General Discussion

General DiscussionRemoving Ranked Matchmaking

Removing Ranked Matchmaking in General Discussion

    No, you are just an over exaggerating prick when it comes to ideas. Especially ones that have been branded into your brain from someone else you don't even know.


      you are skipping a middle man. The Internet is not a thing in itself. Its a collection of things.

      King of Low Prio

        it was a comparison I never said ranked = the internet

        King of Low Prio

          just like a can make a comparison between a blanket and the sky (they both are blue)


            Well it was a confusing and complicated mixture of you and zenoth combining things. But contrary to belief. I did not buy my account, This account was never 5k and I believe I belong where I am. I feel I am a 4500 player at worst and I'm sticking with that. But this post has nothing to do with me hating my rating. Its about hating the mentality of ranked matchmaking. Its not good for the community and never was.

            King of Low Prio

              Nobody doubts that someone delusional enough to buy a account believes that he is X rating deep down in his heart.


                You are missing the point. I have been through my raging stage and I've been through my egotistical stage. But I know that I am around 4500 at the lowest truly. I have done my homework and thats where I'm the most consistent in the 4500-4800 area. Regardless how facetious, cynical, or overcritical you are of me. Thats where I have been the most consistent.

                ICE SKULL

                  hael damage control is funnier than that guy relentless and concede combined

                  King of Low Prio

                    to me it is just sad


                      Well, you are allowed to believe what you want. But I don't care at the end of the day cause you are just some avatar on a dotabuff forums. At least I try to get better rather than trying to put others down about a fucking number.

                      King of Low Prio

                        nobody cares about your MM we care about some fgt buying accounts and ruining games


                          you are an idiot. I don't ruin games, if anything, its the pudge pickers that go mid that ruin games. I even made this thread to explain removing ranked matchmaking to lower the rate of which people ruin games and yet you go against me and say that I buy my account and I'm ruining games? Like wtf is wrong with you haha.

                          King of Low Prio

                            2k MM player buy a 6k MM account and ques for ranked the system gives him a bunch of 4-5k MM players and on the other team it gives equal MM players. Now the 2k MM player can not even compete on the same level and ends up feeding and ruining the game.

                            The system does not take into account the fact that some loser bought a account and assumes you can carry your own weight(which you cant because you bought the god damn account)

                            how is this hard to understand?


                              Its just as hard to understand as me getting to 4k+ and playing where I belong. I'm not a 2k player im not a 3k player. I've always been a 4k player on all account Ive ever calibrated after ranked came out. So whats your fucking deal?


                                "I'm not a 2k player im not a 3k player"
                                Then you're a 1k player?

                                "I've always been a 4k player on all account Ive ever calibrated after ranked came out"
                                Then why not continue to play on those accounts?


                                  I do sometimes. I gave some away and I let others play on them. I made multiple accounts back in the day because i was a troll and i would use them to dodge low priority and practice with other heroes so i wouldn't rage.

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    All you really have to do to get out of low prio is play nature's prophet over and over in co op bots. And practicing in lobbies isn't that hard?


                                      Well like i said, this was back in the day when accounts had a time duration not a "X amount of games". Not only that co-op bot matches no longer count towards low priority matches. Id leave a game and have 5 days of low priority so i played on other accounts.

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                      King of Low Prio

                                        this kid is trying so hard to make us believe him......


                                          Not really trying. You ask and I answer. But I'm done with this convo now if you are going to just be facetious.


                                            So its simply a coincidence that the first 150+ games played as Freedom Dive were all on the europe servers, and that you suddenly migrated to the US, along with a humongous loss streak out of nowhere?

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              you know how hard the US servers are :)



                                                ergo, you are not 4k players, even 3k maybe.


                                                  Please don't use obsolete words like you are special. Also that doesn't mean anything and we won. Also what part of people shared my accounts don't you get? Plus, I still play on European servers with my friends on this account. I shouldn't have to justify any actions on this account. If you think im so bad, then play with me or 1v1 me. Other than that you have no proof besides trivial name changing.

                                                  Why is playing in Europe west so weird?

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    2-12 hd 7,3.


                                                      Except that as wave has stated Freedom Dive is an account seller on where you probably bought this account.


                                                      Here's another account he sold, all games played in Europe as Freedom Dive, suddenly switches over to US and starts feeding like a retard.

                                                      Need more evidence?

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        Which he added me asking me and tried to stay that he wanted me to buy an account from him instead. Which is why he said that it was That freedom Dives account. Do you even know what a Freedom Diver is? Or Freedom Diving?

                                                        There is only two reasons why you guys are this adamant about it. either A) you are trying to troll to get a rise out of me or B) you are jealous that someone you don't like is a higher rating than you.

                                                        Im going with B) because you cant do anything about it. I"m on the account I'm keeping the rating where it is and you can't get me off of it. So there is absolutely no point in you raging or making up conspiracy theories that wave said. WHO BTW is an Account seller.

                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                          ive come to the conclusion hael is a mix of russian/pinoy/peruvian/american inbred little monkey

                                                          how do we, as citizens of planet earth, solve this plague on our soil


                                                            Yes, which is why he would be in a position to know. It ain't B because idgaf about your rating, I'm 5.7k but it's not like I bother flaunting that number like an e-peen. Neither is it A. Its because idiotic account buyers like you ruin games and then start qq threads.

                                                            Go on, tell me - is it a coincidence that both your account and the one I listed have a 60+ % winrate on Europe servers, then switched over to US abruptly and started feeding and losing most games? And that the item builds on both accounts are remarkably similar for games played on europe servers?

                                                            Is your explanation going to be that you happened to play on Europe servers alot using the same heroes, item and skill builds along with similar item hotkeys with some other random guy who also played mostly on Europe, and both of you magically decided to play more on the US servers while suddenly feeding?

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                              Wouldn't it be awesome if we put every account seller out there in a rocket and sent them to the sun? Would remove the problem right from the root. No supply, no problems.


                                                                Well wave did start this retarded bullshit anyways because i said i didn't buy it and i wouldn't buy an account from him.

                                                                and if you don't care about my rating or your rating then why are you bothering me? If your precious matchmaking works the way you intended it. I would be back to shit tier rating by now. But its not true, My rating is stable. So how is this ruining games again?

                                                                PS: This isnt a QQ thread.


                                                                  That would be a waste of a good rocket.


                                                                    Well he hates account buyers and sellers or stands up for being "Authentic" yet talks shit about me being an account buyer from some source from an account seller. It seems like a fallacy to me.


                                                                      That's his problem, and when he shitposts here he gets flamed anyway. And playdota as well. Its not like anyone has plenty of love for wave.


                                                                        You are quite a gullible man. If you cared this much wouldn't you rather argue or reason with the source of a problem? Rather than a bystander (me)

                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                          Actually, nobody, except Darkness, is flaming wave anymore. He's being ignored more and more as time passes by. Only a few people out there don't make him look like he's talking alone.

                                                                          Yeah, damned rockets, if they weren't so expensive they could be the solution to sooo many problems...


                                                                            Rofl resorting to ad hominem attacks now are we? How about you are a pitiful person for spending money on a dota account at a rating you didn't have the skill to maintain while lacking the balls to admit it.


                                                                              You guys make this seem like highschool. I don't care to learn personalities on dotabuff, playdota, or dota itself on a screen name basis. You are wasting energy and time.


                                                                                No you, sampson and some others just really need to learn to not be so belligerent with half ass internet claims. You aren't going to crack me or break me down. I know the story, you are trying to figure it out.


                                                                                  Ah it's that time again.

                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                    I have to agree with HǣL, US servers are just so hard it is impossible for high rated EU players to compete here

                                                                                    USA USA USA


                                                                                      I LOLED THIS SO HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD !!!!!!!!!!!
                                                                                      B) you are jealous that someone you don't like is a higher rating than you.
                                                                                      B) you are jealous that someone you don't like is a higher rating than you.
                                                                                      B) you are jealous that someone you don't like is a higher rating than you.
                                                                                      B) you are jealous that someone you don't like is a higher rating than you.
                                                                                      B) you are jealous that someone you don't like is a higher rating than you.
                                                                                      You made my day hael. ROFLL


                                                                                        I just won another ranked game. I was playing support against korok support. I guess I don't deserve to be in this skill pool.

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          you picked a low impact support and did as little as you possibly could to try and make your lack of skill as little as possible. You ended a game with 0 denies as a support player

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            you are specifically trying as hard as u possibly can to do as little as you can to slow down how fast you drop.

                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              I find it funny that you honestly think people need video proof of the transaction between you and the account seller to call you out on it. Your account is one of the most obvious ones I have seen in my life. Next time you buy a account make sure it is in the correct region u dumb mongoloid


                                                                                                You will try to justify anything to fit your little delusional perception huh? Maybe watch the game and see if I had low impact.


                                                                                                  Should I play a bounty hunter game to make you happy?


                                                                                                    We will just have to agree to disagree and hate each other evenly. Because you aren't coming down to realist anytime soon.


                                                                                                      @Flop 2-12-30 Btw, I worked my ass off making sure all the teamfights were won.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!