to fight at min 7 (3rd meta since the begining)

                                                                                        that's fast enough. a lane tb before 7min, just don't have the opportunity to have any impact in the game, unless tard offlaner against him ofc.

                                                                                        My wood start is:
                                                                                        sliper sliper circlet, wait 10 gold buy a slipper cast illusion run into the wood. kill a medium spot, and try to make it respawn (when it is centaure or ogre, cause you cann't kill them before 1 min mark and go out, all the other you have time to kill)
                                                                                        proced to get level 2, cast meta farm neutral of the medium spot, farm a big spot, check for your life if you can do one more, if so kill one more spot and run fountain as you are already level 3.

                                                                                        In horrible case, for example, ogre, followed by centaure, with ursa in big spot (that's the worst you can have) you kill ogre, you suicide on ursa, take care of buying all your stuff, and complete it with clarity to reach 0, since you die level 1 in case like this, you respawn in 4 sec, which is more than enough to buy clarity, die, resell it for full price when respawn, and profit the 0-1 gold loss.

                                                                                        If for some reason, you are still level 2, and low life when you meta is over (was happening to me when i started to wood as tb -but it's long now that it didn't happned to me ^^-) then, you can suicide, and buy clarity to lose 0 gold, since you have 10 sec resell, and 8 sec death. but beware not to buy clarity too early ^^

                                                                                        2 sec might be to short for some people

                                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                          i talked to zenoth about it

                                                                                          i'm not a big fan of wood tb (sorry), but it has a major strength: ur sub 5k support players won't sit in lane and leech exp for 5 min while you're level 4 and the phoenix offlane is level 6 and has the potential to solo kill you with spirits + dive + supernova. you get solo exp while jungling and you can always rotate into another lane once lane phase is over.

                                                                                          "just don't have the opportunity to have any impact in the game, unless tard offlaner against him ofc." meh, sort of true. i think it's just most safelane tbs are very bad players in general and don't know when to split push/rotate lanes

                                                                                          in many games there's going to be a jungling doom/prophet/whatever on the other team so woods tb is not a liability at all, and in fact is the hardest carry who can reliably jungle at level 1 while still being a major threat early/mid game.

                                                                                          i've been experimenting with offlane tb and it works like a charm - u can solo kill their hard carry if they get too careless.

                                                                                          the ONLY liabilities are teammates who go 0-500 in first 10 min and make it hard/impossible to win (sigh...but we all get them)

                                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                            Friend of mine picks a hero, thinks the hero is stuck in one role specifically.

                                                                                            The most recent one was "LOL clock mid? LOL no go lane support"
                                                                                            Literally almost slapped his shit right there through the mic


                                                                                              "just don't have the opportunity to have any impact in the game, unless tard offlaner against him ofc."
                                                                                              For this i was refering to the less than 7 minutes, which is the moment my tb can come out of the wood.

                                                                                              But at least you are true on one important thing about this sentence, "most safelane tbs are very bad players in general and don't know when to split push/rotate lanes" xD

                                                                                              But i would even add more, most opponent of those seafelane tb are plain stupid. come on, it's just to easy to tri face a tb, that guy even have less presence than spectre in trilane versus trilane (unless you have dazzle ofc, in which case, you only have the presence of an asthmatic mold when you aren't in meta form.

                                                                                              tb is just like, hey guy, i've a fucking nuclear missile in my pocket, but i die if you blew on me; it's like the worst thing possible for a carry in tri vs tri.

                                                                                              I started to go in the wood as tb, when people started to face tb, and now that i fully mastered the wood tb, no1 face tb anymore :(

                                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                              Donald Duck

                                                                                                Map awareness. Have u ever seen it coming?

                                                                                                Not everytime u will get a decent support. Dazzle contesting lh cause "he needs farm". For What, ffs

                                                                                                People that cant get the "create space for me" when u're slightly behind and wanna farm to get your next item.

                                                                                                Bkb users. Oh, I forgot, almost no one gets bkb.

                                                                                                Buttlefury Bh.