General Discussion

General DiscussionThought I would share

Thought I would share in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    One of my biggest pet peeves is watching supports place wards in the exact same spot ALL game and complaining about the enemy team dewarding them over and over


      agreed, very annoying, but what is more annoying is when your carry is WAYYYYY up in their side, dies, and then repeats it 3 more times.


        @ Wink

        and then says, why no wards gg afk noob support


          Yo Sampson, what you make after phase+drum+vlads? I just played a game with your guide and I made a Desolator, then I figured I lacked mana so things got weird...

          Oh, and to try to stay on topic: without stupid people the world as we know it wouldn't be as fun. :)
          I love stupid people... and I hate stupid people also...

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          King of Low Prio

            I think that might just be a mana management issue. Before vlads it is a little tricky but after it you should not have any problems. I noticed alot of BH players tend to use shuriken too much even on kill that dont require the use of it then tend to be mana starved later


              Just a random note that means nothing: BH is your most played hero and yet he isn't on any of your personal records.
              Just a random observation.
              When i first came here, Sampson you seemed to be more of a troll but you have gotten a lot better/funnier imo.

              On the topic of supports, i used to play only supports and hated it when i saw other crap supports do as you said with wards or be a support and not even buy basic support items...

              King of Low Prio

                I had a mirana match that we stomped the early game and the other team ragequit cept one person did not leave and I stayed til I won the match alone and took BH off all my top records :(


                  Go around and just make it your goal to deny as many creeps as possible in a bh game or get the unconventional method of a mek on bh just for lulz in an easy pub match.
                  Would be pretty funny to see someone's records with most healing done by a bh.

                  Quick maffs

                    Playing support is pretty hard but some people think that buying wards and courrier is enough

                    I would say is the hardest role in dota by far


                      Well, that depends on the player. I personally play lots of supports because I find it easier.

                      King of Low Prio

                        I agree, which is why I tend to give support players flack in pubs so they either

                        A) stop playing support as the 'ward bitch role' and learn there are other stuff you need to do as well
                        B) get so annoyed they stop picking supports